Has anyone here ever been homeless? How bad was it?
Has anyone here ever been homeless? How bad was it?
If you like camping, its fine even in winter.
It’s bad. You can’t properly think on the street. It’s a vicious circle.
Better to steal or go live in the woods
its lit
>in the woods
Confirmed never/k/
the worse thing about it is being bored. if you like to read or have internet access, it's not too bad.
Ever been so hungry you get a migraine?
Most decent homeless people aren't going to tell you they are homeless because they're embarrassed. And they still have jobs, even if they're shitty, usually. Panhandlers are drug addicts 100%
Can confirm, I'm an employed college student who is homeless. I shower at a gym.
>not drinking copious amounts of alcohol
Do you not know anyone you can share rent with? Surely some of your student friends can hook you up.
They all live with their parents, none of them know I'm homeless either. I was also evicted my freshman year in college (Junior now) because financial aid gave me trouble because my dad hadn't done his taxes. So, I can't qualify for an apartment due to $3.3k in collections.
Look up invisible people on jewtube, especially the skid row guy video
Fuck breh, what are your plans? Where do you sleep?
Depends on what youre doing, if youre trying to actively get off the streets it can suck, I traveled when i was homeless, didnt care for a job just wanted to see the world, i got around by hitch hiking and train hopping, people along the way fed me. Not hard if you know what youre doing.
yeah this
My brother was homeless with his wife for about a year... he was on heroin and meth...
Fucked up thing was he always had nicer clothes than me, all stolen.
He would lose his bags or some shit and in a few days have all new stuff.
I let him stay with me for awhile here and there until it was obvious they werent trying to get control of themselves and boot them again
The amount of stolen clothing they have left over here is kind of insane.
>especially the skid row guy video
ledditor detected
you have to go back to r*ddit...
Does living in your car count as being homeless, if so than yes. It wasn't all that bad until winter came along and I had to keep the car running to not freeze to death but it uses up your gas. I worked at a call center, sometimes I slept in my car in the parking lot
1. Bike
2. Sleeping mat
3. Sleeping bag
4. Pillow
5. 2 Person Tent
6. Find nice place w/ no lights/traffic. I have a spot at a riparian preserve; 1 mile from my gym. Most of the time I cowboy camp. I'm in Arizona so the weather isn't that bad.
It's not that bad since I am able to save nearly 100% of my money from my part-time job, I'm able to stay Jow Forums, etc. For the summer I served in the conservation corps (3 month contract), I'll likely do it again.
I'd like to add, that I am thinking of buying a car to live out of instead. I would still be camping outside, but the car will have even more freedom.
Wtf is wrong with this. This is the title of the video, it's pretty hardcore. Kinda made me feel bad for the guy. See for yourself
this is true I forgot about that. I was homeless for a few months and it was worse than jail
Dude, there’s got to be a way you can get a place or sharehouse with people. Maybe you’re doing just fine but I wouldn’t be in your situation.
your situation reminds me of these people I used to ride my bike past on the bike trail all the time.
See them for months then one day they are gone.
See them on the news, they had lost their house and were gonna save up for a year then get a new place.
Instead they saved for a few months and accidentally burned down their tent and their cash savings.
I spend 100% of my time at school/work anyway and I sort of enjoy it.
Direct deposit, I don't carry cash. How do they even manage to burn down a tent lol.
I think they tipped over a little propane grill
Obviously it was hard for you then. How many times did you have to suck dick?
Why do people in the west glorify being homeless tho? Wasn't there a stage with the millennial generation that partook in dumpster diving? It's crazy how you people glorify being poor and destitute. In 3rd world countries, being homeless is a death sentence but somehow it's celebrated in the west. Seems to me white people have the pathological need to suicide whether on a societal level or an individual level.
people just really fucking crave attention
uninteresting people get freakish hobbies and interests to seem cool or get an identity
such is life in a society without any real individual responsibility
we dont glorify being homeless, we glorify people who were at the lowest of lows and keep their head up and kept working towards their dreams until they made it. Being that poor and overcoming it is the badge of honor. When you do that then you know you can take anything that comes at you and be victorious.
>we glorify people who were at the lowest of lows and keep their head up and kept working towards their dreams until they made it
They are literally the exception. Most of people guys who got to the lowest of the lows never recover and end up broken, depressed, suicidal and destitute until somebody helps them back on their feet.
They don't glorify the homeless. They glorify themselves (indirectly) for supporting policies that help the homeless.
When I was a kid, my dad mismanaged his money and we (my siblings and I, along with him) had to live in his car for a week. This happened twice. Though I guess technically the car was a home...
Anyways, it sucked ass. Sleeping was awful, he always had to drive around and find a place to park where no one would find us, which was really hard because we lived in Vegas. It was really uncomfortable too. There was nowhere for us to take a shower or anything, and he barely even had money for food. It was just awful. A lot of why I try so hard to "make it" is because of what happened back then, so that I don't end up like that.
I'm thinking about going homeless for about a year, then come back to find my crypto holding worth millions. Is this smart?
dumpster diving is just plain common sense when you have grocery stores throwing away hundreds of pounds of perfectly edible food every day
Not to mention some people throw away perfectly usable tools and electronics.
It sucked, I couldn't even afford a MacBook
>live in the woods
This, cities are shit at night.
You don't know what neet means do you..?
A few years ago I quit my job, gave up my apartment, put my stuff in storage, and spent 5 months walking from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest trail. Does this count as being homeless?
Haha things will go badly instead of goodly for you my friend. I feel very sorry for you my friend. Maybe try better luck next time my friend.
yea i had a psychotic breakdown and was homeless for over 6 months, ended up doing some criminal shit just to go to jail and have 3 meals and a bed. ended up in a psych ward for 3 months, took some medicine, got my mind back, i had insane delusions about reality during the whole time i was homeless, got on SSI disability cause now apparently im schitzo, ive been buying chainlink ever since it was $0.16 btw and hodl 23k
i have a theory now, and its important to know that i was a regular avg wagie cuck before i had my psych breakdown - my theory is that everyone and i do mean everyone has a complete and total mental breakdown at one point in their life. it could happen to anyone at any time. looking back, i have no idea how it happened to me. and im not a schitzo by any means, i just had a breakdown and lost my mind for a little while. i blame for the most part, some info is just toxic.
hope this post sheds some light on it but when you lose your mind you will definitely be homeless bc you wont be able to maintain social stability with anyone in life to where a living situation could be arranged. just be prepared for that cause it par for the course.
Well nobody gives a shit about those ones obviously
>how old you were when you lost it all?
>do you remind something particular Im /x/ or something in general that made you lose your shit?
i was 27 working 12hr shifts at a walkin cooler factory as wagie
one day i just snapped - didnt go to work, just couldnt do anything in general
my mind was occupied with thoughts id rather not share
it debilitated me to the point where i couldnt function
the things i was talking about were "undesireable conversation topics" and friends and family abandoned me
not working and using all my savings i lost my apt, then car, and was homeless shelter hopping trying to "figure things out"
legally im a schitzo, but in reality i just snapped - im a very normal guy now, always rly have been, even by Jow Forums standards
and regarding the stinkies, chainlink is going to be as big as bloomberg.
it'll never hit $1000 but it definitely will hit $100 in the next 5 years
this. you cant even escape into the internet to hide as you need to plan things around a phone recharge.
>2months, 6 years ago
incidentally my excuse was a massive mental breakdown through living an entirely dissatisfied life. quit my job, friends, family, gf and moved across country with plans to kill myself, which i didnt go through with.
life has been a miserable rollercoaster since and the only thing not killing me is curiosity about what happens next, I am a loner wagie drone who rents, I have no identity and live in constant fear of financial failure, as a failed venture would kill me if I had to go back to the streets.
only a tiny fraction of homeless are mental like I was, the vast majority are criminals addicts who should be shot entering the city limits
can confirm Me and my gf both lied fat about our income when applying for an apartment. We were both bank tellers at the time so I was wearing this nice suit and she a nice dress, dumb fucking niggers didn't know anything lmao. Not that they can do a background check but hot damn niggers are fucking dumb.
depends. I was young when i was homeless (sleeping on the street, camping) it wasnt bad but it gets to you. After 2 months I wanted to be in a warm house so fucking bad. Its like your body becomes used to the stress but that just reflects in your mood and the way you look at other people. Eventually you become cynical.
Good experience but I dont want to live like that. But atleast i know i can survive.