Why do Latinas love white men so much?

Why do Latinas love white men so much?

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entire society still stuck on the colonial racial caste system where whites are at the top
they just want their kids to move up in the world

latinxs are awful
don't fall for porn, they may have great tits and asses but they're insufferable outside of bed.

no they don't, I'm a cuck litreally, and I watch a lot of youtubes where black guys ask girls if they like black guys, and most Latians say they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because most Mestizo and Castizo people identify themselves as white. The definition of white in Latin America, in average, is to have fair/light skin (even if you have "asian" eyes and you're short). Our culture is more European than Amerindian, so it's not a surprise that women lust for white men, so you can "mejorar la raza" (enhance your race)

because white is not just genotypically
white latinos are not pure european but still look european, while there are some pure europeans that look like negros with white skin

>black guys ask
>most Latians say they do
what a nigga cope
negroid features are ugly everywhere, dawg

This is comically true

>Girl gets paid to fuck black guy on camera
>Black guy asks paid girl if she likes black men
>Paid girls says yes
Yep, whatever that girl says must be true.

They find us exotic just as much as we find them exotic. And they like to have sex.