Does communism really kill culture?

People say it does, but ex-communist countries like Russia, Cuba, Romania, Albania, Ukraine, and East Germany seem to be fine.

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No, dummy
Capitalism kills cultures and makes profit out of it

>People say it does

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Doesn't kill but modify it. Communism has its own sub-culture and in order to follow their narrative, they adapt and/or force this sub-culture into the country's culture.

Communism espoused themselves as anti-imperialist, which admittedly is more of a culture killer.

Based argie, a prime example of this would be East Germanys’ military tradition as a strange commie recreation of earlier Prussian custom

Irrelevant because the Soviet and Warsaw pact states are dead the modern western communists and sjw's are an entirely different thing

Not really. The former Marxist-Leninist states were too strict in many areas but they still produced a lot of great films, music, and entertainment. Socialist Realism could be quite boring sometimes though.

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read what this nigga wrote about commodification of culture.

also fuck jazz and fuck niggers

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Basically it did. It just took certain parts of a culture and it so it fits with communist ideology.

Communism absorbs cultural ideas. Capitalism sells it.

To a certain extent, yes, but in the long run it preserves them because it has no impetus to subvert or milk them for profit, which reduces them to a product.

I can name a dozen 19th century Russian writers but barely any from the Communist era. Idk if that's just because I'm retarded

At least they had Tarkovsky

>Communism espoused themselves as anti-imperialist, which admittedly is more of a culture killer.

as opposed to what, the US and it's (cultural) imperialism? The 50 years of US occupation of Japan and especially south korea is the biggest disaster for their traditional culture, which was almost completely westernized.

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Sorry, I worded that sentence weird. I meant imperialism was the culture killer, not anti-imperialism.

Communism straight out turned Eastern Germany into it's own thing culturally speaking

Taiwan is a normal place and china is a soulless shithole where children get hit by cars and nobody bats an eye. They dont value human life

What are some examples of unique Taiwanese culture?

Western communists seem pretty bent on destroying culture as a means of individual "liberation", but communist regimes that actually existed were pretty reactionary and probably preserved culture better than liberalism. Communism kills the body but capitalism rots the soul, as they say.

>biggest disaster for their traditional culture
Oh-my-god, what a horror. how could americans destroy something so beautiful like that?
Culture is global thing.

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Their language. The people on Taiwan speak tradtional Chinese (some even have a dialect from Fujian province), while people on the mainland speak the dumbed-down version.

They are Chinese and gay at the same time

That's not really spoken, traditional and simplified Chinese means the characters used in writing.

yes it is you retarded hohol
substituting confucianism with amerimutt evangelical pay to pray megachurches is fucking cringe.

>The growth of both denominations was gradual before 1945. In that year, approximately 2% of the population was Christian. As of 2014, about 30% of the South Korean population is Christian.

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Russia went from having one of the best literary traditions in the world pre-Communism to only producing shit genre fiction post-Communism, so maybe.

No wonder South Korea is so depraved

Mass culture is degenerative. No matter, it's capitalist or communist.

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Ok but what country has a good literary tradition in 2019

>Russia, Cuba, Romania, Albania, Ukraine, and East Germany seem to be fine

What is your definition of 'fine'?

We aren't talking about economics here, just culture.

Except that this guy's cult is to blame for cultural marxism, retard.

Agriculture reforms destroyed rural culture in Russia but it's something that probably would have happened one way or another. Russia is much better off having it's population shoved into cities anyways

A good chunk of their populations are atheists and weddings and maybe cuisine are the only parts of their culture that remain. They are all at least as nihilistic as the west

>Cultural marxism is this much of a meme that the best conservatards can do for a "serious article" is a few lines citing the founder of breitshart


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how about you read a real book retard,
Adorno did more for the western high culture and it's defence against mass produced pop shit than most of you rightoid brainlets combined.

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cultural marxism is not real, but it'd be a good thing if it was

If convervatives ever actually read anything by Adorno, they'd probably agree with about 90% of it. He was a boomer of his time and spent most of his writing whining about how modern culture is complete shit and how jazz is low IQ nigger music. But because he's Jewish and conservatives don't actually read books he's vilified as some kind of an evil Marxist mastermind hellbent on destroying the West.

During communism there was censorship and suppression of arts, as well as an effort to unify the culture, meaning many local customs and differences between regions were lost.

que grande laje ¿cuando vienes a chile?

Capitalism does

You feed these retards a sourced article from an encyclopedia and they just pull ad hominems or ye olde leftypol "A-adorno was actually a conservative" meme. Intellectual honesty is not the leftists' forte.

Have you read anything by Adorno, by any chance?

Ah yes "sources"

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falling into a suicide net in a Foxconn factory

Marxist Leninist Communism (except for China, Kampuchea, and Albania) was the best preservation of culture and national identity funnily enough. Even race but thats another conversation

Gay Marriage and mass immigration