>starts both of the biggest wars in human history >loses both of the biggest wars in human history
Starts both of the biggest wars in human history >loses both of the biggest wars in human history
no risk no fun
explain how they started the first
I didn't know germans were behind the Mongol Conquest
blank check to Austria
giving Austria-Hungary a blank check to invade Serbia, triggering the whole conflict
invading France and Belgium
declaring war on Russia
was based tho, wish we won
Invaded Belgium in 1914
we wuz finns
>Started war against camel heders and lost
>Started war against rice farmers and lost
>Starte war against colourfull pills and lost
>american education
you know what they say..third is the one..
bruh why are you COPEing over shit that happened decades ago
Serbia started WW1
This poster has a double digit IQ.
>>Starte war against colourfull pills and lost
Redpill me, why did allies not gas you all? Even Hitler said germans were weak and so they had to die.
because we're productive unlike Slav(e)s.
For audi and bmw? Hm, well, why not.
I have an IQ of 160
Serious question: Why were germans allowed to exist after the wars??
after WW1: Britain and the US didn't want France to dominate mainland Europe
after WW2: both the USSR and US wanted Germany as support in their team
More importantly: why did we allow you roaches to exist after terrorizing europe for centuries?
Russia mobilized their armies towards the German border first in WW1
US took lots of nazi scientists for NASA
Isn't it illegal for Austrians to identify as Germans now?
shut the fuck up, I'm tired of seeing this exact same thread, especially when it's coming from the number one warmonger with not that great a track record either
lol you lost both world wars
US has a great track record in winning wars tho
only conflicts they lost were ones they could afford losing, not threatening their national survival or even position on the world stage
there's a reason they're the sole superpower today
US was very lenient and let them off the hook. France wanted to balkanize Germany back into a bunch of city states
Germs have always been mentally deranged, which expresses in self-destructive behavior.
Now they want to flood Europe with African niggas, which will destroy Europe.
They weren't defeated. European armies didn't stay in Istanbul. Also turks didn't dream to put all not turks into deathcamps.
Yeah, they sent them to starve in the desert instead.
>Also turks didn't dream to put all not turks into deathcamps.
>what is the Armenian/Assyrian/Greek genocide?
also we didn't wanna murder all non-Germans, only Jews, Gypsies and Slavs
For real? So why are serbs still alive?
Armenians and other had all rights in Ottoman Empire for centuries.
>comparing medieval Turks with modern German state
just kys
Thats why they are all pussies now. Throughout their history they never had to face the challenges other nations had to face like fighting a costly war in their homeland (except for the civil war) or having to rise up against their government for their rights. Europeans had to revolt in order to gain human and workers rights. They were always rich enough to conform to the government.
Look at Flint, Michigan now. They don't have clean water for years and the most they do is an annual reddit post that gets 100k upvotes. If this was happening anywhere else in the world that city would've been on fire by now