1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Have you accepted that the Ottoman Empire was the one and only true "Third Rome"?

Attached: ottoman empire.jpg (728x424, 45K)

it wasnt any kind of Rome to begin with. It wasnt even anything other than barbarous horde-like entity that knew nothing but to wage wars, steal others achievements, and drain others wealth.
Pidorussians, even for being retards as they are, brought one good to the world that they systematically glassed that shithole throughout XIX century.

Why are churkas always so butthurt?

steppe muslim niggas be like "look at me I am rome now" lmaooooo

He's not wrong.

You suppose to be a human instead of a goblin to deserve an (you) from me.


Attached: Rise_and_Fall_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1300-1923.gif (1104x834, 221K)

He's factually wrong and his pure reeks of pure butthurt.


Stop defending the conqueror and praise your true origin as Anatolian and Hittite descendant
You are more than Asian nosense horde