JNT Thread. Don't expect a pump or anything as the volume doesn't exist...


JNT Thread. Don't expect a pump or anything as the volume doesn't exist. It is just interesting to see them still having articles published.

Attached: JNT.png (259x194, 4K)

Delete this faggot

This isn't the first article they have had in Yahoo finance and it isn't even a big deal.


I don’t give a fuck delete it

>Delete shilling
I thought we were past this.

>he hasn't rustled some jibbies yet

Delete plx...


I was actually hoping for a thread to discuss JNT. I thought all the DELETE faggots were gone.

delete this fucking message if you want to fucking live





At the very least it made them poor.

Exactly datboi faggot bought 60k at ~0.60$

Did the nigger sell already?

The thread I made yesterday was better.

Today some young fuckers are around.

Attached: Boomer crypto.png (671x673, 44K)

Presumably. I think he went apeshit in TG and was banned. He might have killed himself once he realized he played a part in killing the hype for his own bags and did it so fervently.

I hope so, in the end JNT can unironically be $10 or even $50.

Nothing better than losing on the way down and missing on profits when it moons

>killed himself
I hope he didn't. I want him to kill himself once JNT reaches 2 digits.

He turned into a strong JNT fudder if I recall right and we haven't actually had any serious fudders for a while. Either he lost interest in crypto entirely which is possible after fucking himself so hard or he is no longer with us.

Most JNT threads now are just shitposting with the occasional discussion. Nobody is really putting any energy into fudding what is by most measurements a dead coin.

How is jnt a deadcoin you stupid fucking nigger just posted an article about jcash from fucking TODAY

b-but they said Jow Forums can't influence the market
That's not what he wrote.

Attached: B8VDEJjIUAA8aWW.jpg (960x947, 64K)

I know how to read bitch

Can't say the same about your reading comprehension.

> By having multiple fiat-pegged options, businesses throughout the world can use Jibrel's stable coins to harness the power of smart contracts while avoiding volatile Ethereum that is usually associated with the pay-out of smart contracts.

wait isn't this what chainlink and swift are trying to do?

No? Link is a decentralized oracle

Lurk moar

>By most measurements

I generally don't think Jow Forums can. However it was released during the February crash and then things went downhill from there for the market. Going into alts was risky and killing any hype it might have had in a crashing market certainly had an effect. Not to mention the whole jCash/jBonds swerve which turned a lot of the fudding for accumulation into actual fudding as they all sold.

Delete this coin from the world

I'm pretty sure the big draw of oracles and LINK in particular is that it will allow smart contracts to trigger bank payments-- which is effectively what Jcash would be doing-- in a world where oracles don't exist you'd need an ERC20 token for the smart contract to interact with it, but if oracles that can trigger bank payments exist why would this be needed?

I get that stablecoins will have utility for traders but it seems like smart contracts are begging for another solution.

Jibrel gives traditional assets like USD and KRW the properties of an asset on the ethereum blockchain (speed, decentralized, etc.) without the price volatility. This is something completely different from a decentralized oracle interacting with the real world, since an oracle "triggering a bank payment" would still have the payment being sent through banks and other middlemen (not decentralized, not fast)

The saddest part is that there is really nothing to talk about and won't be for months.

Not sad user, we can just do as the Chainlinkers do and delude ourselves with meaningless price prediction posts and memes about the project devs. I'm confident that within 6 months we will be at the very least above $1 USD!!

fucking kek what an idiot