why do americans do this?
Why do americans do this?
Because people buy dumb shit
because they are fat and retarded
Kill all roasties, desu
american celebrities are some of the most basic and retarded people on earth
is there actually a backlash there, or is it just people being offended for japan's sake
Some Jap in SanFran is angry
>San Francisco-based Yuka Ohishi, who tweeted about the controversy, told CNN: "I was not very pleased by companies using the word kimono to market beach cover-ups and robes. And then Kim Kardashian went to a whole new level by simply using the word as a pun. Her line is not at all inspired by the Japanese kimono, pays no respect.
>"Kimonos are an important part of our culture -- for me and my family, we have worn it to celebrate health and growth, engagements and marriages, to funerals. They are handed down from generations and cherished. For other Japanese people, it's part of their everyday attire.
>"It makes me furious to think that Kim Kardashian's brand would just take the name, try to trademark it, and use it to sell something completely irrelevant."
>its japanese
Chinese actually, when will Japan stop appropriating
also neckties are Croatian and suits are Italian. Go wear a trash bag to work tomorrow.
Isn't kimono girls that whiten face all whores?
Based Kardashian deteriorating Japan-USA relations
the truth was spoken
no culture
thats geisha you dumb amerifat
>blah blah blah MY CALTUR
I hate people who do this, not just japs but every whiny muh heritage fag
>waaah why don’t they teach obscure Japanese cultural traditions in american schools
Kim oh NO
why are heritagefags like this
>of our culture
Kimonos aren't part of American culture, so what's her problem?
True Japanese does not care about culture appropriation shit propaganda
But we angey that korean is saying Kendo or jujitsu or samurai came from Korea or so
This is true culture appropriation
Kim Kardashian is nothing wrong
Enjoy kimono culture pls
niggrets do dumb stuff
They'll bitch about it then buy it
I think you completely didn't understand what is the problem here.
The problem is
>Kim trademarked "kimono" as a name of her brand of underwear.
Is underwear, especially controlling undergarment, related to kimono? I don't think so.
Wearing kimono to enjoy : it dose not matter of course.
Stop posting you fucking dumb shit
>why do Armenians* do this
Retard. Nothing about Kim Kardashian is kimono culture
Who the fuck cares about this Kevin
She isn't Black. She's half-Armenian
>meets leftie backlash
>Kim Kardashian filed for a bunch of trademarks on the word "kimono" (even for actual kimono), which, if granted, would allow her to ban Japanese companies from using the word "kimono" in America.
>clothes, underwear, bags, accessories, etc
So we may not be able to use the word "kimono" in USA. Are you satisfid?
No we hate them
Please believe us, no one here like the Kardashians, they're pure trash
These churkas are not American nor will they ever be American
only British people can be American in a true capacity
what makes it kimono?
>what makes it kimono?
This question is the one of most important things I really wanna ask her and the USA.
>look up the salt and butthurt over this
>98% of posts are black people complaining
>literally no asians care or know who this bitch is
tip top kek
>>San Francisco-based
There's the problem.
>no one here like the Kardashians
Yes, I know and I wanna believe.
but this problem will cause bigger and more problems if the USA admit "kimono" as a trademark of this kind of things I think.
I'm glad to see not only Japanese but also Americans think of this problem as a matter.
tfw we didn’t drop another bomb on tokyo and now my fellow Americans are gaining autism from watching cartoons
tfw I trademarked the word "American Independence Day", as a trash underwear bland name in Japan.
tfw I trademarked ”the Stars and Stripes” as a name of shops selling garbage in England.
I talked about not culture you buy but the "trademarks" you may misunderstand the original culture.
Trips of truth.
>The earliest kimonos were heavily influenced by traditional Han Chinese clothing, known today as hanfu (漢服, kanfuku in Japanese), through Japanese embassies to China which resulted in extensive Chinese culture adoptions by Japan, as early as the 5th century AD.[8] It was during the 8th century, however, that Chinese fashions came into style among the Japanese, and the overlapping collar became particularly women's fashion.[8]
It's always some butthurt liberal arts majors second-gen Asian Americans who actually get upset over this.
I apologize for other rude Americans. They are starved for attention in real life, so they post mean things online. Please do not take them seriously.
t. Weeb
Fuck off man
I didnt du nuffin
so what? Each culture influences each other.
No matter how much Swedish culture was influenced by France and England, Swedish culture is not Finnish culture but Swedish culture. Sweden has own Swedish culture, Finland has own Finnish culture.
If you're the person who don't respect your culture nor each culture of countries in the world, you had better go to the "imagine no border" world and sperg out "Santa is Swedish trademark!"
>no one here like the Kardashians
It doesn't seem that way. Why are they so popular and still on TV?
Also, black people bitch about Kim Kardashian because they perceive her as white. And especially black women can be salty that one of their most successful(Kanye) is married to her, even though shes armenian.
Loser white and black girls follow her still and she’s generally the base from which they set their personalities
>San Francisco
Of course.
Dear God, please protect us from americans and their retardation
It's not us you should be worrying about my dude
This happened in China too.
China has trademarked Crayon Shin-chan.
Crayon Shin-chan's publisher sued the trademark holder but was not accepted.
This is crazy.
shin-chan manga artist can't use "Crayon Shin-chan" in China.
Muricans gonna be Muricans.
She's taken enough black sperm that it counts
This. Only now the world realizes the Khach menace
looks like some granny accessoir, like to avoid rheumatoid pain
I don't wanna think it's American "KIMONO"...
Gwen Stefani did something similar years ago, can't remember what word
Cultural appropriation arguments and the utter trashiness of the Kardashians aside, this sets a bad copyright precedent that's easy to abuse. Imagine if any content with the word "kimono" in it was flagged for copyright infringement. On Youtube for example that could mean any video that mentions kimono could be taken down or monetized to send ad revenue to this cesspool of a brand given that the copyright moderation system is largely automated and prone to abuse. Exploitative celebrities and their lawyers know that most people won't have the resources or time to fight back against take down notices which is why they try to get away with this kind of bullshit.
Hmmm, but isnt there a possibility to revoke this copyright if it's a common word. F. e. isnt Google butthurt about 'to google' becoming a common verb for internet search as it would imply they loose their copyright?
Based and poccnapilled
it's basically macro-chimerism in her case
Yes, I think so.
And that’s exactly why I really care about this issue.
How is this supposed to ressemble a Kimono?
I don't think Gwen Stefani thing is same as this topic ITT.
Looks like cum dripping from her body
holy numberpilled
>Kimono and Geisha
Fuck Americans are really retarded...