>Damn it, Gigachad. Not again.
>What's wrong, Soyjack? They were all VC.
>B-but these are all women and children...
>Your point?
Damn it, Gigachad. Not again
Based. Kill em all
Based and democracypilled.
>My Lai Massacre? It happened and I completely lost my faith in the United States of AmeriKKKa that day
>My Lai? In slang it means "Amerimutt" haha
>Anyway, let settle this in hand to hand combat
It's not slang though.
>Napalm? What napalm?
It was the British not us
>Why yes I am about to bomb hanoi, how could you tell?
>Why yes my parents were exposed to Agent Orange. How did you know?
>my village was hit by Agent Orange and Operation Popeye
why did americans lose if they could have just killed all vietnamese and nuked Vietnam into oblivion?
Hippies. The war wasn't supported at home.
resources aren't a priority when you are being invaded, you can lose almost everything and it doesn't matter because you'll literally lose everything if you actually lose
being the attacker wasting resources just like that isn't a matter of life and death
Dumbfuck boomers would rather let all of South Vietnam be purged instead of approving McNamara's plan to end the war by invading North Vietnam and ending the border raids
>b-but muh Viet Cong!
They would have crumbled and routed if we went on the offensive
>b-but da NVA
It had already taken too many losses to resist an invasion
>B-but deh SAM sites
Not an issue when each one is disabled by advancing army units
>B-but muh political will
That's a problem with pussyass boomers, not the USA.
>b-but China would have attacked!
They already hated Vietnam and Mao was worried about the Soviets attacking, this belier is pure boomer cope. The boomers are trash, were trash, and always will be trash.
My philosophy: if any generation other than the greatest FAILURE of crotch droppings the USA ever produced fought in Vietnam we would have won.
>unironically supporting the vietnam war in the XXI century
Muuh freedum
Fuck off ayy lmao
Hey! Play nice or I'm telling the teacher.
No man can stop me
dont lead them so much
Battle of mai lai never happened and even if it did it was in self defense
Didnt want risk Chinese and/or Soviet involvement by invading North Vietnam. Learned the lesson from Korea.
good one