This confuses the European

This confuses the European

Attached: 1561599626428.jpg (500x420, 40K)

kinda looks like a wii from the thumbnail

I have one at work
Believe it or not but there's actually whackos in my apartment building looking for people who have those because we share our electricity bill

i only see them in anime

I have two at home, fuck poorfags

>we share our electricity bill

What kind of communism is this?

Ductless splits are gay. I just pour water on the stones on front of my front door and let cool air blow in

those thin ones are all over italy
never seen air conditioning anywhere else though

in fact when i was in norway they were still throwing wood into the fire, and my host family literally offered me one of those hot water bottles to hold while sleeping. it was like i was back in year 1800

>Share electricity bill

Jesus why are Euros such pinkos.

Dutch commies BTFO