Reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

Reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

Attached: 38737373773.jpg (640x367, 25K)

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>Dubs of truth.
>This but unironically.

Wallpaper and shit tier appliances with a dumb nigger bf.

Fuck this gay earth.

Chain link 10 eoy

White boi in his feelings? Get cucked saltine

yes tulips had a 10 years bullrun from $1 to $6000. it's exactly like tulips. no difference at all.

Not even the same person. Saged and reported for you posting your faggot cuck garbage every single day. Kill your fucking self nigger loving rat.

Attached: ff.jpg (1440x900, 432K)


>Ignoring the crashes

Kek, keep on being deluded.

I often find myself confused when listening to, or reading approximations of, Negro slang. I often wonder how much of the typical Negro's misfortune in life is due to him living in a society that requires complex verbal communication, where his best efforts are, in my experience, comparable only to the noises and gestures of an infant.

At least use the pic with the pregnant girl in the right frame that kind of looks like the one on the left. Those two girls look nothing alike.

Lol white boy bitchboys are so pathetic

how many times do you have to be banned for the same thing, over and over before you realize that you're a complete failure and everybody hates you?

>t. Jow Forums

Attached: black.png (246x151, 30K)

What else can you expect from orcs though? Not exactly setting the world on fire. Intellectually of course, they set actual shit on fire all the time.

You are, no offense, GAY!

not the same girl.
i've seen 3 edits all with different guys with a preggo girl that looks similar

This dude is the worst thing on biz

>it's afraid

I'll give you a bronze medal for trolling

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pap pap!