Memri TV edition
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Canadian starting v4 thread? How come?
AHEM I am leafpole. Now wake up you lazy gits
are you the tranny leaf
Aha. Dzien dobry.
Can't sleep? Should be still night in Canada.
No. Those are separate people.
Leaf pole? How come?
no seeSiemka, I just got back from the Casino, been grinding every night since I got here other than the first night/first full day to make money for living/uni for next year.
> tfw still 3 months back in Krakow
>Leaf pole? How come?
Co? Nie rozumiem kolesiu, mow normalnie
does he post at this time or do you figure he went to sleep
What do you want from her?
i just wanted to talk to him
a hungarian said he posted here
he/she ( can't remember if its mtf or ftm ) isn't here every day, usually he/she comes in, starts a catfight with argie and then buggers off for a bit
Had to look up, what "grinding" means in this context.
According to
So how much do you usually win?
he's ftm thanks though lad i will look here later
I've never heard it used in that context, the website has the wrong definition. Grinding is just a term that describes playing for income over time.
>So how much do you usually win?
It varies day to day, I play online while I am in Poland and make 3-4k ( no tax on that ) PLN/month about 16-20 hours a week of play.
Here the live cash games are much higher stakes but also far easier. My 4 day/18ish hour profit is just a hair under $700 CAD.
>little but often
Is this how girls treat you if you are buffed?
I think the website meant to describe it as someone who earns their income from poker, works at it ( puts in the hours ) and makes a good living ( but not extravagant ). That's the thing about Poker, even if you're excellent it isn't a get rich quick scheme, especially grinding cash games.
1/2 here plays more like 2/5 than 1/2 anywhere else ive played as the buy in is 50-500 rather than capped at 200 like outside the province. It's nice too with all the oil workers here coming on the weekends, having a few drinks and blowing a quarter of their paycheck in a couple hours.
Oh my... if I was in his place in my current shape, those girls would probably rather become lesbians.
Drunken sloots sure, most chicks will play coy and even say bullshit like " I don't like muscle men " to save face.
Why is poker irl easier than online? I would expect it to be opposite because when you play online you have to focus on several tables at once. I want to learn poker too, gonna start next month.
Btw thinking up about some schemes. Ho do these sound?
>Light blue (Thousand Sons) + Silver (shoulder rim and eagle)
>Morghast Bone (pic rel) + black/dark grey (heard that black is hard to do). Or maybe with dark blue
>Teal + gold
reported cultural appropriation
real life is easier you dumb fucking retard subhuman sl*V(e) in online poker you are facing bunch of autists who play like its their full time job, with programs that assist and show probabilities
in real life you are playing against alcohol intoxicated boomers with too much money to spend
same for chess or an y other game. you can easily be a regional champion but you won't get in top 10000 in a online chess website, or you can easily win lan tournaments in your city but won't get above diamond league in a game fucking reatrd subhuman slave
>Why is poker irl easier than online? I would expect it to be opposite because when you play online you have to focus on several tables at once. I want to learn poker too, gonna start next month.
Because the people playing are really bad generally in terms of their deviation from GTO. Generally online you want to strive for GTO because the average micro stakes grinder knows everything from ranges to bet sizing etc. Whereas irl people play nonsensically and exploitative play is much much better than GTO imo. The average level of skill online is 20x higher than irl easily. I stand by my statement that if you can beat 0.10/0.25 online you can be profitable in 1/2 and 2/5 ( at least in Alberta/Cambodia the only two places I have extensively played live ).
I think teal/gold. I love teal as a color base, although if I were in your shoes I would go full SPQR and do the purple/gold.
You are correct mostly, probability assist programs aren't really a thing as you only know what you have but HUD's are essential so you are right in a way.
Just felt like uploading this picture.
light blue and silver
teal and gold is turk tier
morghast bone is the colour of vomit
alcohol only makes them show their true face
>38°C on sunday
17 degrees for me bitch
first mutt now canadacuck cant event make proper subject
don't worry poleanon
i will make a great next /v4/
Summer is definitely not my season.
I like their metallics but making SM gold seems very unfluffy since only Custodes use that
lad i'm confused
are both (?) the canadians on here trannies
one is a half polish sex tourist that constantly talks about his experiences with women and how much he made playing poker
the other is a ftm tranny, but she's based
Wtf is GTO
Great Teacher Onizuka
>one is a half polish sex tourist that constantly talks about his experiences with women and how much he made playing poker
>the other is a ftm tranny, but she's based
Fully Polish and have never touched a woman, don't believe these lies.
Game Theory Optimal
One is based half pole.
Other is mentally ill attention whore tranny
Are you mentally ill tranny too?
unban me
just because i post anime girls doesn't mean i'm a tranny
So are you mentally ill and want to fuck one?
did i say i wanted to fuck him? czechanon i think you might be retarded
tranny menace is possibly ((((their)))) worst scheme of todays age, at least the one drones are capable of noticing, sadly they embrace it
it's trami, and yes. he is not the sharpest tool in the shed
So why are you KYSing me after I called that tranny mentally ill?
Pretty funny from someone who got BTFO by me many times cause you are witless brainlet
because you are dumb lol
im not him you retarded nigger, your idea of btfo is delusional and you are by far the most disliked poster on int, go fuck yourself before i actually travel to pilsen and fucking stalk your retarded nigger ass down
Being disliked by butthurt brainlets and seething incels is a good thing.
You're disliked by everyone with triple digit IQ though.
why do you spend your time on a thread of butthurt brainlets and seething incels then?
because he needs to orbit femoids
all stand for the /v4/ anthem
Because its fun to make them butthurt and then BTFO them. Besides they are not only posters.
>Talking with female is orbiting
You really are incel :)
lol kys
im so pathetic
fucking tramnigger using flavour of the month meanie word, i despise your sorry existence
too retarded to grasp the fact when everyone around you is retarded but youre normal that its usually the other way around
This is legitimately the worst general after maybe /polska/.
Cope and seethe more :) You are proving me right with your every post :3
go order a pizza to calm down, you're gonna get a heart attack
Trami is by far the most Powerful poster, making countless people anally annihilated by his mere existence
ok i am actually going now
bye lads
Not even close
But you are the one seething. Your impotent rage just makes me smile :)
What the fuck am I supposed to wear to the job interview so I look good but also don't die from the heat on the way there
I put on shorts and a white tshirt, but I just look like i'm going to the fucking beach
only saved her before transition. she also posted vagoo but that wont be in archives
>Fully Polish and have never touched a woman, don't believe these lies.
you are lying too much now. the one about pure wife finding was more believable
that's not him
Ah yes it sure is fun to sit in overly crowded trains in such weather
>you are lying too much now. the one about pure wife finding was more believable
Unironically 100% ethnically Polish, no none Polish blood in my veins, and girls are icky
Are citadel brushes worth it or what should I buy?
Opinion on vallejo and army painter paints?
>Are citadel brushes worth it or what should I buy?
I think regular art store brushes are just as good for far less. As for paints I am not sure, unfortunately it's been a long time since I have really been in the hobby.
Drum hold fifty UHH
What's up with the recent /balk/ raiding?
yeah thats why you fucked 20 and are preparing 2 polish thots for the same. yikes from me
>two Macedonians posting here occasionally
>constant raiding
I am too tired to deal with accusations drawn from thin air. Goodnight.
Plus Bvllgarians and all sorts of other people
One BVLLgarian who posted here maybe twice or thrice. There was only one actual raid when I invited them because the general was in an absolutely sorry state.
Kek, old lady screaming at her grandkid in the middle of a packed train. Ah yes, Germans
I am European Bulgarian
You look like a disgusting zoomer. Leave
Fuck India too, for good measure
Yikes, a negress is sitting opposite from me. I can smell her negressness even here.
WE, European, must lower our emissions. Only then it will cool down summers.
Do you have heatwaves in /v4/? Over here temps are regularly 30-35 in normal days but during heatwaves it hits 40-45 (in the sun in the city that means 50 btw).
Perfect beach weather! Nothing to worry about.
Now American tourists on the train are having a discussion and one girl with a smoker voice keeps raising her voice and saying shut up XDD
Zero respect for other people
A discussion about Republicans at that lmao