I want winter back lads

I want winter back lads

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go to south hemisphere

>Ummmm please post wojak with ears. I've shared a lot of my edits with you guys and it took a lot of hard work

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+32 in summer
-29 in winter


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Same. I'm gonna move out of the obvious hellhole of Southern Cali up to a much more NorthWest state of Idaho in around 5 years. Always done well with the cold and horrible with the heat. Hoping that allergies won't be as bad in a colder climate.

Euros be like: "owie owie 15 degrees is burning my skin"

y peps be like dis "dis summer too spicy" looool

>+35° average summer
>-15° average winter
why is the climate zone here called "mild"?

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Mexicans be like

Lol obsessed. You're half of the human being the autistical swede is. Have sex you dumb yank.

+40, -20 at my great-grandfather's town

don't you enjoy +30° AT NIGHT user?

>45 degrees are too much for me what is this hell NOOOOO

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>house facing west
>no wind
from 7 pm to 1 am it's literally hell

>cool 22º and sky covered in fog
envy me and my colder than average temperature rest of europe.

>dry heat
you'd be crying too if egypt was humid

I don't :3

shut the fuck up southron shitskin monkey gorilla you've never ever experienced REAL winter

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come to Japan in August and disgusting humidity welcomes you

I'd probably feel different if I lived with it for my whole life but I'm pretty jealous of countries that get real winters. Winters here suck ass, all we get is rain, slush and maybe 1-3 days of actual snow.

I miss summer.

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