He doesn't know about the Singaporean government and VC collaborations with COSS that are under NDAs

>he doesn't know about the Singaporean government and VC collaborations with COSS that are under NDAs

heh, don't say I didn't warn ya kiddos

Attached: maxresdefault-4.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

Dude the site is completely broken right now.

What are you even trying to say

COSS 1.0 has been abandoned idiot, they are building coss 2.0 in conjunction with the government and VC, its going to be huge, you can buy now or stay poor forever

I brought 16k COSS coins at $0.30

Still holding.

I welcome any good news, but I've lost so much money on this shit that I may as well just lose it all at this point to remember forever what a retarded faggot I am and how shitty and gay people named Rune are.

>b-buy my bags guys

Attached: 1507938044219.png (553x278, 88K)

Fuck off, Pajeet. USA should nuke India.

I've been buying so much cheap coss its hilarious.

Just don't sell too early when we start pumping

Also, what do you even mean by

>COSS 1.0 has been abandoned

You mean they're saying "Just fuck this whole thing" and COSS 2.0 is 100% fresh? You're speculating and making a great reason for why COSS is even shittier than it's ever been right now.

>I've been buying so much cheap coss its hilarious.
Proof of your COSS ownership right now.
You can't buy shit on that website atm.

Attached: coss under maintenance.png (1364x692, 754K)

I bought 1k at $1.80 because I'm retarded. No point selling them now I'll ride it all the way to zero.

Attached: wine-cheers.jpg (455x303, 55K)

Nice LARP cope. If you were an insider and actually knew COSS was going to succeed you wouldn't be such a tool posting your info here. Very obvious that COSS, in its current state is a complete joke. It needs a major overhaul (ie completely remade, branded, and marketed) if its even going to be around in a year.

>completely remade, branded, and marketed

That's literally whats happening brainlet

it is getting redesigned and rebranded dumbfuck
and the only reason its viewed as any sort of failure is because their launch basically started as the whole crypto market tanked, they had that one runup when they released that first UI/website update (when it hit almost $3) but it was shortly after that we saw the market crash.

They're actually pretty good with hitting deadlines and produced a functional platform.

They'll only succeed if they A) release API to allow bot trading and B) we see a resurgence in the overall crypto market - doesn't have to be insane like last time, but just some moderate recovery - if we see both of those COSS could easily reach $5-10+ but I do acknowledge that's a big IF. For now I'll be content with my 50k COSS that I bought at ~$0.05 either way I'm fine, if it goes to $0 I lose like 1% of my portfolio and if it moons, I win!

>They're actually pretty good with hitting deadlines and produced a functional platform.
lol no

>lol no
what a convincing argument!

tell me one time where they said they were going to do something by a certain date and then failed to deliver.

Like I said, they're marred by the fact that just as they were gaining traction, the whole crypto market took a dump. How is an up and coming exchange supposed to succeed when no one's buying crypto? It was just unfortunate timing - if COSS had launched 6 months earlier it would have made all holders filthy rich. If we see a market recovery we're going to moon instantly.

You work for COSS obviously.
They don't even have a working exchange.
Give me my $5k back or shut the fuck up.

you're an enormous faggot
>exchange down for 2 hours

i wish I worked for COSS so i could tell you to suck my dick and that you'll never get your 5k back

fuck off ranjit coss exchange has such laughable volume its never going to fucking do anything especially when exchanges like binance exist. why the fuck would anybody buy coss token or use coss exchange when binance ((just werks)) and has enough volume to liquidate your positions. BNB is way better than that COSS shitcoin too.

COSS total volume 24 hr is like $29k
It's a shit exchange. I've been shilling it here for months but it's gotten ridiculous.

COSS OC made by me. If only your website looked as good.

Attached: coss elephant man.png (605x520, 329K)

mainly because COSS pays out dividends so once they enable the API there'll be bot trading creating dividend gains, and in a healthy crypto market (assuming we see recovery) that translates to huge value which will cause COSS to moon, it's not complicated

I sold in January and can tell you they were incompetent and very well did fail to deliver on everything.
>muh new UI
>muh FIAT
>muh new engine
and now
>muh API
Nothing is going to save it bro.

By the way...
>Like I said, they're marred by the fact that just as they were gaining traction, the whole crypto market took a dump. How is an up and coming exchange supposed to succeed when no one's buying crypto?
Stop bullshitting, I know YOU know that they started in 2016, launched their exchange in 2017 BEFORE Binance.

COSS is a goddamn joke holy shit, even gay exchanges such as TradeSatoshi has 50x more volume, how sad is that?

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youre such a fucking idiot. binances 24 hour trading volume is over a billion fucking dollars. COSS is like what, 50 thousand dollars? nobody gives a shit about COSS paying out dividends when its volume is so fucking trash you cant get anything fucking liquidated. COSS will never fucking moon, nobody is going to fucking use it. Binance is king and its the exchange everyone uses

>FUDing this hard
if this isn't a buy signal i don't know what is

i can smell the curry from all the way in your shithole shack in india

Attached: 1534649676066.png (288x292, 124K)

>my thumb
>100% white
try again nigger

Attached: one hundred percent white.jpg (536x830, 80K)

I would have to argue that my single worst crypto experience to date was dealing with the COSS exchange. I remember at the peak of $3 or so I was up just over 100%. I must have gotten an error message easily 200 times. After mashing the sell button relentlessly for seriously 2-3 hours it finallly market sold. In that time frame as COSS was dumping I finally managed to get in a market sell and got out with a 5% profit. I was salty, but at least money wasn't lost, just my sanity for the day. I cashed everything out, which took about 3 days to finally transfer as well. I've never logged back in since.

We moonin bois

Glad to see someone understands the potential


smart investing, buying something near the top when it went from 5 cents to 3 bucks in a couple weeks

People are STILL shilling anti-COSS memes? Did COSS kill your dog? What the fuck dudes, if its dead then why the fuck do you care anymore? Who the fuck is paying for these shills?

>coss is literally $0.05
>big VC confirmed invested
>$1,000 gets you 20,000 coss
>even modest can see you make huge money

literally a no-brainer

I DCA'ed in that time frame and should have known not to buy as sending funds in the second transaction I made with the exchange took so fucking long I put in a ticket because I thought I got scammed. How is being up over 100% buying the top? I never bought higher than 1.75. I didn't mind because I thought it was something I wanted to hold long term for passive income. Considering I'd be down around 95% it was probably the best decision I could have made. The hype was real on exchange coins like Kucoin and Binance coin so I thought I was being crafty getting in on COSS before it took off. It also didn't go from .05 to $3 in a couple weeks, more like 6 weeks.

I smell curry

try cleaning your beard then ranjeet


>the only reason its viewed as a failure in because their launch basically started as thw whole crypto market tanked

I have 35K cose. It was worth $100K at ATH but I didn't sell because I am a retard. Anyway, have you used coss.io? Have you actually used the exchange? It is fucking terrible. Literally just insane.

I've been in crypto for three years now. And I can say wholeheartedly that Coss is one if not the worst exchange out there.

Even the shitty small exchanges have a better UI than coss has. Unless they completely start from stratch they are NEVER going to make it.

This. I remember that I was very confused on how retarded the UI was and how extremely non secured it actually was. Again, the ONLY way they can succeed if they completely change the entire exchange but they're never going to do that. Their progress in almost a year is laughable.

Lol I even go to bitcointalk to anti shill Paragon eventhough I never invested in it. I just like to expose the truth.