1. Your gaping cunt.
2. Would I pass for a local in your cunt?
1. Your gaping cunt
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What a bear
thickkk bod daddy OwO
>finland visiting rome
guys, go study a book or something
you won't amount to anything if you spend your entire day making gay posts on Jow Forums
i m confused tho. isnt this a turkish sport?
Yeah but it’s heavily practiced by Italians and Greeks as well
fuck off
As Southerner.
I just had an exam at univ. and I'm a grill. Can I have my chill time?
When the Ottoman empire died, we kinda divided Balkan culture among the successor states. But Bulgaria and Greece also have it. Its "fat wrestling" here, as opposed to regular folk wrestling being "dry wrestling".
Would I look like a local in your cuntry tho?
>in yet another episode of amerilard makes outlandish claims with no source
AAAAAH My brother oh how I missed you. Finally we can be a family again my BVLLGARİAN Brother.
Only faggots like guys like the OP is posting. don't kind yourself
not in Italy no
I don't like op's too much but the second one would date.
>I would date the one that looks more sandniggerish
Yet more proof you're a faggot
"I'm a girl" is a common joke among the homosexuals of /int
you don't really need to reply in a serious manner trying to refute it, you know
I like the rugby player type usually. Looks strong, why wouldn't a woman like it?
>w*man enters the thread
>thread dies