Why is French economy weaker than the German?

Why is French economy weaker than the German?

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Because French sounds gay

Germany has a bigger population.

Basically, our labor law is bad. CDI, the most common employment contract, make you basically unfireable, even if the company is going straight to bankruptcy. As you can expect, company doesn't want to hire if they aren't sure at 100% you are good for them, consequently the unemployment is extremely high, mostly young people.

Macron changed it a little, unemployment is going down, but as you can expect : riots from commies & bad popularity.

do they get neetbux?

Oh yeah thank you Macron, the corporations will go high to the sky and hire thousands of refugees at low wages, in 30 years France is brown. Really a great leader.

Unlike last French leadership which managed to get millions of Africans to go to France and not even employ them

The French presidential system sucks. The German parliamentary system is just better at running a nation.

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low iq post

France made the government the go-between for companies and unions, Germany puts unions in direct partial control over companies. this leads to French unions having a zero sum mentality where they try to get everything out of a business they can, while German unions will sometimes allow pay cuts or less hours if a company is doing bad, in order to help it recover while keeping it's employees. France also likes big businesses, which arent forced to compete as much as germanies smaller ones, and Germany focused on high tech manufacturing, so when chinks want to mass produce shit they buy lots of robots from german companies.

But France is a parliamentary system. The president is powerful but can only be if he have a majority in the lower house.

Not remotely true though, stop your drug usage swampkanker.

t. Ahmed Yazine Zaudi Mohammed de Gaulle

It's the currency we use among other reasons

In Germany the Chancellor is the coalition leader of parliament. I.e. the government already has a majority in parliament.

In France the president is elected in a separate election and can have no allies in the lower house and thus very ineffective (which is probably a good thing, since the president only represents a minority of the population and not the majority of the population like a government based on a majority in parliament does).

Merkel in Germany is not personally elected president. If she angers her party, she can be ousted from government, or if her coalition with other parties fails. While in France Macron can anger his own party and piss of everyone in parliament, and still be a president.

Only a tiny portion of France is ethnically germanic and thus able to compete with us

>While in France Macron can anger his own party and piss of everyone in parliament, and still be a president.

Yes true, but then the majority veto the current government and choose another.

Choke on Poopootin's cock

The German economy is completely decentralized into small and agile medium-sized, often family-owner businesses that are the respective global players in a certain technology and manufacturing niche.

The French economy is totally centralized into big multi-nationals clusting in single population-centers often directly or indirectly steered by state actors.

Our industry is completely dead though, because of germany

20 million less people

So Macron can lose his government, but still be president?

Yes because of less Germanic blood. The same reason Italys is failing too. The little germanic blood you have is the reason you were able to somewhat compete with us to begin with

Yes. It's called 'cohabitation' in French.

Yes, it's called "cohabitation". Prime Minister is imposed by the lower house and become the executive head. President preserve some power tho, like dissolving the lower house or firing nukes.

>Yes. It's called 'cohabitation'
>Yes, it's called "cohabitation"
You two should have sex

>President preserve some power tho, like dissolving the lower house or firing nukes.

Or invading another country without any parliamentary support(not a joke)

Doesn't this "cohabitation" thing just prove my point. The French political is made for politics to turn into a quagmire.

Not really, DoW is still made by parliamen but nothing can stop the president to order some military action in the middle of the night (like bombing Syria last year)

A cohabitation is a classic parliamentary republic. In the end, it's the parliament who decide.

Many reasons.
1/ Geography. Being flat and having the eastern nations with really low salary close helps a lot, especially for industry.
2/ Anthropology. Although we actually work harder than our reputation suggests, German autism is not just cliché, they are highly conscientious and well organized.
3/ Leadership. Our politic during the last 30 years has been a nightmare, we dug a socialist grave really deep and no one has the balls to take unpopular measures like their Agenda 2000, which would give us a much needed competitive boost.
4/ Population. This one is pretty obvious, there's more of them.

I forgot to mention our wonderful currency, it came online just as Germany was getting his shit together (it's easy to forget that at some point they were the "sick men of Europe"), and this made the currency too weak for them and too strong for us, further accentuating the gap in competitiveness.
If anything it's a miracle that we haven't completely collapsed yet.

How much is the average salary in France for lets say retail full time?

Average : 2.250 euros
Median : 1797 euros

Employés median : 1.637 euros
Ouvriers median : 1.717 euros

The depressing part is that even though the net income is low, we still cost a lot to the companies paying us, because the taxes are so ridiculously high.

Attached: Les-couts-de-la-main-d-oeuvre-dans-l-Union-europeenne-au-4e-trimestre-2018_articleimage.jpg (300x218, 24K)

Ever worked with French?

No much redistribution. Gov spending is among the highest in the world. Also its hard to fire worker

Too much*

German are slaves to their boss, french aren't.

Attached: 20180108_Hours_Worked.jpg (960x684, 91K)

yeah make sense, your country is full of shitty jobs not good enough for living

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>3% difference


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>lax labour laws will help the economy
Fuck off, we took the same neolib kool-aid in 2017 and that shit didn't fix our unemployment problem.

What happend in 2000?

Based Portugal

>As you can expect, company doesn't want to hire if they aren't sure at 100% you are good for them

Just like anywhere else.

Based and GmbH pilled

>only country with less than 5% poverty rate
eat our dicks, niggers

The French economic policies of creating national champions and tarifs is inferior leftist ideology, that only works in rare cases, e.g. Airbus.
If France was more open market oriented and less leftist economy wise, they would be on par with Germany.

Pro labor laws

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