Who is your county’s worst historical leader?

Who is your county’s worst historical leader?

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take a guess

almost all of them

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Disclaimer: No current heads of state please (that's too easy and lazy).

This piece of shit.

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I used to think this but then I learned that he was actually super racist (based) so I'm torn.

Hitler was obviously worse.

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pic related
(the current one is giving it a run for its money tho)

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Cuckdolf Shitler wasn't even German and, therefore, not a leader of Germany.

Literally the only good leader in the modern times is right there though.

True for Lenin but not Stalin


you overestimate Lenin

if that's van buren kys

t. zoomer
Fagcholas II

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He was cringy racist, not a based racist

How can that faggot betray his Italian heritage for fucking Fr*nce.

No words can describe how much damage this one asswank caused to the country, I get angry just thinking about him ever existing

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this perfidious cunt, he and his little friends/advisors set the path for a super rigid republic with their shitty constitution that slowly killed democratic and decentralization efforts made post-WW2
boomers and incels love him because he was le epic daddy figure

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Wilson was the guy who started the rehabilitation of the South from beaten losers/traitors to heroes who fought for states rights or some crud like that.

Tell me more about him. Why do you despise him?

you gotta admit Lenin was a failure though
not sure if more than your Tsar in pic or less, but a failure nonetheless

>you gotta admit Lenin was a failure though
He wasn't.

The real problem with the guy was that he held onto power too long and past the point where he should have quit. He was an out of touch old man who knew little about the price of bread or other issues that concerned normal people.

He completly sold us out and put a lot of swedes in life threatening danger with the refugees he urged us to "open our hearts" for, he began the privatization of our welfare which have ruined many youngs' education and elders last days.

Worst was he man he put as his foreign affairs minister, ex-PM Carl Bildt who made 10M SEK on stocks from the invasion of Iraq.

Reinfeldt had even published a book titled 'The sleeping people' (prior to his mandate) in which he critizises the swedes for being naïve.

Truly an evil man (still active as a lobbyist btw)! I don't think we have any historical person damaging the whole population this cold-heartedly.

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Khrushchev tried to blame Stalin for the purges and other atrocities and insisted he strayed from the correct path of socialism that Lenin established, yet it's hard to overlook the fact that it was Lenin who first originated the idea of arbitrary state terror against political opponents.

>he and his little friends/advisors set the path for a super rigid republic with their shitty constitution that slowly killed democratic and decentralization efforts
same thing here, we had communists write our consitution

>ex-PM Carl Bildt
...is btw eternalized with the medallion in picrel.

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>litteraly the only one of 20th cen russian historical leaders with full high degree and good education
>practically won war and saved westerosians niggers from german's cock
>last leader of not cryptocolonial russia
>was betrayed by his own generals by the order of british service
Ok, you forign cunt, go scroll another thread. I am going to cuck this russophobic sucker.

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>A 1998 survey of 200 Russian university students regarding the country's 20th century leaders found that only Nicholas II was viewed positively by most. All Soviet leaders were viewed negatively except for Khrushchev, for whom opinions were evenly divided.

>Liberal elites hate nationalists
Oh wow who would have thought?

>>practically won war
he lost against the losers

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Every revolutionier is a maniac butcher by definition. Jughashvili's policy is direct continuation of Lenin's.

They've all been good 'uns

Except for Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf

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Probably Magnus Eriksson, who ceded Sweden's second capital without a fight.

Though he had the misfortune of ruling during the height of the Black Death and next to the one country who didn't give a shit that the world was basically ending.

>Be Constantine
>Get rank of general despite being completely incompetent
>Steal credit for the work of others in the first few fights of the first Balkan war
>Time to get Thessaloniki, the most important city in the Balkans, have to race Bulgarians to get it
>Constantine gets the fine idea of going for the less important Monastiri
>Ignore the pm whose constantly sending telegraphs for the me to change directions
>Thessaloniki is only gotten in the end because the local leader decided we should have it even though Bulgarians arrived earlier, still become a god to the small farmers
>War is over, life is guchi
>Hey, what about conspiring to murder my father and wear white clothes indicating cheer and happiness at his funeral
>Get a bunch of generals to back me so that I control foreign policy
>WW1 starts, irridentism intensifies
>PM: We should join the war with allies and achieve our nationalist aims
>Me like a boss: No fuck you, lemme just commit treachery hand over secret documents to the Germans
>PM resigns and gets re-elected anyways, demands we join the war
>Instigate acts of terrorism against his supporters and mobilize the church against him instead
>Allies offer me Cyprus and many other territories to join the war, reject all hail GERMANIA
>Cut the country in half
>When the allies blockade the country and destroy a good chunk of it get hailed as a hero while I'm leaving because I've been cheated by the satanic great powers
>Royalists bring me back and give me control of the army in Anatolia, replace competent venizelists with inexperienced royalists
>Die before I can see the campaign go up in flames

There are no nationalistic leaders of Russia in 20th century except Nickolai II. Every other one is communist or socialist. Yes, even Yeltsin.


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Ironically khruschev is the man that started the USSR's retreat from socialism.

Strange, I thought Russians hated Gorbachev more.

didn't Greeks think about maybe taking a Greek as their king instead of a German?

Shit happend after the millatary coup in february of 1917, when soviets signed peace with you Nikolay was under arrest for more than a year. It is not his fault.

Is that Hirohito?

Kruschev was the last soviet leader who inironically believed in communism. He did not started retreating from socialism. In fact, until the fall of the Union there was no retrearing from it. Market reforms: privatization and liberalization of prices started in 1992.

Didn't have much of a choice, the first time we had no say in it, when the Bavarian moron who only barely got beaten by Constantine for worst, we were given a few choices none of which were Greek.

Unless you argue it was Stalin for trying to recreate the Russian Empire in a communist wrapping.

In fact Gorbachev was the last. Arguably he had a stronger belief in the truth of socialism than the cynical "let's milk the system for all the money we can" Brezhnev.

buchanan, the one before lincoln

>Stalin for trying to recreate the Russian Empire

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To be fair the greek tried ruling themselves and all they did was accidentally declare war on the persian empire.

>By Stalin's own admission, "the war broke me." Sixty-five on V-E Day, he was getting older and gradually wearing out physically. He had a stroke that summer and another one in 1948. Stalin spent the fall of 1945 on vacation in the Black Sea, starting a postwar practice of taking almost half the year off. "Let [Molotov] run things, he is younger." he said. He also conducted few party meetings in the postwar years, instead holding bizarre dinner parties in his dacha with excesses of food and alcohol served. Party congresses were scheduled for every few years, but none were held between 1939 and 52.

>He also loved movies, having amassed a large film collection looted from Germany in the war. Historical epics, Westerns, and detective/gangster/crime movies were his favorites. Anything with love or romantic scenes he found disgusting--movies with kissing, sex scenes, or nudity infuriated him and he banned such films from circulation in the Soviet Union. Sometimes a movie hit too close to home, most notably a certain film about a deranged pirate captain who cut down his crew one-by-one only to be taken out himself.

>Stalin would point at a map with his pipe taking great pride in having restored all the territory that had been part of tsarist Russia. "Finland greatly wronged us, so we have rightfully moved the frontier further away from Leningrad. The Baltic states were part of Russia since ancient times, now we have them back as they should be. The Belarusians, Ukrainians, and Moldavians are all with us. All is ok with the west." Turning to the east, he remarked. "The Kurile Islands and Sakhalin, Mongolia, and China, all as it should be. The south I do not like at at all. The Dardanalles...I believe we also have a claim on Libya as well and Turkish territory."

>Foreign Minister Molotov acquiesed in his boss's imperial designs. He once joked with Stalin that they should attempt to get Alaska back as well. "It is a good thing that the tsars conquered so much land. It makes our struggle with capitalism easier." he said. Of the tsars, Ivan the Terrible was easily Stalin's favorite. He would talk reverently of how Ivan once walked the halls of the Kremlin and roundly criticized a biopic of the 16th century Russian ruler. "Ivan was a wise man. He kept foreigners out of Russia." he said. "[Peter the Great] not as much. He allowed more of them in. Catherine much more. Alexander I, was his court even a Russian court at all? No, it was a German court."

>After Stalin's death, Khrushchev revealed the text of Lenin's "secret testament" prior to his death in 1924 where he spoke worryingly of Stalin and said that he should be removed as general secretary of the party. Publicly, Stalin praised the Soviet founding father's "genius and wisdom", in private he talked of Lenin contemptuously, calling him a fool and a womanizer. By the end, as Khrushchev would put it, "He would just say the first thing that came to his head and seemed to have no filter anymore."

>Stalin's health issues, particularly the cerebral atherosclerosis that would kill him, undoubtedly affected his sense of judgement. He became more paranoid, more prone to fits of depression, and irrational decisions. But although his worst character traits were made even worse by his declining health, he never lost his skills as a master manipulator who knew how to play off his subordinates against one another.

>movies with kissing, sex scenes, or nudity infuriated him
truly /ourguy/

Wasn't he gay too?

Damn he sounds based as fuck.

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Eisenhower was much the same way. He loved Westerns and historical epics but he found anything with love scenes or kissing disgusting and wouldn't watch them.

The leaf flag is cool though.

Guy who started Canada Yes.

Just about every one of our PMs in recent times sucked severely. Hard to single out just one.
I would say Trudeau if it wasn't for

J. Trudea, I mean

Justin Trudeau is too insignificant to be the worst.

>I believe we also have a claim on Libya as well and Turkish territory."
Excuse me what

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Honestly that's probably a fabricated quote.

It's a tie between Ivan the Terrible, Peter III, Nicholas II, Kerensky, Lenin, Stalin, Khruschev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev.

>"He would just say the first thing that came to his head and seemed to have no filter anymore."

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Taft should've won that election.

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Lenin was nothing more but a useful idiot.
Once he did all the favors for kikes he was put into mental institution.
Fuck commies.

So do Russian zoomers not go to school or something because none of that is true.

Does the West even have decent leaders since the 40's?

Who need school, they got internet and can listen to "truth"

>the West
does the world??

fuck off commie bootlicker

We only get news about the West here, they really don't care about anything else.

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I'm not commie, you dumb zoomer.

it's not even a debate.

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Americans I've met here in Portugal all say is this lad.

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No they don't. The only people who hate him are ideological right wingers.

>guy who gave us 50,000 bodybags
Yeah, that.

>ignoring Nam
god bless

This faggot

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he was also probably our first gay president

because thats what confirmed bachelor meant at the time

>kills jfk
>king of muh gibs
>was known to be a fucking asshole in general

Hitler did the best he could with the flaming pile of trash he inherited right up to 1941

Wilhelm inherited a German Empire on the path to overtake France and Britain together, and made a trashpile

>implying that fighting communism wasn't a worthwhile goal

Getting rid of the gulags meant that nobody in the bureacracy was afraid anymore, and so they handily worked to destroy and plunder as much of the USSR as possible

He fucked up the war with Japan and fell into Wilhelm's baiting regarding them

Like, without sending the Baltic fleet across the world, the Russian army would have outlasted and then outfought the Japanese

Then, in Europe, he thought it was really clever to legitimize the assassination of royalty, while his own family was pockmarked with one assassination after another

it was

KYS. It was Lincoln and you know it, that insufferably commie faggot

>Immigration act that destroyed demographics
>Suspicion of helping kill J.F.K

Not a big fan of Hitler, but he was not as bad as people make him look.
I mean what do people think would have happend if he just ignored the emerging communist superpower at his eastern border? Does anyone truly believe that the USSR would have stayed inside their borders? Or that Germany alone could have stopped it on its way to the west, especially not in full militaristic mode? Or France, that got totally rekt by a still kinda weak Germany could have?
His biggest mistake was to trust the enternal A*glo.

this fucking disgrace of a leader


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magnus the iv?

im on wiki, what year did this happen?