Risk Thread: Eurasian Risk Edition

We'll get started once we have 5 players.
You can join any-time provided there's a decent amount of room on the map.

State your
>Nation Name

All NAPs/Alliances are non-binding.

Risk Discord Server: discord.gg/3wzhTpy

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Duchy of shetland
dark olive

Estlamic Horde

>Yeke Mongghul Ulus
>eastern frontier of Central Asia

dark red

Greek Junta

>Thebes (Boeotia, Greece)

That's way too close to 2 other people, please pick something else

Just give me teal then

>Zoroastrian theocratic national socialist state
>in the middle of Iran

Let me rek this bitch.

"Holy" "Roman" "Empire"

Nigger republic of libya (nrol)

Actually could you do >Holy >Roman >Empire
instead for the title?

forgot tripname once again

Alright that's good, lets go.
You're blue, apologies

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Sure, then
>Mughal empire

fill central asia

You didn't include me

Begin filling Iran

The ponies move to take over the UK

How about:
If I'm the Mughal empire, conquer India
If I play Thebes, expand toward Macedonia (unless I'm attacked in the south)
You choose

You two are in, please roll.

Expand Estonia, secure latvia/lithuania

Somalian Pirates
Dark Olive
Tip of the Horn of Africa

Fill Germany

Attack Athens

fill italy

count that comment as a roll and give me 25 T's
also expand into egypt and israel

NLOR is now on +2 and Somali Pirates are on +1. Please include your bonuses in your tripname

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Yeke Mongghul Ulus > Central Asia

Remove the scum I have in the north. Convert the heathens teachings of the supreme being!!

what kind of format is this

turns out we arent great at rolling but no matter
I roll to take over the UK again

Take Greece

Continue filling GERMANIA

Keep filing italia

Continue expanding to Somaliland, Djibouti and Eritrea.

Take control of India

I don't want any territory of a higher latitude than Afghanistan for now, so how about a NAP?

Wait, that's a fucking lake. Keep expanding on Iran.

expand latvia, secure lithuania


Estlamic horde is now on +2, Somalia is on +3

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Yeke Mongghul Ulus > Central Asia

Fill in the entirety of UK n ireland

Take Crete and Rhodos and into Constantinople

Annex Switzerland, any spills go to Luxembourg and Belgium

fill lithuania, on to kalliningrad, then hop up to finland by sea.

Finish filling Iran. If someone attacks me, defend.

Fill Eritrea and Western Yemen.

Finish italia, spill to balkans

Conquer India and send my emissaries to Xanadu while waiting the khan's answer

Estlamic Horde is now on +4
Somalia is on +4
Greece is on +3

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it is approved, in the name of Kublai

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Yeke Mongghul Ulus > Central Asia

we finally take over the UK

Finish Iran. Expand into Kuwait afterwards. Any spills go into Iraq.

Take Cyprus, spills on Albania.

>Bonus +3

I'm just glad he's keeping track of these damn bonuses because i sure as hell am not

fill finland, go sweden

Conquer Afghanistan.


Fill West Yemen and then the islands to the west. Spill to Ethiopia.

Invade Belgium and Netherlands

(Spills go to India)

Somalia is now on +8
Mughal Empire is on +2
Zoroaster is on +5
Greece is on +4
HRE is on +3

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take finland, move into sweden

Take albania, Spills into Bulgaria
>Bonus +4

I finally take fucking england
spills go to ireland

Yeke Mongghul Ulus > Central Asia

Finish Kuwait. Begin on Iraq.

If someone attacks me change it to defense.

Finish Netherlands and then fill northern Germany

With my remaining spill i take iceland

Spills into Syria

Fill India

finish italy and spill to blakans

Want to ally up or make an NAP?

Iraq is now on +7
Shetland is now on +7
HRE is on +4
Estlamic Horde is on +7
Greece is on +5
SPQR is on +5

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Take the rest of Yemen and Oman. Spill into Sudan.

Yeke Mongghul Ulus > Central Asia

Of course and I'll ally myself with Germanic frens

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Sweden into norway. Do not touch denmark, spills to poland

Aryan Commonwealth of Algeria
Start me in algeria

Fill Bulgaria, spills into Yugoslavia
>Bonus +5

Take jan mayen and spills go to spain

I demand an apology for being called Iraq!

Finish Syria and conquer the rest of the Levant.

If anyone attacks me, defend.

Continue filling GERMANIA

>I demand an apology for being called Iraq!
kek I would demand an apology as well if i were called shitraki

Santa Catholica Espana

May I ask what your intentions are? You see, I will soon be done with the conquest of India and, since the road for Shiraz is compromised, I'll have to land in the Arabian peninsula. Should I consider you as an enemy? Or could we sign a NAP? Maybe an alliance even?

take damn corsica then the balkans

I forgot +4

i'm red cheribi

You're dark Red, not Red

Somalia is now on +10
Estlamic Horde is now on +12
Greece is now on +7
Shetland is now on +15
Iraq is now on +12
HRE remains on +4
Italy remains on +5
Mongols remain on +0
Mughals remain on +2

Please remember to include your bonus in your tripname, it helps me a lot

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no, im dark red

You're plotting my destruction

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no dark red is the SPQR, hes the new algerians and he chose red

move into tunisia, spills to france :^)

Oh, my bad.
OP, color me orange pls.

Take Yugoslavia