Is there any point in having kids if I don't at least own a home by 35?

Is there any point in having kids if I don't at least own a home by 35?

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no, if you can't ensure that they have a much better childhood than you had, you shouldn't have children

this, otherwise they will grow up into degenerate trash.

Jow Forums - Business & Finance

Dont bring kids into this already fucked up world if you don't have at least $700k net worth depending on the country.

thats easy, but there childhood could still be shit.

>Is there any point in having kids

>no, if you can't ensure that they have a much better childhood than you had, you shouldn't have children
I will never be able to do that, my childhood was great and it was in the 90s.

Attached: WorriedPepe.jpg (726x682, 59K)

What a backwards point of view. Most of the world's richest people (who made their own wealth) grew up in poverty, it's called motivation

a loving supportive parent who can bestow knowledge on their child is far more important then having a lot of money.

I'm not OP and I'm not larping. I'm 23. My wife and I own our 3-bedroom home in the middle of Seoul, have 160k in cash, and 100k in retirement bonds. I had nearly 350k before the Bitcoin correction and still have a few Bitcoins left. I have a terrible job and it won't last and she is unemployed. Should we have kids?

I'm terrified to do it, but she's not and she wants them.

I'm in Japan on minimum wage with 3 small kids and a step kid who's 17.


>(who made their own wealth
What a stupid qualifier. The richest people who were poor as youth were poor as youth!

Depends if you’re white or not.


>20 years ago 2/3rd of 18-26 y/o owned a home

Well my parents owned a home and i don't but my kid still has a better childhood than i did. Property ownership in 2018 isn't what it was in the 80s, it's just a financial risk these days. If you can get a decent house on low rent you're much better off just saving your money and diversifying your investing

you must have kids acording your age, because you would be too old to know them

The older you have kids the greater the chance they will be born autistic.

Shoot for late 20s.

yes leave Jamal impregnate your gf
you are better than this
better go to Japan to read hentai
good goy

First you need to find God and dedicate your life to Him. Then he will bless your seed for generations.

Don't have kids before then or you're raising another spoilt child with no natural intuition and hive mind mentality, easily seduced by Satan and his (((minions))).