Mfw a fellow salvadorean dies with her daughter trying to reach the USA

Mfw a fellow salvadorean dies with her daughter trying to reach the USA

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i'm literally crying rn open bordes now

maldita sudacas

How did it happen?

How do we solve this anons?

Build a wall to discourage illegal crossings and place a hard cap of say 10,000 a year on asylum entries. Continue to keep asylum seekers in concrete prisons. Once they realize they have no chance of getting in they’ll go “seek asylum” elsewhere.

it's your fault

go back to your containment sub-continent, sub-human

Wait until Trudeau wants to make another PR stunt, and accepts to take the million or so we are in process or deporting

>Continue to keep asylum seekers in concrete prisons.

And lose money building and running the camp and the many many lawsuits that would cone with it?

Wtf I love Mexico now

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It was the father

Good. Stop fucking coming here. We have enough spics.

Only a ____ immigrant is a good immigrant.

Please fill in.



What's happening in pic?

Nigger plan, the guy is responsible for his own death and murdered his daughter by being a fucking idiot


Cute, brown and is willing to date me

Instead of wasting thousands of dollars, the Mexican border guards are either going to shoot em, or sell em to the local Cartel for a few hundred pesos

Our new best friends stopping the US from turning into a third world shithole

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What the fuck there are poo in the loos trying to get in through Mexico???
Is Mexico going to charge us for the clean up after the Indians are done shitting in the street?

There are Africans too.

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Do they go to mexico illegaly?

>Not even from the the Americas
>still trying to sneak in the u.s. via Mexico
Reeeee go to your former masters the UK.

Holy fucking shit, from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh too? What the fuck?! REEEEEE


How are supposedly poor people from south asia illegally getting into yours to get to ours?


How did he get into the river?

They spend their savings on a smuggler that can drop them off in Guatemala so they can try and cross into Mexico on foot. They are poor.

They were in Mexico for 2 months with some sort of asylum status but got butthurt they couldnt go to the U.S. so they decided to cross a river with a little girl. The father and girl crossed and he went back for the mother but the little girl followed him into the river and started drowning. He attempted to save her but drown too.

how the fuck do those creaturas even get here?

Wouldn't it just be easier to go to Europe which is closer?

>Mexico is gonna get flooded by street shitters

Europe won’t take them. If they tried crossing illegally, they’d have to walk across Turkey or Russia or something and I think those countries ask them for visas anyways. They can go to Guatemala easily because they don’t ask for visas from them.

>people from outside latin america using us to try to get into the us
I don't like this. Fuck off

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i work in a sanctuary city in the USA with a huge amount of el salvadorans. you guys are absolute pieces of third-world, criminal shit shooting each other every other weekend. i fuckin hate south americans and i get my dick hard every time ICE says they’re about to do a raid. fuck you guys for real

average pajeet

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If they’re really just running away from trouble in their home country why don’t they go to a safer country nearby? If you cross multiple borders on the way to asylum, you’re not a refugee, you’re a migrant, simple as.

>If you cross multiple borders on the way to asylum, you’re not a refugee, you’re a migrant, simple as

It's not as easy as you think.


Your thread got culled so not you are posting this here lol.

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Not at all. They would have to cross through war-torn countries like syria and iraq to get there.

Lets hope the based mexican cartels behead all the pajeets

Big tiddy goth female

Start by boycotting all companies that do business in Central America.
Then start pushing for a blockade in imports and exports from those countries.
Pull out the embassies and all your fellow countrymen from there too.
Wait a decade or two and see as we become developed

El Salvador is in central America, not south America.
Legal. Be legal, that would make life easier for you, your fellow immigrants and the locals. Besides, can't those idiots go somewhere else, why the US? I understand they want a better life, but can't they aim for something more realistic like Chile, Argentina or Brazil? Get your shit together in those countries, it would be easier than risking your life crossing rivers, deserts and militarized borders. The US won't go away, they can move there in the near/far future legally.

It is. Most of them are unatached young men. Parasites and opportunists.

>t. Owns a mining company

I find it tragic when a family perish like this, but don't tell me most of these men have anything at heart but themselves. They're are not an asset to any society.

send them back, build that wall

It's the kinda thing that makes you wanna say fuck having borders and laws and shit.

This they supposedly are escaping violence but half of them are violent and the rest insist on living amongst the violent diaspora so their kids get MS-13d

Actually enforce immigration laws. Send the message that the only way you will be able to move to America, or any first world country, is if you go through the proper channels.

>They would have to cross through war-torn countries like syria and iraq to get there.
They didnt travel by land to get to central america.

Labour is always an asset to every society
Immigration is the end result of neoliberal capitalism, so they can benefit from that labour force both at home and abroad, since the same company often owns part of the foreign country
But why not do this bilaterally? Stop your companies from coming here. Stop your people from coming here too.

>But why not do this bilaterally? Stop your companies from coming here. Stop your people from coming here too.
I don't understand your point here. I don't want to close the borders, I just believe in the rule of law.

Shit, I'd rather have Mexicans than these guys

>running the camp
Ideally it wouldn't even have running water or proper toilets.
Also no lawsuits if everyone who comes close to the perimeter mysteriously disappears a few days later


Legalize and tax all drug trade. Open regulated trade routes the cartels can't compete with. Investing in infrastructure would be required.

Offer USD for the Central American Parliament's reserves for a future shared investment fund and central bank.

oh no they are crying and dying
quick burn the constitution >:(


That's just going to worsen things
Why is it always globalization and free market to you retards
It hasn't worked for the past century and a half, it's not going to work now

Spoken like a true Austrian

putting in sharks next time?
or send them to europe so they can get asylum there
lol if they are so moral they'll have to take them lmao
based and profit from prisons pill'd
it will fix Canada's chink problem by inefesting it with jauns
>we become developed
sure we'll also put up some embargos wince you want to become developed all on your own. that's cute buddy but the cold war ended calm your tits.
that will work except the cartel will not go down with a fight. we'll need military aid from the UN probably.
in fact the profit from the arms deals de to it is enough excuse to follow through.
globalization and capitalism male the world you old man.
>it hasn't worked
for you maybe lmao because it depends one abusing monoeconomic countries for labor, production, resources, and consumers.
make a shit load of money from the unending amount of immigrants.
hopefully out mexican relations become stronger now that they are listening to our fucking demands.
hopefully we can be friends soon.
>it was her sex slave trafficker
based chink
imagine living in your roach infested house with abuela until papi decides he's going to sell you into slavery so he takes you across the border and get you fuckig kiled
based. mexico is such a wonderful place
finally mexico is being a good hombre.
lol no they do that in mexico too.
feel our pain yet brother?
they spend thousands on smugglers
this is why their country stays a shithole
Imagine how many are just going to infest your country because they can't get over and it's too expensive to go back.

a company comes by to get resources and uses local people as workers providing them with money
they are happy they can buy food for their family.
some left retard looks at how much the company is profiting, sees lots of zeros gets mad that isn't their money. even thought they don't even have the tech to gather it.
other countries support their left activism as to subvert the US and take the resource for their own while pretending to be their friend
kek based shit aren't too bad pajeet, but fuck your people for taking out jobs they can be outsourced no need to come here.

>they can buy food for their family.
You failed already. This is ridiculously out of touch and fake. Try again.

>american jap internment camps didn't exist

It is sad but the father was super irresponsible for jumping in the river with his daughter.

I think the governments of these countries need to be responsible and try to discourage people from making these dangerous journeys.

Autistic NEET alert

El Salvador is not in South America

Drumpf should offer free flights from Salvador so that no refugee dies

US born Salvis don't join MS-13. But quite a few dusty MS-13 members from El Salvador and Honduras have made it to the US.

*Free flights TO El Salvador

Even the mother begged him not to do it. I don't even like Trump, but the NPCs acting like this is Trump's fault are so annoying

Isn't El Salvador's new president actually pretty based?

A company in Mexico is offering $1 flights to Central America for refugees

Hes a muzzie so no

I thought all the Arabs in Latin America are Christian

maybe the child was future hitler and it was all planned and well

she was the anti-christ. good riddance

Speaking of refugees and Europe, it seems like the Venezuelan ones actually assimilate pretty well