Latin americans have had

Latin americans have had
>dictators who threw the opposition out of helicopters
>dictators who killed poor people to fight communism
>dictators who cursed the opposition with voodoo magic
>dictators who overthrew dictators in order to be overthrown by another dictator
>dictators who stole babies
>dictators who declared themselves god

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>a literal austrian criticizing another country for having dictators

We've only had 2 dictatorships in 1023 years of existence

Did you see your flag before posting this?

And AFAIK only one of them is notorious, seeing as Dolfuss wasn't nearly as bad as Hitler.

u jelly brah?

I'll try and name the ones mentioned.
>probably one of the ones in Bolivia
>also Duvalier

you forgot the dictator who has an austrian

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feel bad for latinbros. they all just wanna have good time and enjoy life but the leaders/other countries have made their land hell on earth for centuries. it's not fair

What gave it away?

last one was Rafael Trujillo

Europeans have had Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Ceausescu, Hoxha, Mussolini, Franco, Brezhnev, and whoever the fuck ordered all the killings and suppressions in East Germany and Communist Poland. How is this an argument?

Arabs have had it much worse : (

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East Germany wasn't that murderous in comparison. There were a little over a thousand cases of manslaughter over 28ish years. Brezhnev and Mussolini weren't that murderous either; though they were merciless in eliminating opposition.

he was not a dictator tho

Why you killed him then you freak

Franco was good tho

>dictators who threw the opposition out of helicopters
That is just a meme tho. They only threw commies that were already dead, with the reason to erase any evidence of the killings.

That's nothing compared to Africa

This. African dictators were much more corrupt and in some cases much more violent.

We don't like the idea of a democracy.
We generally prefer strongmen to rule over us. Unfortunatelly we never had a Napoleon