Which East Asian county is the most Westernized and why?
Which East Asian county is the most Westernized and why?
South Korea is catholic
Unironically North Korea
Japan has been subject to heavy Western influence since the 1860s.
Filipinas is literally the Mexico of Asia
And around 60% are circumcised. Truly the most American atleast
I said East Asia
depending what you mean by "Westernized", generally folks outside of academia tend to conflate it with "modernized" or "industrialized", which is retarded
South koreans gets circumcised so s korea
I mean culturally, I guess
S cuckrea
>modernized or industrialized is not westernised
Probably SK. They sold their soul for efonomic growth
I thought they were protestant
At least you've never been to come to Japan.
btw ignore the stupid and arbitrary divison of the vountries and just focus on the axes
south korea and japan are the only contestants and south Korea by far. japan still has a whole thing about "muh grorious heritage" and similar retarded elements. Koreans have always been buttbuddies with the west and they're a quarter christian
you're retarded and don't know anything. japan had been trading with the west for so long that nagasaki somehow ended up being owned by portuguese merchants at one point. and then there was that time japan just capitulated to america when admiral perry sailed there and made them sign an unfair treaty. then america tried the same shit against korea but failed
you have no idea what you are talking about.
there is no way korea is less westernized than japan if you put it that way, because it was colonized by the japan, made into an extension of it, and as a modern nation state it's still operating on the very foundations laid in that period. what's more, both koreas were made as a proxy of the west and commies, from part of japan in the wake of ww2, which made them more subject to western/commie influence.
i'd say japan is the least westernized country among them despite the degree of development. you see, china and koreas are all republics, meaning their existence per se is based on a western concept now, while japan is still the same monarchy with the same name as it was 1300 years ago, literally the same dynasty has been continuing, and so are fundamentals of the nation. all in all, japan has kept its heritage the best, and that makes it the least westernized nation.
This is fundamentally wrong. I'd say the least westernized is North Korea, with the most westernized being South Korea and Japan. Westernization includes technology and freedoms, of which both South Korea and Japan are leaders in East Asia.
Why are you all ignoring Taiwan? It's very westernized too, I wouldn't say it's more westernized than South Korea but it might be up there with Japan.
There's a powergap between Taiwan and South Korea, since Taiwan wasn't really exposed to nearly as much western influence in the past 100 years apart from being a democracy and they are a leader of technology development, there's a reason you don't hear nearly as much about them.
You can be industrialized and not be Western in the slightest.
>Survivial vs Self-Expression
What does this mean? More likely to shut up and take government abuse vs more likely to speak up and protest it?
lmao Taiwan was never democratic until the 80s
Wasnt japan the first to ape the western style and thinking, starting in the 1850s or so. Thats when the monkeys put on suits
Top dog is probably still Japan because they benefited incredibly well from the Marshall plan, to the point where they nearly ruined the US economy with their cheap and reliable products
that's why I said they haven't been exposed to nearly as much western influence
Unironically east russia
Taiwan wasn't democratic, but it was a capitalist country that survived because US military, the same as South Korea.
I'd say both country developed very similarly after the end of the WW2 in terms of politics and economy, which is why I would expect Taiwan to be westernized too.
Taiwan is probably more Chinese than China tbqh.
>South Asia
>Latin America
South Korea probably. Also Japan for some stuff
The labels were probably made via SVM, which means a computer tried its best to classify everything in groups but couldn't handle the outliers.
Just take it to mean that Poland and Cyprus don't match their regions that much.
Japan wasn't even a beneficiary of the plan though.
Only Taiwan is sjw enough to legalize same sex marriage, the next to do that in East Asia is going to be HK in my guess
HK doesn't have that level of self determnation.
And Taiwan is doing everything they're doing to make themselves more favorable towards the West, in an effort to keep China away.
That said, leave it to a Korean to care about gays as much as a religious American does.
>And Taiwan is doing everything they're doing to make themselves more favorable towards the West
Case in point. Such an irony considering how Taiwan is in the same team with China economically
A premeditated legal move to appeal to the West is different from a change in culture.
Taiwan is a lot more traditional than Mainland China.
It was mostly technology and industry because they got blown the fuck out and saw what was happening in China at the time (they were getting blown the fuck out). It was survivalism.
The Japanese Empire was an odd mix of Western technology and militar structure combined with traditional Japanese values, blind adherence to the emperor being the most obvious one (despite him being a puppet).
There's a lot to say to this, even if Japan has been the one that adopted the more about Western, historically it has always been on par with traditional movements that seeked to keep traditional Japanese values. The Chinese threw their millenary form of government for gommunism and even went as far as initating a campaign to erradicate all ancient culture. And South Korea traditionalist movements are anecdotic, the whole country is embracing all things Western.
it was done arbitrarly for visual purposes only, no factor analysis (SVM?) or any other kind of algorith was involved
not catholic but protestant (and absolutely disgusting)
Most westernised asian country-> Singapore
Most westernised east asian country-> taiwan? i mean, they even legalised gay marriage there
Support Vector Machines
I guess a human could do it graphically, but then I have to wonder why go through that effort if SVM could have been implemented in a fraction of the moment it would take to draw the shapes.
Either way, the point remains the same, although it's a bit interesting a human didn't try to figure out ways to include Cyprus and Poland where they belong. Poland might be a bit hard but Cyprus should be simple enough.
desu it's hard to say Singapore is the most westernized because the first comparison that comes up is HK, which might not be a country but its youth is 10x more westernized than Singapore in everything except language.