My girlfriend is getting fat and it's hurting my overall happiness which hurts my business development plans.
What do I do? I just started living with her too. She's a sweetheart and I love her and she's amazing but fuck she is getting chubby.
My girlfriend is getting fat and it's hurting my overall happiness which hurts my business development plans.
What do I do? I just started living with her too. She's a sweetheart and I love her and she's amazing but fuck she is getting chubby.
Punch her
Start lifting and eating healthier and she will follow if she doesn't dump her and you'll be swole and fuck skanks
I can't
Nice I'm just getting back into my routine too, gonna be looking good soon. I've been bugging her about it a bit but nothing serious yet, want to see if she changes on her own.
She eats so many fucking carbs and barely does any exercise, fuck me.
Is she getting a big ass and fat tits at least?
Say something about it to her.
If she doesnt do anything about it... move on
Not in the right places man. It's not doing her any favours.
I have mentioned something but just very small to start, will keep checking up.
Is it fucked if I throw away an amazing person and someone I love just because she's fat though? Or like chubby.
I was going to say this too. If she is with you and its a healthy relationship then your habits are her habits. So if you decide to start hitting the gym and go out running every day she will see you do it and she will likely want to follow your patterns.
And if she doesn't then you can get away with telling her that "we never spend time together anymore" and "Are we growing apart?"
If she loves you then she wont let that happen.
put her on a diet retard
she eats with your permission, like everything else she does
or are you a beta?
Try just eating healthier foods too. You'd be surprised how much weight will just naturally fall off if you eat healthier stuff and non processed shit. I did that once my gf moved in and tried to sit on the couch eating chocolate all the fucking time and it made her wise up
Fuck those lines are genius.
I will have to start being more assertive towards her eating habits.
Thanks man. I know that your cravings can change as well once you start eating more healthy foods. We're gonna start cooking together and meal prepping so I'm gonna go fucking health Nazi all around.
No because if she fucking balloons up eventually you'll resent her and probably look for a hot piece of ass somewhere else OR you'll fall into the same trap and get fat also. Make her knock this shit off before it gets worse.
give her smaller portions. give her half a normal meal and tell her that's all she deserves for letting herself go.
That's what I'm starting to realize already. I live in Asia and there's tons of babes around who are down for foreigners too so it's not like I'd have a hard time. I'm helping her and us really I guess even though it's hard, thanks for the insight.
Talk to her about it as if it's something you both have to do and that you need to take care of your bodies to stay healthy and have the best sex life. At some later point show her a boomer pairs beach bodies, all sagging and gross. "I don't want that to become us, so let's exercise and eat more protein".
Focus on what you both should eat rather than what you shouldnt eat. When it comes to her eating what she shouldn't, frame it in the context of her not getting appetite left for the healthy stuff.
No worries best of luck user went through the same shit. It'll work out
Steal things while she's using them and make her chase you. She'll incrementally lose weight.
Put her on Arbonne, user. fad diets don't work. the toxins go, the fat follows. look up the 30 day health thing. sell it to her not as a weight loss deal but overall wellness since it helps with mood. she'll also be a lot more horny. have fun
t. goron that tried keto and then got a 4pack after arbonne
>Not in the right places man. It's not doing her any favours.
Well, that's even worse. That means she has bad genetics for fat distribution. Some chubby chicks can still be hot if their butts get fuller and tits grow. If your GF just grows a muffin top and a belly it's one more reason to either demand for her to get back to normal or dump her. Why is she letting herself let go like that all of a sudden? It's because she does not feel like it's necessary to remain pretty in order to keep you. She's taking you for granted.
>Is it fucked if I throw away an amazing person and someone I love just because she's fat though? Or like chubby.
It's not fucked at all. Besides what media and fat chicks might tell you, her behavior uncovers a huge personality flaw. It shows a lot of things. It shows how she has no discipline. It shows you how she is likely to become sooner or later since she will at some point (even if just subconsciously) decide that you're not worth the hassle. She is demonstrating to you how shoveling food into her throat is basically more important than a happy relationship with you.
you have to slowly increase the intensity though. run 4 rounds around the kitchen table and let her catch you. next time run 6 rounds and go for a sprint into the bathroom. eventually she'll be chasing you around the block shredding them pounds
>Fuck those lines are genius.
Op there is also one thing to keep in mind with all of this though. Even if she gets a little chubby.
Sanity is a mother fucking valued fucking asset. If this chick is level headed and drama free then its something your young ass better fucking value. Because that shit is VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT.
A hot bitch who is fucking crazy is worth zero. FUCKING ZERO!!! Sanity alone is something you need to consider. If this chick is cool and you can be with her and its calm and nice and fun without he freaking out snorting coke and wanting to fuck other guys then you have something most people don't.
well if she's sane she's not gonna throw a tantrum about him being upset that she's gaining weight. If OP tries to talk to her about it and she throw's a fit then into the trash she goes
user who posts fat gf threads.
please kys
Thank you man that's good advice.
Thanks brother, wish you all the best.
kek that'd be hilarious
That could be it re: taking me for granted, but we work overseas and she was home for the summer and when were home we usually eat a lot of the food we cant get out here so I blame it on that more. Harsh words but true.
Lmao, start strapping ankle weights to her legs at night and do some laps in the morning with her car keys
Good call man, and that's why this is so hard and I'm playing this gingerly for now because she's honestly amazing overall and she's more well put together mentally than I am, also way more fragile than I am and I have a tendency to lack tact so I'd probably fuck it up if I tried to outright call her out on it
>well if she's sane she's not gonna throw a tantrum about him being upset that she's gaining weight. If OP tries to talk to her about it and she throw's a fit then into the trash she goes
Tantrums are an instant loss imo. Dealing with tantrums is worse than a fat chick. A tantrum is an instant indication that you are better off single.
At the same time though, there is no reason ultimately to not lead by example. Taking initiative and being healthier is most likely going to work anyway.
>for now because she's honestly amazing overall
Then its worth it to lead by example. Because this kind of stuff is SUPER FUCKING RARE. You have instantly BTFO most incels and MGTOWs and even feminists by virtue of being in a relationship like that. Think about the salt alone.
All of that salt and you don't have none. That's like having a stack of 10000 BTC just chilling out and no coiners are freaking out telling you to sell because its going to zero WWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!
Its worth it to just lead by example.
I think what he's trying to say is, that it'd be worth leading by example
Right on man, gonna try and get super fucking fit. Thanks for everything. (ID might have changed as my ID did too)
Pic now
We know shes a fatty, dont act like just a little chubby
If shes what I think....dump her
She had 1 fucking job, if shes gonna be dead weight she better be light and fuckable
What shes doing is just becoming MORE dead weight
Take this in
>It'll work out
And if it doesnt, just dump it