Post your cunt and your mental illnesses


Autism, high functioning
Chronic depression

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Depression, despersonalization/derealization, possible schizophrenia too

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Ass burgers

sounds like a personality disorder

Diagnosed as manic depressive. They also tried to tell me I had ADD but that is bullshit

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You are not cute


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I never said I was I just like posting yui


Being too based


Fuck off dad


I think I'm coming down with schizophrenia. past year I've increasingly heard things other people don't and lately I've been seeing things out of the corner of my eye a lot more than I used to. I'm 19 which apparently is prime age for it to start.


I was diagnosed with schizophrenia but I believe it's wrong, I was just really depressed and plus I'm too dumb to have a profession at the moment


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bipolar, lot of other wrong diagnoses


I was diagnosed with severe depression an year ago, I'm way better now.
I'm pretty sure I also have schizotypal and avoidant personality disorder. I didn't get the results yet but, my psychologist hinted this very heavily

catatonic schizophrenia + autism + severe depression

Failure to aquire dubbles

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nothing. i'm the perfect male specimen.

idk but i'm heavily addicted to caffeine and sugar

>Jow Forums user
>perfect male specimen

pick one

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Depression & Anxiety, the classic combination.

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I pity you

fuck i caught it

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Therapy is taboo
Mom says i just need sleep

None because I’m not wh*te

I don't have any but I might become a beer alcoholic later in life

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therapy is a scam



none, mental illness is just made up bullshit

US of A
none surprisingly my mother didn't pander the doctors to diagnose me so she could drug me while she watched her tv or to give me extra time on a test.
im mental illness free

when I was a kid they diagnosed me with a lot of things, autism, tourettes, adhd, etc.

most of it I have no signs of having anymore, and a lot of it they took back and changed to other things. Also the whole time I was like a lab rat being pumped up with powerful different drugs every week that made everything worse. The stuff they do to kids in this country is disgusting

Mental illnesses are a fake scam designed to make you buy "magic treatments"

I think so too

My little brother went in for adhd pills

I found the pills and threw them down the drain. Warned my mom to never pull shit like that on my brothers precious brain

you're a good big brother user

Thanks. I try. He is much younger than me. I wish I had someone rescue me from my mother.

I hear it's incredibly infectious

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Of course not.
Guess why.

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