How do we lure more people into buying cryptocurrencies?
It's obvious at this point that we need more buyers.
How do we lure more people into buying cryptocurrencies?
It's obvious at this point that we need more buyers.
>crypto is not a ponzi!
not that hard, but you need to focus efforts on small caps, not huge giant projects like Ethereum. Then once "institutionalsmartmoney" arrives, you move to the huge caps.
I've always thought of mainstream adoption to be when normies actually use crypto to buy groceries.
We need to convince people in countries with weakening currencies to not buy USD/EUR/Gold/real estate, but to buy crypto. Buying and selling it has to be easy for not just EU/USA/Japan/Korea people, but to third world countries.
That's what the etf is for.
Decentralization is a meme and no practical services will go mainstream with alt-coins because you still need to go on an exchange to buy the alt-coin with BTC/ETH that you purchased from somewhere else like coinbase while having to give up your private information at both ends. It is not straight forward at all.
Philosophically, I have studied the greats, Hamburgler and Ronald have always resonated with me. Hamburgler's treatise on metaphysics rivalled Plato and Ronald's elucidation of morality to this day has not been challenged.
Whilst diving into Ronald's work I found myself questioning the sheer nature of McDonald's, the fillet of fish opened my eyes to the depth of mayonnaise and I truly learnt how to control my arteries.
Furthermore after many years practising the teachings of Ronald at a McDonald's in San Francisco I learnt what it meant to be a man. The big Mac and what it represented, came into my life through sheer force of its own will, redefining the meaning of my existence. The big Mac will forever be known as Ronald's best work, some say he played it safe, but they haven't understood the interaction between the secret sauce and the tangy pickles. Through the bigmac I learnt of cholesterol, a lesson I will forever be indebted for, cholesterol represents the fragile nature of what masculinity means to the modern man. Having understood it, I can now create it, since that day my levels of cholesterol have soared, bringing me closer to God, like all great philosophy.
BAT is a good start
just have youtubers shill it
new market
>you still need to go on an exchange to buy the alt-coin with BTC/ETH
Why there is no f2f market similar to
Why shit like request network with fiat gateways are necessary for mainstream adiption. People won't go spend money to buy money, that's just unnecessary extra steps
>how do I get people to buy my house
Renovate the kitchen
>How do we lure more people into buying cryptocurrencies?
>It's obvious at this point that we need more buyers.
Social media dapps and games that don't suck. That's how.
>Decentralization is a meme and no practical services will go mainstream with alt-coins because you still need to go on an exchange to buy the alt-coin with BTC/ETH that you purchased from somewhere else like coinbase while having to give up your private information at both ends. It is not straight forward at all.
Not true because an good dapp will allow you to earn that dapps coin organically.
Just wait for whales to pump the price, like they've done before, and will do again because it's profitable. Price increase will generate buzz (along with news like ETF, halving, etc.) and normies will FOMO in. Dump your bags near the top then buy after it crashes. Rinse and repeat.
Just integrate crypto into relevant operations in such a way normies are using it without even being aware of
>There is already a crypto that already did this recently with amazing results
And before you ask, no i'm not telling you which stay poor
>>There is already a crypto that already did this recently with amazing results
steem and eos are the only two that at least come close. Maybe there are a few others but nothing organic enough to get people without having to say "crypto!" 200 times to show people why its different.
Sergey ?
Bitcoin is not a meme. Gtfo, faggot.
>any usage at all
actually we need cryptos to deflate another 90% or so, to shake out the normies. most ICOs are vaporware valued in the dozens of millions when they wouldn't even secure 6 figures funding in traditional VC rounds. let the current crop burn, eth needs to go down to $80 and btc to $500, then the golden bullrun can begin
EOS knights is playable now.
It has wikipedia now too
B to the T to the F to the O
Show'em how to buy drugs with XMR, gambling/assasinate people with REP, scam with ETH's ICOs; that's enough for sure.
>actually we need cryptos to deflate another 90% or so
Its not going down much more, Its sideways now I think. We need something important to trigger the bull which may take months.
Price stalls and start falling when there is less and less idiots to sell to.
What you need is more idiots. And since there is no longer any left... you must be the most idiot of them all...?
Very underrated post which actually understands the logic behind OP's question and answered it accordingly.
we need to focus on shilling to zoomers. yeah we all want that boomer institutional money but they are all gonna be dead and we want the zoomers interested in crypto so they don't market dump grandpa boomer's bitcoins when he croaks in 3 years
Lets buy some big macs , but only with XMR , we don't want my wife to find out ... She wants me on a diet ...
People with enough money to matter buy bitcoin OTC.
Make it useful and not just speculative. ie finish chainlink.
>live in shithole country ravaged by poor governance and hyperinflation
>grow cynical and mistrustful and hungry
>skelly appears promising prosperity
>it's your dead mother who died of starvation
>respond to this or she dies in her sleep tonight
>ie finish chainlink.
finish steemit 2.0
finish evripedia
finish delegatecall
finish Novusphere
If there is a good dapp you need to be talking about it. Not for the money but for the ideology as well.
finish Narrative too forgot that one!
We need some good games too.
Jow Forums we should prep for shilling working products. If chainlink gets its mainnet then all the power to ya.
But its time to shift from speculation to advertising.