Guys. I'm getting pretty scared. What's inside this big stupid cube building? Why are all these sand niggers circling it. Why haven't we bombed this thing yet??
Guys. I'm getting pretty scared. What's inside this big stupid cube building...
>Why haven't we bombed this thing yet??
They bomb. We excuse.
Holy. Fuck.
It seems pretty important to them.
nothing really, lmao you can search it up.
someone on /x/ posted the association to the black cube of satan. for some reason kikes and saturn worshipers dig this shit and Islam is definitely associated with some dark nastiness. therefore with LINK being the huwhite cube, LINK will be 1000EOY. 1440 if dubs.
Inside is a bit of black stone from a meteor which is impregnated with the black goo nano AI oil.
The catholics also put bits of this rock into their alters.
Let me in your discord, Damu.
Kys stupid faggot kikes dont care about it
I feel like any information i find will be disinfo.
Was this a recent thread? I would like to know more.
Literally what?
I don't have one, let me in yours
What? You telling me you guys dont have a discord?? Ill try, im not the boss tho
Whoa. Based user. I love shit like this. Thanks.
Fact: Most religions around the world have stories of a global flood that wiped out most living things
>tfw sand and marine life fossils have been discovered on high altitude mountains.
>tfw it couldve been related to the Younger Dryas era where global temperatures plummeted abruptly
>tfw there is a black sediment layer stretching from north america to western europe, hinting at a cosmic event that burnt all living things and seperated the americas from europe. The impact would've also caused gigantic tsunamis that flooded most existing civilization (most of which wouldve been coastal). Only tribal hunter gatherers or ancient rednecks living deep inland could've survived.
We're descendants of the tribes that survived and religion is an artifact of our ancestor's attempt to make sense of something they couldn't understand. We have absolutely no records of ancient structures dated before Younger Dryas.
Search for:
Bosnian pyramids
Egypt pyramids + tesla wireless electricity
Yonaguni monuments
Baltic sea anomaly
Gobekli Tepe
Yangshan Quarry
Tassili N'ajer mural
Charama mural
Nazca lines
Mayan sarcophagus lid
Graham Hancock
danks for info, will check out
Yes, very cool stuff. Thanks user
There's tons of theories, they're all just as retarded, about as retarded as why those people are circling that black stone in the first place.
>Some fag that lived 1300 years ago told me so
>/x/ bullshit on Jow Forums
reported and saged faggot
because this black cube building is the first "MOSQUE" or more likely the first house of god to worship him in islam built by Abraham
I had no idea Lincoln was so progressive with religion. Thats pretty cool. Thanks user.
The guy who used to play for Galatasaray?
i've seen pics of inside the cube, it's not very interesting.
It’s one of the markers from Dead Space.
imagine a bomb dropped on that crowd. 99% of those people are probably of the worst kind of muslim.
I really think it needs to be done for the sake of humanity
Hi bro, thanks for talking me out of a bombay special dial repainted omega seamaster from 50-ties.
I recently got this sick and clean '68 omega constellation chronometer from local auction for €427, found a respected watchmaker to do a complete service for €78.
thanks for your insight inb4. how are you doing, what are you wearing?
Where do they all piss, shit, eat, sleep?
>What's inside this big stupid cube building?
Who has the view key?
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