İ want to convert to Mormonism
İ want to convert to Mormonism
JW are a bit better tho
JEW are much better tho
Is that the space Jesus religion? Also I think they believe Jesus came to America or something.
Yeah it’s Christianity-Fanfiction
It's a dumb cult modeled on Islam.
Why bother? You already have the OG Cult of Personality built around some guy who made stuff up to get pussy.
Mormons believe
>In the continuation of the Biblical narrative in the New World (i.e Jesus visited the Americas and Adam and Eve lived in Missouri)
>In the nephites (a trible of Israelites who lived in today’s USA), whose story is told by the native-American angel Moroni
>That God is not a being outside of the universe, instead living on the planet Kolob, as a flesh and blood creature that is roughly six feet tall
>In 3 levels (or kingdoms) of Heaven
>In various rituals held in secretive temples (since Joseph Smith was a Freemason)
>In polygamy and open racism (black people were branded with the mark of Cain and that a black person who prays hard enough will turn white), except when the media attacks them for it
>That dead people can be converted to mormonism
>Why bother?
Because most Mormons are blue eyed blonde Goddesses
Agree. I say go for it. If turks were christian they would immediately become far more based