I wish i was born in country that appreciate science, here education is so fucked up...

i wish i was born in country that appreciate science, here education is so fucked up, even our high school biology textbook has passage how harun yahya debunked evolution theory

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what purpose would it serve

Evolution is in fact a theory, is yet to be proven right.

Dumb stupid nigger

You studied in madrasah?

Just download textbooks on libgen and learn on your own you booby

Thats good. they just THEORIES after all...

It's a theory backed by the Catholic Church, you heretical Shitalian. Go apologise to your local priest posthaste!

you can't prove it right, it's enough that it's not proven wrong

at least to make our iq a litte bit higher, i hate
being surrounded by dumb third worlder religious nuts that believe in every cospiracies that their religious leader shoved to them
no, i was in public school



>education is so fucked up, even our high school biology textbook has passage how harun yahya debunked evolution theory
Literally who

Looked at his Wikipedia article
>In more recent years, Adnan Oktar has performed televangelism on his TV channel, A9 TV, which featured 'kittens', his female devotees

>even our high school biology textbook has passage how harun yahya debunked evolution theory
Lmao, are you serious?

yes, i had copy of the textbook, but i dont know where my mom keep it now

>harun yahya
You mean this guy, right?

yes, that guy. do you turks even take this guy seriously?

Then your school is just really bad, i never had it

It's like an American-Christianity version of Islam

It's in the curriculum. You were either not paying attention or your teacher decided to skip that part.
But it's not like how op portrays it to be. The harun yahya theory is just portrayed as a competing theory.

still bad, why the hell the author think it is a good idea to put theory from someone with no credibility of science in a school book?

So is gravity so jump off a cliff

Probably to appease religitards.


that is problem with this cunt, gov tried to mix religion with science and make sure that every subject in school have some sense of religion in it


Come here you can probably claim some reparation money or something

Lol wut? I thought Germans loved science and that you guys gave it tons of Incentive's

Are you dumb? Poland has produced some of the best and most influential scientist in history.

why? i thought german education system is pretty based

>country that appreciates education
>pic of Japan
yeah you don't want to go to school in Japan and have your live ruined once you get a single 7/10 in 5th grade and they write you off as a future janitor.

nah, she is philiphine, i choose that pic simply because she looks attractive

Glad i never experienced this curriculum
But yeah our education as a whole i bullshit until now

Why don't you prove the theory of gravity by demonstrating what happens when you jump of a cliff yourself?

Please gib money