This is how we treat world leaders. Behold Japanese spirit of equality. National leader is a person in charge of handling political tasks for ordinary people's sake. They are not king or noble.
G20 2019 Osaka
Very honorabru yes
Get them drunk on sake and do karaoke together
I think it's good decision for japanese government.
Not too westernized. Being neutral.
I like this pic
What am I supposed to see here?
Trump looks like he is starting to get brown
Imagine the smell
Here's G20 in China in comparison. No offence to China though.
some Japs(mainly lefties) saying the room was too small. maybe OP is talking about that.
no it's netouyo
there's not much difference at this point
I thought Merkel did that thing with her hands because she doesn't know where to put them
You need to wave now you stupid bitch
Bolsonaro on the far left. SEETHING
>this small room shows the national spirit of Japan and equality!
Dumb Osaka shills go back to Korea
Nuke Osaka
that's the other extreme though, most of the time it's somewhere in the middle
What's wrong with Osaka?
Today's highlights
fuck off,bakauyo
>go to a japanese forum
>tons of china shills saying the the room was too small and china is great
>one of them is false flagging even in here
what went wrong
Saudi dude looks based and has a presence.
Bland and sterile, as most things pertaining to modern Japan.
It does look kinda cramped tho
they do have some of the coolest clothes on the planet
as a conference g20 is a poorman's g7. it aint entitled to use a premier place.
she's a bit of an airhead
Putin is cute!!
Did they host it inside an elementary school classroom?
d-do you think they wear them like the scottish kilt?
Filled with barbaric Japanese and Koreans
Too bad for them Tobita Shinchi is closed.
that's the point
>you don't understand, it's SUPPOSED to be bad!! on purpose!!
post-modernism was a big fat mistake
>ywn go to an izakaya with leaders of the world, sing karaoke, and walk back to the hotel in a drunken stupor
Fuck, man. Why even live?
The CHAD Mexican chancellor vs. the virgin manlet potus
How can one man be so based?
pretty sure they're more than 20 here
Where are you from?
I think he's from Japan, you can tell from his flag.
woa Micron is here
>you can tell from his flag
why do arabs have to be such special snowflakes?
Looks like an izakaya.
based mexican criminal punching and assaulting an old orange man
But they look fun