G20 2019 Osaka

This is how we treat world leaders. Behold Japanese spirit of equality. National leader is a person in charge of handling political tasks for ordinary people's sake. They are not king or noble.

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Very honorabru yes
Get them drunk on sake and do karaoke together

I think it's good decision for japanese government.
Not too westernized. Being neutral.

I like this pic

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What am I supposed to see here?

Trump looks like he is starting to get brown

Imagine the smell

Here's G20 in China in comparison. No offence to China though.

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some Japs(mainly lefties) saying the room was too small. maybe OP is talking about that.

no it's netouyo

there's not much difference at this point

I thought Merkel did that thing with her hands because she doesn't know where to put them
You need to wave now you stupid bitch

Bolsonaro on the far left. SEETHING

>this small room shows the national spirit of Japan and equality!
Dumb Osaka shills go back to Korea
Nuke Osaka

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that's the other extreme though, most of the time it's somewhere in the middle

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What's wrong with Osaka?

Today's highlights

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fuck off,bakauyo

>go to a japanese forum
>tons of china shills saying the the room was too small and china is great
>one of them is false flagging even in here
what went wrong

Saudi dude looks based and has a presence.

Bland and sterile, as most things pertaining to modern Japan.

It does look kinda cramped tho

they do have some of the coolest clothes on the planet

as a conference g20 is a poorman's g7. it aint entitled to use a premier place.

she's a bit of an airhead

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Putin is cute!!

Did they host it inside an elementary school classroom?

d-do you think they wear them like the scottish kilt?

Filled with barbaric Japanese and Koreans

Too bad for them Tobita Shinchi is closed.



that's the point

>you don't understand, it's SUPPOSED to be bad!! on purpose!!

post-modernism was a big fat mistake

>ywn go to an izakaya with leaders of the world, sing karaoke, and walk back to the hotel in a drunken stupor
Fuck, man. Why even live?

The CHAD Mexican chancellor vs. the virgin manlet potus

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How can one man be so based?

pretty sure they're more than 20 here

Where are you from?

I think he's from Japan, you can tell from his flag.

woa Micron is here

>you can tell from his flag

why do arabs have to be such special snowflakes?

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Looks like an izakaya.

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based mexican criminal punching and assaulting an old orange man

But they look fun