What is Brazilian identity like? What do white Brazilians consider themselves first and foremost? Italians? Germans...

What is Brazilian identity like? What do white Brazilians consider themselves first and foremost? Italians? Germans? Or do you just say you're Brazilians and that's it?

Also what do Brazilians think of Eastern Europeans?

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It depends where their families migrated from, here in Mexico most white Mexicans have spanish families and therefore most get ofended when the president attack spain while most natives don't even care.
The cancerous brazilian who post pol garbage non stop everyday have a german family.

They consider themselves as a white Brazilians
with Europeans ancestors

>Also what do Brazilians think of Eastern Europeans?

They have beautiful girls and it's cheap to travel

I have seen several mexicans who look 100% like spaniards. Weird to think of you guys have kept the spanish blood even after centuries of being apart
Do you feel spanish? Like a spanish guy living in mexico? Whose culture are you most familiar with, mexican or full spanish?

For us, we've always been here in the old world but I don't know how it must be to live in the new world. Always fascinated me how some cultures stay, some go, and some just change

I'm a shut-in with no real group identity so I don't know or care.

Not Mexican, though I have 3/8 Spanish ancestry but I feel zero connection to Spain. I like Spanish history but not as a muh ancestors thing, I just think it's cool.

It depends in the situation and place, when Mexican culture is relevant I say I'm Mexican, if i'm in europe I say I'm spaniard.

I've found 2 Colombian girls on OkCupid who live in Budapest. Although I didn't match with them, but their profiles and pics imply they're here to settle. One of them looked sort of Amerindianish but the other could pass for a local. I wonder why they decided to move here of all places.

we are just latinos. we don't put too much thought into it. don't get why this idea is so alien to old worlders

>It depends in the situation and place, when Mexican culture is relevant I say I'm Mexican, if i'm in europe I say I'm spaniard.

To me it sounds like you're a sheltered spineless critter.

There are Colombians around the World, Honestly live here is not good and thousand prefer to go outside, Maybe they have family there or they're looking for a rich European

Brazil is not latino
They just say they are brazilians i have never seen wewuzzing

They say "Brazil has no face", so everyone is Brazilian. But if you are mulatto you're somehow more Brazilian than the rest.

>Also what do Brazilians think of Eastern Europeans?
Fun fact: Polaca means prostitute in PT BR.

>but if you are mullato youre more brazilian than the rest
That is only how you gringos think though

That's what at least some of you guys also think. They say the essence of the quality of being Brazilian is mestiçagem. Being Brazilian means being mestiço in cultural sense even if you are pure white. Samba, capoeira, feijoada used to be exclusively black, now these are symbols of Brazilian mainstream culture.

Feijoada is originally portuguese

I met a colombian of Hungarian descent once. Pretty cute girl.

In regards to your question, maybe they are studying. I had a coworker who went to study in Romania of all places. Also, Budapest isn't that irrelevant. I've seen plenty of posts on normiebook from friends who have toured around Europe and lots of them them have pics in Budapest

Maybe. Kidney beans is an American crop originally though.

>Para além do debate intelectual, tudo leva a crer que, a partir dos anos 1930, no discurso oficial “o mestiço vira nacional”, ao lado de um processo de desafricanização de vários elementos culturais, simbolicamente clareados. Esse é o caso da feijoada, naquele contexto destacada como um “prato típico da culinária brasileira”. A princípio conhecida como “comida de escravos”, a feijoada se converte em “prato nacional”, carregando consigo a representação simbólica da mestiçagem. O feijão (preto ou marrom) e o arroz (branco) remetem metaforicamente aos dois grandes segmentos formadores da população.

They were colonized by the Portuguese, retard.

Frijolada here is originally a dish for mountain laborers from a place with very scarce black presence. I guess it's quite similar in the case of Brazil. Black food tends to be more associated with seafood

Cringed hard i never heard about this

>a partir dos anos 1930, no discurso oficial “o mestiço vira nacional”
That was just because of Gilberto Freyre's autismal shitposting book though.

>Brasil is not Latino
Do you mean racially or according to another metric? Cause in both causes you are wrong

>Mas esse não é, por certo, um exemplo isolado. A capoeira — reprimida pela polícia do final do século passado e incluída como crime no Código Penal de 1890 — é oficializada como modalidade esportiva nacional em 1937.69 Também o samba passou da repressão à exaltação, de “dança de preto” à “canção brasileira para exportação”. Definido na época como uma dança que fundia elementos diversos, nos anos 1930 o samba sai da marginalidade e ganha as ruas, enquanto as escolas de samba e os desfiles passam a ser oficialmente subvencionados a partir de 1935.

There was also a passage about how football was the first vehicle of black emancipation, so there's a political reason why football is so popular in Brazil, but I didn't copy it.

My dick in tu mama culo

Ok but answer my question, I'm really curious about the thought process behind that assertion

What's the mainstream opinion about Gilberto Freyre today?
It's said that "democracy racial" is largely a lie, but something tells me that's not the reason you disagree with him.

Fun fact: Latino is a meme invented by the French when they tried to install their Emperor in Mexico. Latino = Spanish + French + Portuguese, but not British or American, the implication is that French have more right to meddle than the rest of then great powers.