France will not defend this

France will not defend this

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The revolutionaries were a retarded blood-thirsty mob who oppressed and killed one of the most benevolent leaders we've ever had to replace him with rich parlementaries who fucked the people over every chance they got.

I want France to be religious again

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yes, Napoleon being deposed was indeed a great tragedy


Napoleon was the one good thing to come out of the Revolution
>He thinks republic equals freedom and monarchy equals tyranny

And I want S.America to be french.

>He thinks republic equals freedom and monarchy equals tyranny
It does

if the parliamentarians were worse how come France became a better place to live?

No, it doesn, absolute monarchies dont exist anymore, in Europe at least, thede were the "oppressors", constitutional monarchies are based

A republic is the perfect breeding ground for an oligarchy, voting for one lying bastard over the other every few years doesn't make you inherently free.
>Do you feel in charge?
I won't deny modern France is more free than it was mid 1700s, but that has nothing to do with the republican system.
Industrial revolution, technological progress ?

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Imagine living in one of the most prosperous nations in history thanks in part to liberal governance and believing this shit. People like you should be executed or exiled for being too fucking stupid to maintain our democracies.

Someone smarter than me please show the errors of this man I will do everything in my hands so he doesn't have the last word on this case

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>And I want S.America to be french.
We don't want more Haitis in our continent please don't come here

We won't import africans, I promise

I don't see what that has to do with Louis XVI being a benevolent (though maybe not competent) king and the crowd:
-violently seizing power
-giving it to people who didn't care about them
-writing a constitution that gave some powers to the king only to threaten to stomp his children to death everytime he tried to use them (even if it would have benefited the people)
-eventually murdering an entire family with brutality only rivaled by the russians

You can’t badmouth French aristocracy, the French are on of the biggest reasons why you gained Independence, something that most likely wouldn’t have happened under Nappy or the 1st Republic

Only Germanics can come

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have sex

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nah, you'll have those good ol' gaulois

Imagine being such a simpleton!


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Jacobins were based

Tell me just one thing, Why we should allow you to come?

French are cuck and weak, look at Paris with those Shitskins, Germans are Strong and had 2 WW and now they're a superpower economy

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Jacobins were savages.

Also were commies

>Imagine living in one of the most prosperous nations in history thanks in part to liberal governance
No. If anything, it set us back by a lot. It was followed by the bloodiest period in French history since the Black Death and the hundred years war by that point.

More people were killed in a month in the name of "liberty, equality and fraternity" than by ALL the Inquisitions in Europe over 5 centuries.

Germans have more immigration and a non-existent army, are you high?

I don't want filthy krauts on my continent retard stop posting

What's so savage in demanding that right to vote should be expanded to all peoples, not only to those who paid certain amount of tax?

Most people are stupid as fuck.

Argentina was the four Reich in SouthAmerica

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Russian being anti-democratic, colour me surprised. I bet you think that only thing keeping your state together is daddy Putin?

The faster we restore the Romanovs, the better.

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>Rotislav Rotislavovich

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Hes kind of qt desu

gross bourgeois