*gets angry at a racial/minority joke or fun larp that wasn't targeted at him and starts spewing offensive shit en...

*gets angry at a racial/minority joke or fun larp that wasn't targeted at him and starts spewing offensive shit en masse and insulting every race, ethnicity and nationality*

Attached: irredeemable chimpanzees.png (1280x896, 60K)

>My favourite food? Monkey soup, of course

Jow Forums trolls should gtfo out of here. Brazilians should be proud of their race. There's is nothing wrong with 95% of Brazil population looking like the pic here

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>make threads on Jow Forums

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Every person in that image probably claims to be white too.

>lurks on Jow Forums because his remaining braincels are fried enough already of Jow Forums but since it's part of his entire identity it's impossible to leave
>remains the only country that is in their cringy Jow Forums phase past 20 years of age

>bro you know brazil isn't wholly european so let's say they're not human and am monkeys lololol let's say it seven million time it's so funny and let's say they eat monkey too because someone from Angola did xd so funny don't you love dehumanizing brasil?

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ha, this picture always make me laugh

>haha stupid not white subhumans

Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 94K)

Cry more indian subhuman
And you also get angry si much that you created a thread

Lol I’ve only been coming to Jow Forums for two years

But I rember finding it hilarious how Brazilians would call other people shitskins and get offended the most by jokes about white people

when every public school is shit and more than 3/4 of the entire population goes there, this is the result
poor education destroys a country more than war

99% look like this bro, 99.9999%

This, if someone post a monkey on Jow Forums even though no one mentions brazilians, there's always one brazilian who takes it personal.

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the figure of a wild monkey throwing shit at human bystanders in the middle of an african savana is imprinted in my mind whenever I see a brazilian flag on Jow Forums, there's no going back
it just describes them so perfectly, it's their spirit animal, or rather their real animal alignment, misbehaving and being incovenient to everyone around them for a reason that people have yet to discover

How are Brazilian women so beautiful when Brazilian look like this?

Do not fool yourself. There are lots of ugly goblin women and they are the majority

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hacım kapat şu proksiyi kafam karıştı amk

>the third time someone thinks I'm the turk that lives in brazil
this is getting annoying, let me tell you

Who are you then? Pretty sure a Brazilian wouldn't say such things.

lemme show you som'

Attached: nodoxx.jpg (554x800, 253K)

You must be new

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Just show your face dammit

HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAH, i am not a dumb negro like you to doxx my self

Why do Brazilians call others negroes when they're country is 95% brown or black? What's the point? Inferiority complex or something?

genotype ≠ phenotype
you sound like an american

also, nigga, do you really think you're talking to a country, not to a person living in that country?

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So you guys are negro on the outside but white inside? Lol

what? are you literally retarded?