Anyone else accumulating ICX at these comfy prices?

Anyone else accumulating ICX at these comfy prices?

Attached: ICON-ICX.jpg (650x406, 26K)

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Nope it’s dead jim


This is not the bottom... oh no. You really think a worthless platform has a value of over a billion $? Well 'accumulate' then haha

Attached: 1531977993033.jpg (400x400, 101K)

daily reminder ico and presale buyers are still over 5x. they can dump on you retards at any given moment and still profit.

They already have faggot

I want to personally thank you for the FUD over the last months. I was able to get a cheap and comfy ICX stack because of people like you

What is going to make it pop? Nobody in crypto wants it anymore

No problem. I made some nice profits on the pullbacks from the fomo buyers.
Consider it worthless for holding though. Got to be honest here

almost every other ico has dropped below ico/presale price at some point in their time. icx still hasn't.

Do you have any awareness of how the whole market is constructed at the moment? They are all worthless platforms at this point. Moron.

I wonder why.

Attached: samsung.png (1412x806, 894K)

No need to get aggressive dude. I totally agree that they are all worthless.

A sudden increase in volume on Korean exchanges would cause fomo the likes of which the world has never seen

Official staking announcement. Remember the NEO pump.

it means there's still room for it to drop. you can't just tell me with a straight face ICON will be the first and only coin to not drop down to ico price.

this still has much more room to bleed. i'll get back in around 30 cents

But they had their chance to buy it and they never did. We saw the fomo when it was initially listed on Upbit and Bithumb. When it was apparent that they weren't interested, the price dumped.

I do actually. And I was hoping for a NEO style pump since March. But I have to wonder if anyone actually cares about staking. I know IISS details are coming out soon, but it seems like with their governance style, it will only benefit high coin holders.

What if it releases, and only the ICON holders take, but everyone else is like meh, because at the moment, every person has pretty much decided on what coins they are invested in, and are waiting for them to moon.

the IISS mechanic is literally retarded. you can't just stake easily like NEO. you have to "contribute" something to the network to get rewards. there was an explanation of the whitepaper a while ago somewhere.

Honestly, I know where you are coming from, but do you blame them? NEO staking is fine for holders, but the whole idea is equally as retarded. You hold the coins so it isn't dumped, then everyone just dumps the GAS on Binance (which btw, who the fuck is actually buying GAS knowing it's just a ground to get dumped on?) Nobody even uses NEO for anything. Do we honestly believe that NEO as a blockchain will be around for 5 years?

So I get how they want to incentivize people to use the network. I'm just more concerned that it's only going to benefit people with a large stack or nobody is going to give a shit because we're in a bear market.

I donno I'm sure you're right, I would have to read the ICON whitepaper again

Okay anons, I will do you a favor, I'll reply to you seriously. I am someone well known in the ICON ecosystem, and quite knowledgeable about this topic.

Your IISS score is based on your l_score, basically it is your contribution score on the ICON Network. That means if you don't contribute to ICON network, no rewards for you. This is a network based on merit and activity, holding ICX with no interaction with the network won't be rewarded.

It won't be too hard to participate either : a good amount of your l_score is influenced by the freezed amount of ICX for the DEX - basically, if you stake all your ICX constantly, your l_score will be good.

Now there are other ways in the ICX valuation that influences on the l_score calculation, such as :
- ICX exchange volume
- DEX exchange volume
- DEX freezing volume (staking)
- Dapp generation and usage

That's right : trading on the ICON DEX is rewarded in your l_score.

I don't want to convince anyone about ICON here, as I'm not sure anyone takes advices seriously here, but please reconsider ICON if you don't like it. You may have been rekt by the price drop but it has nothing to do with the project. Other investors did it to you, not ICON.

Once again, if you want to learn more about ICON, I highly suggest these following articles :


It may be the most valuable read of your life.

Ahh so Markus you are the icon insider we have had on biz. Thanks for your contributions and the inside scoop.

> August



Ok this is pretty interesting but I have a question:

1) So the DEX freezing volume makes sense - freeze your stack and receive the rewards

But DEX exchange volume? What is stopping someone from writing a bot that just keeps converting from ETH to ICX back and forth between wallets? How are they going to know that the system won't be gamed.

Also dApp generation usage is also interesting. So are wallets going to be tracked by the txns and more txn = more usage? Or are the dApp companies going to be doing backend analytics and report it to ICON who will then do some kind of monthly pay off of ICX based on usage?

i'm guessing they might implement a penalty system similar to WAN

just sold my icon for nano

>We are currently making great achievements in both business aspects and technology aspects. In terms of business, we are closely working with the financial investment industry and executing MOUs with various entities. On the technology side, we are closely working with Samsung Electronics and LINE. Even though we cannot reveal everything about our projects and our achievements at this point, we are working hard every day to make greater achievements and to announce them to you all in the near future.


Attached: BBE8F1DD-32CB-4A6A-B897-1493D6A05D34.jpg (125x125, 12K)

>This is a network based on merit and activity, holding ICX with no interaction with the network won't be rewarded.

>if you stake all your ICX constantly, your l_score will be good.

Choose one

where is this from?

Their new announcement video

Will I make it with 11k ICX senpai?

I am not Markus. But I do know him.

The I_score formula is public and not that hard to understand if you take few minutes to study it.

Basically, for each contribution methods, you have a SCORE function that evaluates your participation compared to other actors of the network.

About the ICX transaction volume SCORE -The exact contribution formula for this category is in the whitepaper, it is (converted in pseudo-Python) :

def ICX_Transaction_SCORE (participant):
return participant.ICX_transaction_amount / ICON_Blockchain.total_ICX_transaction_amount

So, there's nothing preventing you from transfering a large amount of ICX from a wallet to another. But you'll need to take into consideration two things :
- You may not be the only one actor doing this (competitivity)
- You need to pay the ICX fees (0.01 ICX for now, but may be changed by C-Reps consensus)

In a competitive space, you'd need to spend a lot of ICX in fees in order to have a good I_Score for the ICX_Transaction_SCORE only.

That's not all : Most importantly, each category (ICX_Transaction, DEX_Transaction, Participation_voting, DEX_Freezing_volume, DApp_usage) are also weighted by a coefficient that automatically lowers the weight for the categories that suffer extreme inequality and mitigates the unfair distribution of incentives. (this factor is called wi in the original formula, i being the category). Finally, ai is another factor for each category that is controlled by the Representation Channel and can be modified by voting.

Let me also quote the whitepaper directly :
"During the initial stages of implementation, the initial weight will be fixed at 0 for those categories that are deemed difficult for ordinary participants to participate and those that have not been fully activated, including ‘DEX transaction amount’ and ‘DApp generation & usages’"

Attached: zY4DXiA[1].png (249x79, 3K)

So in the end, we have the following formulas in Python (I don't know all the formulas and factors, but for the sake of simplicity, let's guess some values and let's assume the contribution functions work all the same than the transaction formula) :

def ICX_Transaction_SCORE (participant):
return participant.ICX_transaction_amount / ICON_Blockchain.total_ICX_transaction_amount

def DEX_Transaction_SCORE (participant):
return participant.DEX_transaction_amount / ICON_Blockchain.total_DEX_transaction_amount

def Participation_voting_SCORE (participant):
return participant.participation_voting / ICON_Blockchain.total_participation_voting

def DEX_Freezing_volume_SCORE (participant):
return participant.DEX_freezing_amount / ICON_Blockchain.total_DEX_freezing_amount

def DApp_usage_SCORE (participant):
return participant.DApp_usage_amount / ICON_Blockchain.total_DApp_usage_amount

contribution_items = [
{"g" : 1.0, "w" : 1.0, "a" : 1.0, "function" : ICX_Transaction_SCORE},
{"g" : 1.0, "w" : 1.0, "a" : 0.0, "function" : DEX_Transaction_SCORE},
{"g" : 2.0, "w" : 1.0, "a" : 0.0, "function" : Participation_voting_SCORE},
{"g" : 5.0, "w" : 1.0, "a" : 1.0, "function" : DEX_Freezing_volume_SCORE,},
{"g" : 3.0, "w" : 1.0, "a" : 0.0, "function" : DApp_usage_SCORE},

I_score = 0

for c in contribution_items:
I_score += c["function"] (participant) * (1 + c["g"]) * c["w"] * c["a"]

Staking is actually different from holding. Staking is a commitment.

This is a nice amount. Please only invest what you can afford to lose. We're still in the very early days and who knows if people will keep having patience. But if you have the patience for going through the wait, then yes, I think you will make it.

Ah ok so, Brian? ;)

Thanks for your effort explaining but it’s no point to help biz. Most people here are retarded and shill shitcoins like LINK. Let them buy high later.

ok that's a nice explanation good shit user. Since you are part of the team, any juicy insider info? Is this LINE partnership going to actually amount to something big? It's just that one guy who said he is now the leader of the joint venture doing those demo dapp days where they get like college kids to build their project. I mean, why would LINE give a shit about that? They have 200M users; they're the big dogs here.

You got me.

No, just kidding actually. I also know Decrypto, nice peep.
Let's not talk about names here, I'm afraid you're going to guess who I am if we keep playing this game.

I'm not part of the team. Everything I told you is public information. Read the whitepaper, everything is in there.

However, I have some insights about ICON that I may share :

LINE *Joint Venture* is very important at the current stage of ICON development, but also significant for LINE.

You may be underestimating the ICON business network, as they are definitely the leaders in the blockchain space in Korea considering the amount of business networking in major industries & local government they have.

LINE is interested in working in the blockchain space, but it is really late compared to ICON regarding its relationships with industries in the blockchain space.

The joint venture means LINE and ICON will co-develop apps through Unchain that will benefit both to LINE and ICON.

There are no big dogs or small dogs here - only two dogs who want to win together.

I lost 10k on ICON. Fuck ICX.

Here's the thing I don't understand. If ICON is truly big as they portray, then why don't Koreans actually give a shit about it?

Also, Min said everything was delayed because they had to focus on other things, but that sounded like BS to everyone, and the project dumped even more.

I can't tell if ICON is on the cusp of something bigger (like ETH in 2016) or if it's all just words online to make it sound bigger.

The thing is, the "community" is smaller than it seems. If someone shares a video of Icon on Youtube, after it has hit Twitter, Reddit, etc. it only has a couple thousand views at most.

What more can you tell us about Samsung? Do you have any other insider news? Do you kno when staking and IISS/DEX will be released? Is ICON really as big as people think? Do you know of any other companies whom are working with ICON right now?

Price prediction for 2019?

If you have ANY kind of information, please share mate :)

sup ian. how's kucoin treating you?