What did Trump say to Bolsonaro and his pal?

What did Trump say to Bolsonaro and his pal?

Attached: D-Kasu0XUAAIDeI.jpg (540x528, 64K)

"Your country is our future"

something about incest

but more importantly we need a high res image of his pall laughing in that pose

>Sorry Jair, the only Coke I like is brown, not white.

Attached: bolsonaro pal laughing.jpg (1608x1820, 210K)

The black man is Helio Negão.
Bolsonaro once got caught wiping his hand on the side of his pants when he greeted some black man a while back, and he always said racist shit.
So in the election he started parading around with Hélio Negão, the blackest man he could possibly find to pretend that he isn't racist.

they look like they're having fun I'm jealous


>And then she said, "But I won the popular vote!"

Attached: c84.gif (600x580, 436K)

"I put you in power. You better be working hard on giving me the Amazon rainforest and oil reserves."