edisi saturday mood
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Cocoa > Rize > Chino
3yrs of Shithole rule summarized in 1 pic.
My wife Chino is so cute
4 seasons soon here on East Java breh
a friend of mine is going to thailand and asked me to ask this for him:
- is prostitution illegal there? i know it happens a lot but is it legal?
- pattaya or phuket? which is better for prossies?
haha he is such a horny bloke!
netherland more like niggerland
Piss off
Do muslims have to write an apology to an Imam for having gay sex?
if I were white I would go to Japan and South Korea instead,
lewd pink isn't for lewd
Tes broh
Mijn gabber, dat ben jij vriend - mijn maat
Ben ik in het veld, dan ben ik met jou
Dan ben ik met jou, mijn vriend, mijn maat
Mijn hooligan
Mijn gabber, dat ben jij vriend - mijn maat
Ben ik in het veld, dan ben ik met jou
Dan ben ik met jou, mijn vriend, mijn maat
Je bent me gabber tot de dood
listen to real music with actual instrument
nah, fuck boomers
Lel im escaping to Jakarta for a while
But why? Seriously is fucking hot over here.
Vacation. You wont believe how cold east java in the morning heck my home is starting to use room heaters. Something never been done before
anything happenin in the jak?
alah bang biasanya dinginya juga segini 10 tahun yang lalu
Segini 10 tahun yg lalu apaan. Suhu terdingin dalam 40 tahun terakhir coeg
Fucking chinks ruining the reputation our economy depends on
Just hug your sister
Oh NoNoNonononono!!!!
This cannot be happening
daerah mana sih bang? dieng embun sampe jadi es juga tiap tahun
My wife Chino is so cute
Hey mama
I know I act a fool, but I promise you I'm going back to school
I appreciate what you allow for me
I just want you to be proud of me
40 years ago we would just gather around a burning luweng
Last night I saw you in my dreams
Now I can't wait to go to sleep
For 400 bucks would you do it?
Fucking INC
Its okay we gonna be KANGZ soon.
Malaxia soon.
Truly asia.
Its truly Afro-Asia now, average day in Nigexia.
Nice. Easier access to afrikan kweenz
Are Africans above or below keling in the hierarchy?
Africans (Nigerians to be specific) have a reputation for being drug dealers and have completely overrun some part of Klang Valley since they make port here selling ivory and animal stuff to chinks, blood diamond and drugs but they are outside the hierarchy since they are outsiders limited to certain area. Still there are occasional reports about how local women prefers African men since they are more romantic which later turns into gang rape and scams.
Indians are easy recruit for disposable gangbangers but more organized in their crime activities.
But occasionally they are unholy abomination such a case of entire shipment of canned coconut milk filled with drugs and it turns out to be Nigerian druglord-Latin American cartel joint effort.
My hometown has a Nigerian community, they went here to study in the local maritime school. Some end up staying for good in the country after graduation, I've seen people who ended up having Filipina girlfriends too.
I think Nigerians are pretty infamous for drug trading even in Africa (Sierra Leone and Liberia got their drugs from Nigeria). Do you think more of them would come here when their country gets richer?
Also, IIRC Most of the executed criminals in Indonesia for drug trading are 30% Blakes, 40% Indon and 30% Nigerians.
One of the malls I went to in KL was swarming with them, can't remember where that was though
>Do you think more of them would come here when their country gets richer?
It depends on whether their state can control its own territories, Boko Haram and the likes are still running around after all. But as long as there are still Blake smoking drugs in Bali , kids of newly rich Jakartan family taking cocaine at parties or Singaporean kids taking drugs and fucking kids in Johor there will be demand and someone is gonna fill it.
Fuck lah, gue malah pengen yang hawa dingjn anjir. Btw good luck liburan di Jkt-nya
Just invade PRCs with your commonwealth ffs. Used CB for protecting HK for Communist Imperialism
Have you seen any Nigerian kweenz?
Sumatra has a lot of Africans there too. My mom once told me they usually sell drugs near the harbor.
You are not cute
Are there black kweenz in Sumatra?
And then they proceed with 3901 which is 12000ton of rape incarnate for anything less than a destroyer.
Pengen cewek item manis
No, only dudes.
Sibuk jadi EO nikahan gan
Ini gua lagi di lamaran sodara nih gan
Cant do that more often. Our maids are probably feeling suspicious already One of them saw us the other day
grope your sister
make her cum with your touch
Ngeliat kamu lagi ngapain?
Berhasrat kopulasi, tuan.
>fat fuck chef is coercing me to buy food and share with him
tau lah gaji baru masuk
Arent you surrounded by leftover foods? I thought you guys have all you can eat by yourself, or atleast eat the wrong order or old foods
of course, but in total we have like 13 staff today so they really go for it first
the fat chef has already eaten fried rice with chicken katsu now he wants Church's Chicken
Mau isep susu daddy
Papa's milky way yum yum
>calling others the fat chef
Hmm slurrp slurrppp daddy tiddies... Nice... Hrmnpphh
Seek help
this guy's massive though
"can't even fit into the staff entrance" kind of big
Page 10
What happened to the Malay fireman case?
swept under the rug; less media coverage, less butthurt generated
heres your burger and fries
my wife btw ^~^ :youtube.com
alhamdulillah listrik hidup lagi gan
Are they outright claiming he wasnt murdered?
Medfag, kalau sakit tenggorokan diminumin apa ya?
22/Female/Dari kemaren sakitnya
my cum
Air peju+air perasan jeruk nipis+ 1 sendok kecap manis diminum 3 kali sehari
Mau mandi? Kakak udahan nih, cepetan, kamu bau banget keringetnya.....
cringe gimmick
the lawyer that argued that he was beaten/murdered was forced to drop from the case by our attorney general (a keling)
22.6 percent population already chink, now more chink. nice
Those Africans will balance it.
>tfw no shin chan & doraemon on tv
PH should be abolished
At least post with a decent art.
Pepek Harum
Post examples
Is it a good time to visit Indonesia? Has anyone ever been to Borneo?
Imagine someone breaks in your house steals your things.
Then later you beg them to borrow money
Then you sign a deal for access to half the things they stole from you
But now they change their mind and will cut you off from the things they stole from you to start with.