wtf int told me turks are white
Wtf int told me turks are white
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If Turks aren't caucasians, arabs, or persians, then what are they?
Turkish is such a disgusting language
middle easterners
armenoid subhuman join your ancestors
Turks would be called "Rum" and counted as Eastern Mediterranean and European had the ruling elite chose Christianity over Islam. Turkishness being a social construct and all that...
How many times did you hear it motherfucker?
ringing every day in his ears since 1915
Amazing how you T*rks both brag and deny the genocide
Do the rolled r's bother you
Some turks are white, but most look like arabs
If you're talking about skin color, then we're not as dark as Arabs
Our culture is very different except religion which is very Turkified and some food.
You're probably thinking of Levantine Arabs. Though Arabs themselves are a spectrum same as any other people, some more darker than others. Just like some Russians look more like a Scandinavian while others look more Turkic (or Churka).
This is arabesque style Turkish which only became a thing after we coup’d Their ass in 1980 and made them into religious Muslim conservatives.
Before they made music like this:
Me irl
Don't worry you'll have some roaches come in here and tell you how white Turks are by showing you cherry picker pictures of Slav rapebabies. You see all of the men in the video are actually crypto Kurds,Arabs,Armenians and Greeks who aren't real roaches. They just pretend to be to bring down the might Aryan race
As for why we made them into Muslim conservatives... here’s the reason: Anti communism. Muslim conservatives were reliably pro US whereas secular left and secular right were both relatively anti American.
Turks are Altaic Turanid Aryans. Hitler himself and the NSDAP Office of Racial Policy determined it.
We are not that dark as you can see here
Most of you look like Arabs and Kurds with the rapebabies being the standouts. It's not your fault for not knowing it though. The white worship in your country is huge and basically every star is a rapebaby from the Balkans. You live every day of your life thinking that's what the average Turk looks like because that's all you see on TV.
They actually don’t. Have you even been to Turkey? I did a 8 month trip through the country last year.
>everyone who critiques Turk subhumans is Armenian or Greek
>You live every day of your life thinking that's what the average Turk looks like because that's all you see on TV
Because I can't see people irl? We have data here so you can't argue with this
>muh rapebabies
We are diverse so what? We lived together for hundreds of years and they identify as Turks so they are Turks. Not an argument.
Seen lots of Turks in my lifetime and none of them looked anything like the pictures of white Turks posted here. Most of them just look like what you'd expect from a middle eastern country. The most racist/nationalist ones are usually the ones most resembling Kurds though
Lol. They’re no darker than Italians or French or Spanish. And many are fully white. Like 20-30% at least.
A lot it's a subhuman mongoloid language with some Persian and Arab influences spoken by middle easterners which is extremely cringeworthy
It's like Orc language from lord of the rings. Chünguz onbrüz biz çok bezinlyor.
Doesn't change that they're most likely rape babies. Diverse would be if Bosnians and Serbians had little communities in Turkey. Stealing their babies and making them Turkish isn't diverse.
T. Visited rize and only saw islamized laz people
why are turks racist against asians?
Implying we have Slovak or German communities beyond LARP
No bruh. I did road trips across the entire country. From trakya to Kayseri to Adana to Kars to Dogubeyazit, Van. Everything in between. It was cheap due to the dollar so I could go everywhere.
It's not about skin color you simpleton. It's about how they look and most Turks look more like Arabs than Frenchies. Nothing wrong with that btw. Just saying that your average roach will come here posting pictures of the white looking Turks they worship but your average Turk looks more like a middle eastern person. Again, I'm not saying they look bad. I'm saying that these guys will misrepresent how they really look
Have sex
It's not. They identify as Turkish and this is what matters. Our motto is Ne mutlu Türküm diyene meaning how happy is the one who calls themself a Turk. Everybody can become a Turk if he/she thinks of himself as one.
You’re wrong. Have you ever been to Lebanon? Or to Tunisia or to Spain? Med people all pretty much look the same. Also Turks don’t look like Arabs.
The city of Mardin and Urfa are pretty middle eastern but that’s the only part. The rest of the country is literally mountains. There’s no desert there.
Well in Thrace you will find Muslim Bulgarian and Greek descendants
As for bayezit and van those are mostly Kurdish areas. And Kars is half Kurdish half Turkish. Kayseri has Circassian descendants but they are not white, central Anatolia has high OG Turkic and also Arab blood from ottoman times.
The only areas where you could see "white" looking people is the Black Sea area, and the west coast where a lot of rumelians, Bulgarians, Albanian descendants are at.
You see where it says “Guneydogu Toroslar”, that’s the cut off for the Middle East. Above and west of that it’s green, mountains, plateau, verdant and people are european looking.
First of all the “Greek and Bulgarian” refugee descendants are Turks who got kicked out of those countries, not ethnic geeeks or Bulgarians. There is a small ethnic Greek Muslim Cretan community but that’s in Izmir environs only.
Secondly there is a mix of Turks and Kurds all over the east, and people I spoke to often had mixed marriages. It’s not that black and white a thing.
They didn't become Turks dummy. They were stolen kids from Christians during the Ottoman era.
Seen lots of people from Lebanon (I live in an area with many people from the med and ME) and I expect your average Turk to look the same. Dark hair, somewhat big,thick eyebrows,solid beard. Most likely has the haircut where they bring the hair up with a bit of a stubble.
Yes they are Greek and Bulgarian Turks are heavily mixed with Balkan peoples if you check gedmatch results
I hiked in the Kahramanmaras province too, where the people are Turkish and many looked Nordic no joke. Especially in the mountain villages.
>environemental factors
It's a tan map
But sure Turks are lighter than Arabs and North Africans, they chose to play in the shitskin camp though
Why do Americans on Jow Forums act like a expert on Turkish history?
It’s complicated. Bulgarians themselves are slavicized Turks (see Bulgars). And many Greeks are Christian Turks who chose to stay behind in the Ottoman Empire.
Greeks typically have Eb1 and Turks have Anatolian Neolithic J2, or Turkic Q, central Asian R1a–Z93, R1b, and Circassian/Caucasian G.
They aren’t Greek. That’s a orthodox meme to claim that Turkey is just Muslim Greeks so it should be genocided back to being Christian Greek.
People in Erzincan looked like this but many had green eyes or blond/red hair.
Maraş was completely Armenian area so they probably brought some kind of ethnic group to replace them after they were killed off.
Probably circassians or something. Maybe they are Islamized Armenians themselves from ottoman times
This music is actually not terrible
No it wasn’t. If you look at census, it was like 20-30% Armenian at most. And there were varying groups.
Lol if Turks didn't try to represent themselves as nordics or Slavs nobody would care but when you guys put this fake and insecure persona on everyone sees through it. We have to be experts on it because the people from Turkey are not going to tell us the truth
After ottoman-Persian wars Turks depopulated erzincan from Armenians they brought Kurdish tribes as colonists to erzincan to ethnically replace them.
Most of the Turks there and in Kemah and Erzurum are turkified Kurds
Stupid bitch , i've had many turkish teachers in school most of them looked as white as europeans , the few who didn't came from kurdistan
Maras had mostly Alevi turkmen groups and today they still do.
???? Turks present themselves as black lol.
But whether they like it or not they are white.
They look like how I would expect people from Turkey to look. Not the bs cherry picked pictures I see on int
They actually depopulated eastern Anatolia of Shia turkmen, replacing them with Armenians (the Millet i Sadik— “Most Loyal people”, and Sunni Kurds). Before Selim I, the region was heavily settled by Alevi Shia sympathetic Turkmen
>Turks didn't try to represent themselves as nordics or Slavs
Nobody thinks that but saying we look like arabs is retarded.
You do look like your average middle eastern person. Maybe not an Arab from Saudi Arabia but you definitely don't look any different than Lebs,Syrians,Persians, or Caucasians. The videos of famous singers you posted here do not look like your average Turk
First of all, Circassians are a HUGE ethnic group in Turkey. Estimates of up to 40% of Turks have Circassian ancestry. So to claim Circassian ethnic people are cherry picked is not fair. Many Turks do look like that, all over Anatolia.
And I totally disagree.
There is a geographic and racial cut off. Anatolians are not middle eastern. They are their own thing.
The Middle East starts where turkey’s Eastern and southern borders end, mainly because all the oil is on the Arab lands.
>You do look like your average middle eastern person. Maybe not an Arab from Saudi Arabia but you definitely don't look any different than Lebs,Syrians,Persians, or Caucasians
You can actually. There are a lot of them and we can tell.
People from the Caucasus have their own look. I'm sure lots of Turks have Armenian ancestry too. Circassians and Armenians look how you'd expect Caucasians to look. The Turks in the videos posted ITT look like Frenchies and Germies. The pictures you posted look like people from Anatolia. Totally different than how they represent themselves in here
You have to consider the ethnic history of "Turks" from different regions which you visited to understand why some look like that.
You didn't even know that Balkan Turks weren't actual Turks but most have substantial Balkan DNA
Even attaturk looked the way he did because of Albanian ancestry.
Circassians don’t look like Georgians or Chechens btw. They also have a different haplogroup.
Pic related was not uncommon in central Anatolia. Yoruk turks look pretty white.
This is wrong. Many Balkan Turks are Turkic settlers from the early medieval era. You’re just buying into Balkan Christian propaganda.
No they didn't. They depopulated eastern Anatolia from Armenians during the ottoman Persian wars and settled the lands with Kurdish tribes many of whom assimilated into Turkish culture
(UNEDITED) Turks accept the Armenian Genocide happened (NOT FAKE) (2019) - YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
Nigger I posted the genetic proof in thread about Balkan "Turks"
They often have Asian features too.
It doesn’t prove anything. Turkics can and do have R1a and R1b, see Bashkir and Chuvash. The ottoman family is R1a, it’s common in Central Asia to this day (and not the Russian gene subclade)
>why British
It’s because British people have large genetic descent from neolithic farmers who migrated out of Anatolia.
Turks are a combo of Turkics, Scythians, Uralics, Anatolians, Georgians, Circassians, Abkhaz.
Balkans and Greece have neolithic Anatolian genes too btw, but this isn’t specifically Greek— the Greek haplogroup is Eb1 (literal niggers), and the Native Balkan is I2 (only Bosnians have it in any significant degree).
the ones in the video are gypsies. you're not wrong tho, we are not white