Venezuela just devalued the bolívar by 95% and pegged it to a cryptocurrency

Will Jow Forums help prop up Venezuela's economy now? I know how much yall like buying cryptos.

According to Bloomberg, the new bolívar will be pegged to the government's cryptocurrency, the petro.
The sovereign bolívar will move in line with changes in the petro, which is linked to movements in oil prices.
The petro is valued by the Venezuelan government at about $60, or 3,600 sovereign bolívars.

Attached: petro-e1519331521100.jpg (1481x642, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Guess Jow Forums doesn't want to make money

no. the oil price directly dictates the price of a petro so you are basically buying an oil tether. (just as USDT does it with USD)

So with all the burgers I’ve been eating lately (gladly of course) I decided today to try an old favorite, the McDonalds Big Mac. I’ll admit, this used to be my favorite meal on earth, but since it’s been years since I’ve eaten anything at McDonalds that wasn’t on their Value Menu, I was really looking forward to having a Big Mac.

As always,the service was fast, the burger was delivered and the fries were crispy for the first 10 minutes. Overall the Big Mac is still one of my favorite “Fast Food Burgers” because of the secret sauce and because it’s so different. We all know that the you don’t eat a Big Mac for the meat and after eating a lot of really good, meaty burgers over the last few months, it was the sauce that helped me enjoy this meal.

My Big Mac rating is simple:the secret sauce is tangy, sweet and makes for a nice burger. It’s one of my favorite fast food burgers but only because of the unique and secret sauce.

this shit will dump to 3 cent by some pajeets p&n group
>I guarantee it

Attached: I-Guarantee-It.jpg (620x367, 19K)

Attached: 1480914544175.jpg (365x480, 45K)

More free veneca puss for me

what did kek mean by this?

he meant this

It’s telling that faggot to stop spamming that pasta

what the FUCK

where do i buy it?

Nowhere if you're American apparently FUCKING BLUMPF

trips confirm

Is this sold on decentralized exchanges? I wont buy because Im a good boy, but I'd love for others without authoritarian nonsense to be supporting Venezuela.

>A whole failing country actually using cryptocurrency as main currency
>Unironically using NEM blockchain

Like why don't you guys accumulate XEM right now instead of unusable link?

That thing is fake. It is supposed to be a token on the NEM blockchain. It has zero transactions, zero trading, zero volume, zero exchanges. Just a made up shit with made up value, so they can justify their economic disaster.
I know there's a lot of shit on Jow Forums but it's really painful to confirm it yourself.
>t. 28 yo Venezuelan boomer who left his country last month

based Trump
>fuck dictator faggots

I'm getting subprime mortgages vibes

Fuck off CiaNigger

Do I look like I glow in the dark motherfucker?

I thought Venezuela was transitioning to XRB.

It's 1000 island dressing you sperg

>tfw I already hold a lot of XEM

this is what i'm wondering about actually, it all seems very confusing.
are they on ERC20 or NEM? what is their consensus protocol? can i run a node even though i dont live there? is it actually a government-run ico pnd?


>This token can not be moved. You will receive Petro at the end of ICO. Petro will be a sovereign crypto asset backed by oil assets and issued by Venezuela.

>pegs the Bolivar to the Petro
>Petro is tied to the cost of petroleum
>petroleum prices are starting to drop
Manduro is JUSTing an entire nation. It would be hilarious if not for the millions of people who are suffering because of this.

That makes it more hilarious tbqh

Petro is not only tied to oil but its cutting off several zeros off the Bolivar too
We all know how that turns out whenever a nation tries it

Is Venezuela now /ourcountry/?

Who else love Venezuelans'n'trade?

Attached: VENEZUELAnumberONE.jpg (420x260, 35K)

>tfw flip
>xem shills starting to grow here
>community events everywhere
will start bag holding if this reach 1550 down to 1450

Would /biz take in any Venezuelan refugees?

>investing on a communist

>Would /biz take in any Venezuelan refugees?
Kek no
Well I lied yes, but only their hot thots
Everyone else stay with Maduro

Attached: 1518646072316.gif (320x240, 2.15M)

How can I invest in anti-communist death squads? Also thinking about some nice city real estate over there

Why the fuck isn't this on Binance?

build a darkweb page and have a tons of funding