Britbongs call the second floor the first floor

>britbongs call the second floor the first floor

Attached: c84.gif (600x580, 436K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First floor is the ground floor, because its on the ground, yank. The first floor in our terms is the first floor above the ground floor.

only machines start count at zero

Circular logic. The ground floor is the first floor so the second floor is the first floor because the first floor is the ground floor.
Nice fucking retarded shit, bong.

calling them floors is retarded anyway. should be called rooms. they cuz are more than just floors, they are rooms

>Britbongs call the television "telly"
>Britbongs go to prison for wrongthink

Attached: 1561075633621.jpg (593x578, 106K)

That would be the 1st roof, not floor.

>bringbongs get out of prison amerifats stay for 20 years at least

You're fucking retarded. Why call the ground floor the first floor? There's a clear distinction

Because it's the first floor you stand on

>be American
>get arrested and imprisoned for smoking a plant
>still come on Jow Forums and shitpost about muh freedom

Its literally on the ground, hence the usage of "ground floor"

If an American goes to prison for twenty years they actually did something to deserve it
Britbongs unironically keep getting sent to jail and prison for having bad opinions

>Be Zhang
>Born and raised in Australia
>Don't speak Chinese
>Come on Jow Forums and act like a Chinese national

Because it's the first floor idiot, the floor on ground level is the ground floor, «rez-de-chaussée»

It's literally the first floor you walk on, hence the usage of "1st floor"

At the university I went to, all the buildings had the basement labelled as the first floor and the ground floor labelled as the second floor.

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count these lines

Attached: file.png (512x512, 23K)

3rd line
2nd line
1st line
Monitor line (because it's the first line on the monitor)

>be seppo
>can't respond to criticism
>immediately resort to use of "Zhang"
There's proportionately more Mexicans in the USA than Chinese in Australia you retard

1, 2, 3, 4

Ground, 1, 2 ,3

It's the first floor above ground that's called first floor nigger. Labeling floors implies at least one level above or under ground.

>Be Zhang
>can't respond to criticism
>immediately resort to use of things illegal in America
You're the one who randomly brought up other shit that wasn't relevant to the thread, so I did the same to you

>biscuits and gravy

Attached: c63szbubl8uz.jpg (600x500, 57K)

Gound floor is floor number zero.
Upper are +1, +2... And down is -1

>he starts counting at 0


>Be Australia
>Have a few mass shootings
>Government spergs out and bans most guns, now have to have a loiscense and appropriate reason
Virgin Australia
>Have mass shootings every one or two months for the past 20 years
>Regularly have shootings
>Only few restrictions came out of these shootings in 20 years
Chad USA

>he has never programmed before in his miserable "life"

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Count the lines now, retards

Attached: 1561761154433.png (512x512, 13K)

uuuuuh ground line, then 1, then 2, then blah blah blah DUMB AMERICAN ME MAD!!!

here you go retard

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Attached: floors.png (512x512, 7K)

>How to count to three?
>Ground, 1, 2, 3

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>moving the goalpost
Nice try, fuckboy.

1, 2, 3, 4

>What floor would you like sir?
>Negative 1 floor

basement, retard

Bottom shelf
First self
Second shelf
Top shelf

Attached: f633_main.jpg (1280x1024, 510K)

haha le goldface le ironic "humour" another great thread from shartmerica

>what floor would you like sir?
>ground basement floor

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-28 golden lel - Google Search.png (327x316, 222K)

I've seen elevators that mark the ground floor as G but then it skips straight to 2 afterwards. Thoughts?

imagine not having a ground floor

Go on to make another
"DO THEY REALLY?" thread haha Fucking faggot

chaotic evil

It's "premier sous-sol", "second sous-sol" and so on

Imagine staring at "ground" when you count instead of starting at 1

Why isn't it also called the ground floor? It's on the ground too, it's technically more on the ground than the "ground" floor

>tfw in Mexico you have a mix of both counting systems

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I'm an American and have three rocks, 1, 2, 3 rocks! This building? It has 3 rows of windows haha *clap* no I can't understand a clear logic un counting floors of man made structure as situated at ± whatever level from the ground.

nobody cares about french

I can't believe you've posted this

no argument from a bootlicker cancuck as usual. such a non post

Say what you want, but look lads, I think the Yanks have it right here desu. Still can’t fuckin stand em tho

>Cookies mixed with Gravy
I would eat the shit out of this


yeah it has 3 floors! 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor! not 0, 2, 3, that wouldn't make sense

Shut the fuck up you stupid retard cunt

>half the floor is buried underground
would be pretty cool actually

threads over bois...pack it up. page 10

I like using ground because then it matches nicely with roof. Lobby and parking are also based.

1st shelf
2nd shelf
3rd shelf
top shelf
you stupid frog

Im actually siding with the Americans for once, never though that would happen. Theyre actually comming with good bants too while brits are drooling over their own retardness. wtf are these hours im never staying up this late ever again

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The French for floor ("étage") means a building level above the ground. So there is no confusion about what 1er étage is. Ground floor is not an étage.
English vocabulary is weird because a single word can mean a lot of things, and its meaning depends of the region. that's why you're confused all the time.
>A floor, what is this? The bottom of a room? The level of a building? If so, where do we start counting?

anglos are retarded
there's some cool stuff in this article

The fact that most buldings "omit unlucky numbers" on their floors just proves how asinine and arbitrary these systems are.
>USSR used 0 to represent the 1st floor
Do they really???

>american are actually scared of the 13th floor
do they also omit the XIIIth century in the history books?

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I think that only happens in hotels because people would sperg and not book rooms on a 13th floor.

>this is real


americans can't do roman numerals

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New world anglos are «special»

Except for the NFL, apparently.

it really is

>american tourist is lost in museum
>ask me where Raffaello's paintings are
>tell him on the 4th floor
>mfw when he actually went to the 3rd floor
>mfw I see him going out all giggly with a replica in hand
>mfw I sent him to the souvenir shop

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I honestly don't get it.

yanks getting btfo left, right and center in this thread

This thread is like the usual N={0,1,2,...} vs N={1,2,3,...} thread on .

It has also been dead for well over an hour. Nice trips.

The blastoff is the "ground" you tard.

Its called the "ground" floor because its on the ground you dumb fucking seppos. Calling it the "first" floor doesn't make sense because you're already on the ground, you haven't gone up at all.

Seriously and to think these fucking retards have nukes




That's underground you dumb fuck

what do you call basements with more than one floor?

>zedth floor please

So why don't you call it the "underground floor"?

>Playing a video game
>Says the objective is on the first floor
>Go up 1 floor
>Turns out that it meant the ground floor

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You could just number them, underground 1, 2, 3

B1, B2 etc
can't even tell if americans are trolling or not anymore

>Calling it the "first" floor doesn't make sense because you're already on the ground
It's literally the first floor you step on retard

This. You enter a building, the ground floor is the FIRST floor you enter. You then go up one flight of stairs, and the floor above the ground floor is the SECOND floor you enter. You have to be brainless to not understand this.

Amerimutts are shit at maths, news at 11.

Don't you mean "Underground, -1, -2, -3"?

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>americans absolutely BAFFLED at the concept of elevator floor numbering

Jow Forums never ceases to amaze me

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