Seething muttoids be like

seething muttoids be like

Attached: seething.png (600x320, 169K)

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She’s a quarter Indian herself.

Craziest thing is she is 1/8th Indian herself.

she looks like a jew

>considering that what we call races are in fact subspecies
Yikes, very very VERY low IQ statement.

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I'm actually cringing so hard rn

Jow Forums the person

This. She's craving to be bleached and it's fucking embarrassing.

broke: mixing with niggers
woke: mixing with Asians

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The best thing you can do

Isn’t it like 2:30 am on a Friday night in Austria ?

At least White America agrees

>mixing subspecies is interspecies
what did they mean by this?

Sounds like she fucks BBC on the low

We can't even define species 'objectively'. She's also a vegan and said she would ban meat entirely if she were the president.

She is indeed partially Jewish, and Indian.

I guess if you share enough DNA, have the same number of chromosomes, and share a relatively recent ancestor then you are likely to be the same species. It's still arbitrary though.

the absolute state of Jow Forums

please slit your wrists

asian women are pathetic compared to black women

is racism really just a derivative of sexual envy?

>asian women are pathetic compared to black women

Unequivocally based. And strategically greenpilled

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It still can't be defined objectively. Biologists define species based on whatever is most convenient for them study-wise.

It's just like race, it's entirely based on convenience or an agenda, such as WASP Americans categorizing Germans, Italians and the Irish as non-white simply because they didn't like them. Or Southern Europeans being categorized as non-white because they have olive skin, dark eyes and dark hair.

And every human being alive today is a byproduct of inter-species mating, or "bestiality rape babies", as internet race experts would define it.

My personal objective definition of species is simply this: two different animals capable of procreating and producing healthy, fertile offspring. Whatever subjective criteria that comes from that is low IQ mental masturbation.

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I agree. It's more like a spectrum than distinct categories. I'd go as far to say that some other hominids ought to be considered human as well.

that's is actually the most fucking retarded shit I have ever heard where would you get the connection of it being bestiality what!


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>I'd go as far to say that some other hominids ought to be considered human as well.
Only those extinct species belonging to the Homo genus, and even then it's an uncertain claim due to sexual isolation or potentially infertile offspring. We've been sexually isolated from other great apes therefore categorizing all hominids as the same species would be objectively wrong.

It takes a considerable amount of knowledge in biology, natural selection and genetics to make objective claims regarding race and species, so the likes of Tara MacCarthy are nothing surprising as that's 99% of people who keep pushing race politics without having any understanding whatsoever of what they're talking about.

I could say that anyone with an IQ below 140 isn't human due to being less evolved and therefore should be exterminated for the greater good of humanity. I wonder what internet race experts would make of that.

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>tfw no black gf

>I could say that anyone with an IQ below 140 isn't human due to being less evolved and therefore should be exterminated for the greater good of humanity.
Fez seu teste de QI onde, inteligentão? Na internet? Vai chupar um canavial de rola seu trouxa.

t. illiterate in English language

Definitely if they're a woman

What. I thought the right wing loved to btfo people with logic and facts. People of different races have fertile offspring which is the definition of being the same species. Do americans really not learn this in school.

>t. illiterate in English language

No need to add "language" in the end of the phrase. The reader can infer that you are talking about the language. You 98th percentile genius.
Go back to 55chan circlejerk about Bolsonaro you reactionary retard.

You clearly didn't understand my post, or any of my previous posts.

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It is now.

based asians aren't even human

She's not American

Yes, I didn't even finish reading that post the first time. I feel incredibly stupid. kek

That stuff is banned in the South.

Based Poland

Americans aren't taught about the origin of whiteness but they do realize that it is malleable which is a fact that most learn to exploit for various reasons.