286th Friday of my adult life (since I turned 18).
286th Friday I will spend alone in my room (although, my dog is here with me)
286th Friday of my adult life (since I turned 18)
Other urls found in this thread:
> (although, my dog is here with me)
you have a right to happiness and comfort but something went wrong
18 is a gay fucking age don't worry
Go fucking out if you have your legs user.
> tfw found a girl and now we're practically dating
> we talk a lot and when we're together we kiss,hold hands,go places
> tfw it's not how I've imagined it would be after so much time being lonely and isolated from the world
It will be okat,right guys? right?
>Go fucking out if you have your legs user.
forgot image
I have no money to gamble.
beg for money on the streets like a true man and use it at the casino
Listen to weird music,I'll hook you up with something ,plug in earphones,you'll see why m.youtube.com
cheer up , try something different,go to /r9k
Is it that bad and unusual?
My life can still get better once I graduate with my undergraduate degree and go to graduate school.
>My life can still get better once I graduate with my undergraduate degree and go to graduate school.
yeah< but in the meantime you still have to sit through ~3 years of uni
I never said I was 18.
I said this is the 286th Friday since I turned 18.
but,no girl?
>being 23 and a half
jesus, grandpa
go start a career or a family already
ah poop I can't read
just go to the casino with $20 you won't regret it
I wish I had something to do besides watching TV with my parents.
find a girl that counts as a friend,a girlfriend
I'm a 169cm short "male" manlet midget. Far too short for a girlfriend.
Try being khv till 23...
I basically am.
I only had sex on two occasions when I was 18 -- five years ago.
enjoy life :DDDDDD
do not waste it on frivolities and dwell on your despair, rather focus yourself on the future and what it holds for you
the past is as the name implies, has passed
rather look to the future, and to change the course of your future you have to change the present.
be a better person than you were before. if you did one good thing, do two tomorrow. keep on improving yourself and be a better man.
I was a NEET for two years from ages 20-22.
I went back to university in August last year.
I have a very high GPA, because it is my only obligation in life.
I'm putting all my hope into getting into a good graduate and making something good come from that.
>when I was 18 -- five years ago.
graduate school*
How is he going to enjoy it without any friends?
well atleast youre not 29 and going to be homeless in 3 days