Do Americans really care more about illegals than their own?
Do Americans really care more about illegals than their own?
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Their argument is that illegal immigrants help pay taxes and contribute to things like social security and Medicaid, so because of that they should be helped by the government
Do Australians really have to produce their birth certificates or some other paperwork that proves citizenship in order to receive healthcare?
the democrats do at leas. That's why they're an even bigger clusterfuck than in 2016 somehow...
So its medicaid for taxpayers only?
I would rather die than receive healthcare if it meant that illegals would get it too. Fuck them.
why can't any candidate be pro environment pro gun anti immigrant. shouldn't be this hard to find one
For those that want Medicare only, it's cheaper to just provide it to everyone rather than having a massive bureaucracy to do background checks on people. For those that want a public option, they'll be paying for it, so there's no reason they can't have it.
Fuck Neoliberals
Fuck Progressives
Fuck the Democratic Party
Fuck Reptillary Clinton
Because no one wants to pull out their birth certificate to get their fucking broken arm set?
Why are so many of my fellow Americans so anti-immigrant?
fucking white poeple are so retarded. they are aided the guys that fucking hate us?
no thanks cuck fags
this is fucking america land of the free not land of socialism and high taxes
the era of whites will fuckign die because they have become total cucks
Politics mostly, same as always. People hated the Irish because the voted democrat and loved slavery. People hate Mexicans because they vote democrat and love slavery (socialism.) Basic stuff really.
overinflated sense of self-importance
America isn't white you moron. Christ you talk like you know about race but you just don't. Only 10% of the US is white.
illegal immigrants don't vote at all
Kys, Spic. You are not American and never will be.
I am indigenous.
"Diversity" is a capitalist ploy to legitimize structural oppression of the working class by making the oppressor have the same skin color as the oppressed. By convincing the proles that the ruling class is an extension of themselves, they dissuade them from demanding the fruits of their own labor.
Their kids will. That's what I mean. Honestly I think it's too late to stop but I can sympathi
Sure you are, Pedro.
Okay but why is the solution to immediately be anti-immigrant? It doesn't actually benefit the working class.
Haven't watched the democratic debates . Is it true that some of these fags introduced themselves in spanish?
Okay, don't believe me.
When you're getting votes by millions of anchor babies you're gonna pander to illegals
>But they pay taxes
No they don't retard. Most of them get paid under the table(cash) while doing SS fraud. Anyone who lives in SoCal has seen Latins standing near home Depot who work cheap but only take cash
any time anyone buys anything in ca they're paying tax through sales
Let's be real here. Its only wypipo that are against immigration.
Yeah. Medicare for illegals. Making it legal to cross the border. At this point we might as well just annex Mexico because every Mexican is packing their bags to move to America
Most don't.
But the politics of the Democratic party has shifted somewhat to the left, thanks to a new crop of overwhelmingly white progressives who increasingly define its narrative.
In the Democratic and Republican primaries, candidates hew to the extremes in order to capture more votes, since the only people voting are die-hard party members. In the general election, candidates tack more centrist, since they need to appeal to the undecided who could swing either way, so taking the Democratic debate as indicative of the general party sentiment isn't 100% fair.
Immigration drives down wages and the biggest funders for "open borders" initiatives are the Koch Brothers.
>But that’s only one side of the story. Somebody’s lower wage is always somebody else’s higher profit. In this case, immigration redistributes wealth from those who compete with immigrants to those who use immigrants—from the employee to the employer. And the additional profits are so large that the economic pie accruing to all natives actually grows. I estimate the current “immigration surplus”—the net increase in the total wealth of the native population—to be about$50 billion annually. But behind that calculation is a much larger shift from one group of Americans to another: The total wealth redistribution from the native losers to the native winners is enormous, roughly a half-trillion dollars a year. Immigrants, too, gain substantially; their total earnings far exceed what their income would have been had they not migrated.
>When we look at the overall value of immigration, there’s one more complicating factor: Immigrants receive government assistance at higher rates than natives. The higher cost of all the services provided to immigrants and the lower taxes they pay (because they have lower earnings) inevitably implies that on a year-to-year basis immigration creates a fiscal hole of at least $50 billion—a burden that falls on the native population.
-Immigration drives down wages for native-born workers
-The corporations profit from screwing over teh working class
-The burden of cost for housing the immigrants
falls on the government, who pays for this with taxes--taxes that the wealthy do not pay as much as they should
The worker gains nothing and loses everything, the corporation gains everything and loses nothing. It 100% in the interests of the corporate elite to have a world where countries have no borders and workers have no rights and no guaranteed minimum wage.
Oooooooh they're paying 10% tax with their EBT cards which they get because they don't report their real earnings and claim to be poor. Just come to Cali which barely spends $8000 per student even though it's one of the richest states.
But they don't.
>But the politics of the Democratic party has shifted somewhat to the left
the point was undocumented still have to pay tax, which makes your original foxnews-tier post incorrect
Tell that to the Democratic and Republican parties.
Yeah but a politician needs to be careful not to be to partisan because:
In the general the things they said in the primary will get brought up and you can't go from "Medicare for illegals abolish ICE" to "secure the border" without people asking questions
Even the crazies in your party might not vote for you if they think you're not gonna win the general
>in US
>break arm
>go to receive free healthcare
>forget to bring my ID
>get sent away
>Next day ICE shows up with the cops
>move too quickly while talking to ICE agent
>get shot by cop then deported
Such is life under a system that rations healthcare at point of service based upon citizenship.
You're fer sur a retard bro. A 10% tax from the government money they spend isn't paying tax when citizens pay up to 50%
How do they avoid sales taxes? Do they steal everything? Fucking mexicans they would do that.
sounds efficient, what's the problem
Shooting and then deporting citizens is bad user.
numbnuts, your original argument said illegals get away without paying any tax. that's just factually wrong
Fer sur lose my number B. Paying 10% tax on a welfare check isn't paying tax. If I take $50 from you and give $5 back I'm not paying $5. I'm taking $45
don't really have any sympathy for people, who the first thing they do on american soil is, break the law by entering illegally or overstaying their visa
Who is this tard whining about showing documentation at a hospital. Here you have to do it you hand them what's called a health card it has a picture of your face on it. Then they go treat you.
Don't conservatives want to eliminate the income tax anyways? Illegals are already paying their fair share honestly.
Then how do American citizens receive care in Canada? I know this happens so don't lie.
Medicare can be used in Canada and Mexico
I'm conservative and...
>Don't conservatives want to eliminate the income tax anyways?
Nope lol
The modern left here is as unamerican as it gets
how would illegals get on welfare without valid id
America is a country. It's values change. As it declines you are going to have to accept this or die.
Wrong. Illegals cost the tax payer billions.
SS fraud
Alright, how do we stop immigration? We, at the same time, are sending our worst and our best to your country and that's a problem for us too.
Conservatives say they are small government and shit but what they really mean is that instead of spending money to fix potholes they spend it on fighting wars against Israel's enemies
>Indian software engineer who immigrates to America can increase his income by a magnitude of 10
ONLY CORPORATIONS benefit from immigration!!!11!!
Who do retards think you are fooling by couching your xenophobic rhetoric as being pro-worker?
you expect me to believe jorge and his tamale stand who can't even speak english somehow knows how to defraud the government
Reminder that the GOP hates welfare on principle. Nothing they say is in good faith. If illegals aren't getting it then niggers are and that's why we need to get rid of it. Thank god the boomers are all dying off.
Build a wall. All the family separation stuff wouldn't exisrt with a wall
This. Gut the GI bill to pay for it.
>. As it declines you are going to have to accept this or die.
Protip: Everyone dies. Surprised nobody told you this yet.
What you need to 'accept' is that you will be immediately judged by God and taken to Heaven (doubt it), Purgatory (maybe) or Hell (most likely).
American values are all completely fake and based on vanities. The only values which matter are moral values. To feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Fasting and almsgiving. Humility and temperance. Purity of heart and poverty of spirit.
Yeah dumb dumb. Lots of SS fraud happens with illegals. You sound like your average nerd from a white community who's never been to places where they move in the most
are you even white? if not then you're opinion on any of this is irrelevent
Tax the money being sent to Mexico to pay for it
That's wrong though
Democrats do. Republicans want the leeches gone.
What board do you think you are on again?
Spoken like a real lefty
Absolutely based