Why are so many Amerimutts race autists?
Why are so many of you race autists in general?
Have sex.
Why are so many Amerimutts race autists?
Why are so many of you race autists in general?
Have sex.
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You are cute
kys cuckano
>anime reaction pic
into le trash
Look Sagiri-chan. Say hi to Sagiri people.
>Why are so many Amerimutts race autists?
Pretty sure this is an internet-only phenomenon, much like anime and "have sex" posting
Because I desperately want to fuck a brown-skinned qt
see? this is what i'm talking about.
i'm not even not white. you're just autistic as fuck.
nah you can tell people are really subsumed by it and really into it. they get really worked up about it.
it's mostly ethnics with identity issues larping to blow off steam
I am half Armenian.
I've seen more niggers and spics than you will see in your lifetime
You are ignorant, and you nothing of what minorities are really like
You'd be racist too if you were white and lived in a majority black city your whole life
kys cuckano
America number one
kys you stupid cuckano
i'm starting to think you're the chicano
Seems you're a little racially sloppy haha
cope: the thread
>race autists
please elaborate
i literally live in chicago, you're just an autistic virgin.
At least you get my ironic shitposting
kys cuckano
>Who? Me? Why of course i do make fun of my gf for being black and then fuck her brains out, what gave it away
t. mutt
you guys are obsessed with subraces, arguing about slightly different euro ethnicities, different continental races, etc. it's unhealthy.
Race is extremely important in the new world. How do you not know this?
Go to your safe zone.
>i literally live in chicago
And I literally live in Detroit
>you're just an autistic virgin.
Projection, and that's not an argument
your italian flag, you love niggers because you have african admixture
t. finnmutt
That's why you need to go outside and (ironically enough) have sex
Where at because I grew up on the south side and I can't stand stand Mexicans and blacks
have sex, incel
have sex. detroit is literally a gentrified hipster paradise in 2019.
you have autism
online yeah, because they don't say it IRL because they'll get their shit kicked in by niggers.
it doesn't mean they're not racist IRL they're just too afraid to speak out irl.
have sex incel
river north
Why is it unhealthy to discuss racial differences?
Because the posters you see online are only a few handful of autistics drawn to the same autistic boards you are.
Also I am married and have sex most every day. Now I just have to concieve
Yeah you can live in River North and almost never see a bigger though. You moved to the city from some nice suburb probably Orland Park or somewhere up north like Wilmette and moved into into a gentified area you puss
that's just fucking disgusting
you’re an autistic shutin who lives in a 90% white suburb, kill yourself faggot
dude i see niggers in river north/the loop all the time.
they all come here on the weekends. a lot of them work here in low level jobs.
it's not discussing racial differences, it's obsessing and autistically insulting people and claiming your heritage is better than others.
It's the actual mutts that give a shit like that chicano that complains about amerigoblos and the chicano that does the cringe threads
Some races of "people" just NEED to be tortured and executed my friend
>Now I just have to concieve
Why do retards do this?
this is what reading Jow Forums or /b/ feels like
It's just banter lad, i like black folks
Haha excellent meme my fellow redditard! Upvoted!
Yeah some bum or hotel worker isn't the same as living by them. I reminder the police used to hand out flares and tell white kids to beat the shit out of niggers and spics. The flares were used so the police could find the nigs and arrest them but we used to put them in their cars gas tanks and light them
It's over 300 million people. There's gonna be a lot of everything, especially Mexicans.
haha butthurt :DD
Sorry, dude, but niggas say "nigga" more than anybody else.
>I reminder the police used to hand out flares and tell white kids to beat the shit out of niggers and spics.
what? are you a boomer? when was this?
idk man i have black uber drivers all the time, they work in fast food, etc. they still exist here. and yeah there's black bums, but also they come downtown to shop on the weekends and party.
also what the fuck is a flare? you blew their cars up?
Late 90s early 2000s. And don't act like they live up there I'm River North in any meaningful way. If you want to know what real nigger behavior is go to a place just look at the old projects. The police used to blockade caprini green off for a week during new years and the nigs would shoot each other and deal drugs in front of the police barricade
A road flare.
Yeah they'd drive into the neighborhood with their shitty cars and ram into parked cars or try to run over people
You are not cute
they don't live here, i'm just saying if you go out during the day it still feels like there's a lot of them.
other than niggers you see a lot of asians, some hispanics, and some eurofags/indians/arabs/carribeans
and yeah i know there's a lot of shitty places in chicago and niggers can be subhuman.
that's not even really the race autism im talking about. im talking about people being autistic about physical features and being nordicists or whatever on here and just taking it to the extreme end of autism about every little thing about race.
that's crazy. i never knew cops were actually like that lmao.
Please kill yourself you're embarrassing the Empire
you're embarrassing your parents by existing user
Predictable projection coming from a traitor
stop having autism and realize people of all races can be good people user :)
If the Chicago police didn't have all the leftists watching them these days theyd go back to breaking niggers legs and tossing them in the lagoons.
shut yo ass up nigga lmao
i grew up in a small town in michigan with like 10k people so the cops never did shit like that. was like 90% white too. the cops could be assholes but nothing like that would ever fly or be thought of.
seems unreal hearing shit like this
Thanks for defending me, colony.
My goodness, you should be banned for such statement.
Blacks are literal sub humans that can't control themselves. They lose their virginity to their cousins and are actually rather inbred these days
my peepee smells better than a pussy and I'm straight
I'm sorry, how many murders in Chicago in the past few months? Have you compared it to national average?
You may say the Lefties are doing a good job, but I want to hear you say that to the mothers who lost sons or kids who lost fathers in Chicago.
there's still some decent, good, and intelligent black people. have you seriously never met one?
my stats teacher was black in college, really smart guy.
If you refer to your picture you will note that Sweden is not infact a colony
Didn't claim otherwise
Not enough to make me lose the distrust and disgust I have for them
Oh, very well sweden
you dont actually know where Sweden is located do you?
he's a mutt, user.
kys cuckerican
t. dumb, uneducated, fatass cletus
I'm glad we agree.
We don't need broken legs or lagoons, but some stop and frisk and not calling police racist for doing their job could save a lot of lives, including black lives.
Once we get through the hypocrisy, we can start keeping pple alive.
I agree with that, there is no need for this at all.
Sweden's not a colony, everybody knows that.
Sweden's a caliphate.
You got some fancy shoes there apu.
Mind if i take them for a spin?
Thanks for defending me fellow citizen
Good luck with that