1. your cunt
2. why are you an incel?
1. your cunt
Other urls found in this thread:
had sex
damn, this medieval lad looks like he is enjoying his pastry. Nice
have sex
I'm not, I'm a volcel
1. Flag
2. I don't really care about getting coochie that badly, so I don't really try
probably because ugly and poor
meh, too much effort for what it is 2bh
be sex
1. flag
2. volcel. waiting for pp to get bigger with jelq (got an entire inch already, just one more to go)
based countrymen
unironically these
to be honest i could be slaying right now () but i won't be truly happy if i'm not capable of giving mind blowing fornix orgasms. Life unironically only starts at 7.5 x 5.5 inches.
doesn't work, you need to have stronger erections during a significant and continuous period of time to see gains, there is a reason why people with sickle cell anemia have big penises
in theory a poorfag version of this treatment would be to take sildenafil 3-4 times a week, and not hesitate to go to the doctor in case the erection lasts more than 4 hours, you also need a very strong circulatory system, so a strong cardio routine is recommended
My dick is 8 long and 6 around and I have to take my SSRIs to even have sex with my gf because otherwise it’s too big and it hurts her
So no you’re wrong
>for the last time, it’s robot, not incel, redditors
sitting on the fence on whether i want to wait until marriage or not. id prefer my wife to be virgin so its only fair
I started having sex this year at 23
jelq is more of a broad term that i use, i actually do a whole set of exercises that i won't get into detail because everytime i do nobody replies back, but look up thunder's place routine on google, mine is just tweaked up to my level but looks a lot like it.
Penis enlargement works exactly in the way you described. It's basically an artifical episode of priapism. We inflate our penis with blood and since a lot of the pp is made of smooth muscle (like our stomach), it is capable of stretching to give more space to blood and consequentially increasing your dick size. I started 6-7 ish months ago and i increased it from 5.9 x 4.9 inches to 7.2 x 5.1 inches.
8x6 is my absolute final goal, because after that it's not worth it. But most women are perfectly capable of taking it if aroused enough. Maybe your gf is an outlier and is too tight or you're not giving her enough time to achieve full arousal.
You consumed too many memes lad
memes elected a fucking orange to presidency. You shouldn't be surprised that it may as well increase dick size. My ruler and photos i've been taking through the whole process don't lie, this shit is legit.
because I'm ugly, fat, and lack charisma
show those photos big boy
your not a real person right?
I am not
I just prefer to be alone and it has nothing to do with disliking women or else
t. actually have autism
I have avoidant personality disorder and can't keep a guy to save my life.
>I started 6-7 ish months ago and i increased it from 5.9 x 4.9 inches to 7.2 x 5.1 inches.
pics or didn't happen
I'm just a 23 years old khv. If you want to call me "incel", "volcel" or whatever it's your business, not mine
Used to be a volcel, however my current celibacy is the result of poor social skills and banal look.
1. USA
2. Not any type of cel, just a 20 year old KHV. Never bothered to talk to women and don't really care enough to start now
1cm long nipples crippled my self confidence for life
pics for science
jews turned white women against me
same, shocked you even posted, user