lol why do they think they are human?
Lol why do they think they are human?
shut up mutt
low iq
We didn't sell our souls to niggers because we are the niggers
based as fuck
we are taking this cunt slowly but surely brother soon will be the US-Brazil unity
wh*toid infected with the gay
you need the spics and nogs who are mostly resistant to the gay
What the fuck is that skeleton thing. Is he 15 or is he 35.
im not latin american tho
>you need the spics and nogs who are mostly resistant to the gay
Latam is probably the most gay region on earth tho
everyone except for colombia gets to be part of the true american empire
that yuge watermelon hit looked dangerous af
based. we'll just align with the chinks and destroy america from within one state at a time, strting with CA and NY
>pic related
always knew you were race traitors fucking scum we'll make sure to put toxic waste in your fukcing water too and dilapidate your economy even worse
based obesity is natural selection
this is why i called you mutt
only latams are mutts
If I see a fat person in McDonalds scarfing down a trayfull of Big Macs, I'm going to be a judgemental arsehole.
If I see a fat person on a treadmill at the gym, actually working up a sweat, I'm thinking "Good on ya, mate".
no, only usa is mutt
american pig die
why can't this be me?