/smg/ - Stock Market General

0.03% Profit today edition
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I vote this as the real thread


What the public wants it get

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last for this thread is fake and gay.

What are we /sip/ping tonight lads?

The market will decide (we lost pack it up)

Wha! Me never hear any one complain about this b4 @_@
N-no way

Penis size / girth and picture right now

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No you humongous weak-handed degenerate, show them the post ratio hockey stick chart.


Bold move, over exposure. You ready?
Short VXX which tracks the VIX.
Buy XIV which is inverse to the VIX.
Buy SPXL which is a 3x levered SP500 ETF
Short SPXS which is a 3x levered short SP500 ETF
If this isnt just a correction were screwed, if not, then congrats.

Listen you nerd!!!! I'm trying to give the shorts false confidence don't blow my cover.

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ill stand here in solitude

im not sending you dick pics you harlot

>Buy XIV
user i...

Futures tanking right after the bell, days gains about to poof.

>buy XIV
This isn't healthy, user.
It's time to move on.

Kneepad is asking for dick pics and you're turning her down?! Many would pay for this opportunity.

If the funding is secured this will be an insane week. Why did Tesla rally today?

>Buy XIV
Hello there time traveler from 2017! A word of advice, if you get back to your home timeline, sell everything on February 1st. Also don't bet on fucking Croatia in the world cup, I don't know what I was thinking there

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post email throwaway and everyone will send you em nigba

>jungian psychoanalysis


buyout. I bought 1 share today at $299, looking forward to my $131.

Never doubt the Musk

threadly reminder, manafort is going to be convicted this week and the market's going to react bigly.

because im not a thirsty betafaggot
thats why dick pics are requested of me, and not you
this does nothing to change my decision however
i will not be sending dick pics to rkg


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why? Manafort is just a headliner. He is not material to the admin.

are we expecting anything from EBAY? It's attractive at this price.

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What makes you think so? Lower buyout price of $400 or something?

>manafort is going to be convicted this week
convicted of what exactly?

they're going to try to impeach your president

Not sending a trap dick pics is the most beta thing a man can do. Now you have the kneepad hex, enjoy never getting laid again.

RTI looks bullish but not convincingly so. Could dump tomorrow with the rest. Or not. I pulled 35% of my position right before close for 9% profit.

TBP also still bullish but flirting with overbought RSI. Today may have been a double top on the recent run up. We'll see tomorrow. I have only 12000 warrants left to sell (cost average 22cents, currently trading 41 cents).

Meh, will just win mid terms for R and go nowhere.

daily reminder that Bears lost again

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was he gonna buy out Tesla or something?

the market has reacted to none of the Trump "investigation" news, unless you count NYT doing a run from $12 to $26 as they sold this kayfabe.

what's the poorman's bloomberg terminal?

cell phone.

tradingview and finviz and options profit calculator

Yahoo finance RSS

ETSY is the better but desu

>shorts tech on the day
>its down
s-so this is w-what losing f-feels like?

honestly this desu

Did anyone else have some comfy lil gains today? Not much news out, just a nice lil green bump.

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Had a comfy little bump into my ATH

Made a comfy 2% off my boomer stocks today. No panic for me.

so you captured a 0.12%

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‘‘Twas a good day today. Prepping my ass for Her Trump tweets, good or bad.

Hello goyim. here's a useful sim for you.


Simulation of Israel / Ireland / US ETFs (Version 2)

- Compares ETF Israel \ ETF American \ European ETF accrual \ European ETF department \ fifth option

- Uses the exact same formulas for all scenarios, so there is much less room for error

- Each option has the same parameters that can be played with them, plus there are global parameters that affect the whole simulation

- Contains a fifth option that allows you to play with its parameters without touching the 4 main ones

- Supports the deposit of new funds up to X years

, And the withdrawal of funds after Y years - supports fairly well in the calculation of real taxation (even after deposits and withdrawals)

* - also takes into account the taxation of countries of origin in each of the options (based on the data from the map)

- Like the previous version, supports various fees, the cost of life insurance, reinvestment of excess dividends, and more.

* The calculation is not 100% accurate, but is close enough. Exact calculation should simulate FIFO-based taxation whereas I assume tax based price-controlled buying.

As usual for playing with the parameters, you need to make a personal copy of the document because it is read-only.


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Made some plays to try and recover from last week's Tesla losses. Still way behind

Had a good day, much better than being red desu senpai
Also r8 my portfoli plox

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Bought some MU halfway through the day. Was pretty wholesome 7/10 would buy again.

That sure doesn't look like a boomer index fund to me! It isn't even Wednesday, what were you supposed to do again?

made $262 doing absolutely nothing (albeit all unrealized)

>; k
Me want see penis me want see penis!

Messed up me entry bad and accidentally broke sells into 3 trades so turned what should been ez $200 day into $40 day -_-

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I hope y’all niggas loaded up on EZA puts

with one of use long tlt and the other short tlt, somebody is bound to get just'd.

That's uber cool my jew! I'm going to download the heck out of this
>everyone had a good day
>except certain tripfags
T-this doesn't count because I'm going to buy back in with these gains!!

Why so much NOK comfy?

Turn the SPXS shorts into SPXS calls and take out VXX and maybe you thinking like heggie instead Kaiji

desu I would be willing to pay for robinhood gold if it gave me better charts

lol thats rich coming from mr "muh comfy +0.03 day"

besides, the plan is to short tech for the whole week
then long IWM/DIA to hedge (ill be taking this tomorrow, especially if theres a dip)
prolly time for a couple VIX calls too, but i didnt see any premiums that looked attractive
covered my vol shorts today

im not that easy

thats about as good a sell signal as any
shorting them tomorrow
dont be surprised if their market reacts positively tho
that shit is manipulated as any commie govt market
the difference here is that its literally falling apart, and no one can even make it up to look good

have they fired you yet?

I used to own stocks.. I sold some weed stocks at a loss to get into crypto, at which im now at a loss on. Should I sell at a loss to FOMO back in?

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>pays a dividend
>muh 5G meme
>growth potential
>my first phone was a brick nokia
>my dad's favorite company
I-i'm not an emotionally driven investor!

>short tech all week
Teh Profit you fool
Dont say I didnt warn you, youll come crawling back to the bull

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hey thanks moishe, this looks bretty cool

sounds like index time

Alright desus, I'm allowing a vote on my next stock purchase (September 5, 2018). It'll be $1200 to $1500 and it will be all on one position:


Which and why?

the goy's are fomo'ing back in. It's time to leave.

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My $400 CGC option isn't looking so stupid now. Thank you based w33d

sell at a loss to get out of crypto (garbage in general), and do actual research to find worthwhile stocks

if you're too lazy to do actual research, then take one user's (my) advice and buy GALT asap

boy they bout to do it

im just kidding about selling my crypto, im just ganna hodl and accept the losses.

Thinking of getting back into weed stocks tho. Is HMMJ a good buy? I want to get into CGC, EMMBF, NMUS and the Acreage IPO when it comes out


Other decent stocks ive been eyeing are
Lockheed Martin


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Hehehe, things are starting to turn red
Is the market catching a bit of a cold??

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most brainless thing Ive ever read, fuuuck man


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literally whats wrong

not yet time to buy oil related stocks
go long natural gas for winter, buy at the dip
only buy if there's news they're going into weed
the only safe choice
poor management and equally poor coffee

just hang out itt and wait for a trip poster named planes to give you his expert picks.

just taking a rest before the big Pump

not all week if its not necessary
but i will if i have to

i see the same movements in the high yields as the last time they crashed out for a week (which pulled us down and spiked VIX)
look at the bollinger band width on the weekly of HYG
theres almost no buyers up here

FED shitpost is coming up again, which will likely yield further interest risk, but i think theres something else that is causing them to diverge again. i think it has something to do w why all the FAANG memes (who all have some pretty junky debt) are bottomed out on their ranges rn

>youll come crawling back to the bull
i mean im gonna do both
my new main meme is to bet inverse on two different indexes depending on which i see outperforming/lagging. so far its been bretty cool

so are you gonna twist the knife and do a big5/LCI roundup?
you know that will summon him

I think you're crazy to buy in right now. Canopy is about to set a new ATH. 1-2 days max before 20%+ retrace.

Buy at 19.00 or lower when dip
Get memed into their marketing and watch their stocks fly
>Lockheed Martin
No space force, no buy

>Im just gonna hodl crypto
>Should I buy weed stocks
>Should I buy lockheed martin and amd?

I dont know how much longer I can handle seeing this question
Please, leave my sight forever

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Is there any enterprise software stock that isn't horribly overpriced out there?

Just buy cheap semis, hopefully when Trump and China beef harder.

>not buying based TMUS


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>talk about penises bashing into cervixes and not dick pics
;_; cruel

Kek no way me made 1k on Friday and Hillary says me have "magic tounge"

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I bought a NBO again today
it is curving up

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Will big5 literally ever be able to show his face here again?

>Big5Guy called LCI his baby

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He had a mini meltdown a few hours after open then switched all his rage to his stockwits
He gone forever

Already got some MU, I'm just looking to shift most of my EU-hosted ETF portfolio into US-traded stocks and am buying shit across sectors.

Even the people on Stock Twats are laying into him for being retarded.
Pic related

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Little bump from a lot of the boomer stocks, not so much on the speculation.
Have now lost $100 on my 100 block of GE. Gearing up for further losses.
Lost $3 on the 10 shares of Ford I bought for shits and giggles.

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forgot pic

high yields rarely go for a "bullrun", unless they just crashed
so when i see BBW get this low, and the assets STILL arent moving up, i have to assume it has something to do w the fact that no one is fucking trading them

i sold off all mine a few weeks ago
ill wait for pow pow to pop up the yields some more desu

ive been called many things

desu, a few more days of blood and im prolly buying some for call writing

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HYG and EEM will crash first

also, i meant big5/LCI roundup in terms of a snarky podcast directed almost totally at him