Most overrated food in the world. Fuck this overpriced crap.
Most overrated food in the world. Fuck this overpriced crap
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Agree 100%
Jap food is disgusting and anyone who claims otherwise is an incel with a yellow fever-ridden brain.
it's originally fast food which you can take protein and curb at the same time, like burgers and sandwich.
yeah i think too it's not sophisticated cuisine.
>fuck this overpriced crap
no, I still like it anyways. especially the salmon you just posted.
At first I'm like "what? Salmon?" But then I saw the scam with rice
that wourd be 300 dorrars gaijin
More people need to know the chinkoid menace.
>mostly sliced from N*rwegian toxic farmed salmon
No wonder I'd prefer nip ramen over that shit anyway.
tuna looks bad, squids looks bad, and why egg has no rice underneath.
>"what? Salmon?"
Wut? I'm a Hungarian who had to pay over 10 euros for 8 tiny balls of rice with even tinier strips of fish. Fuck you and fuck your nigiris.
needs a jp flag korean migrant calling out japanese war criminals
>imagine being so poor you have to trash poor man's luxury food
Fish is expensive. Also nowadays there are Asian all you can eat buffets where you can eat sushi and tons of other chink food for like 15 euros.
>poor man's luxury food
I like it but that's actually a good name for it
Fast food is luxury food now? Sushi is the hamburger of Asia.
>mfw the Chili's on base is busy every weekend
I thought that was ramen
>military man is in japan instead of the middle east
fucking nice
westerns mainstream foods are mostly potato/ meats in general and fish are rarely served in their dishes, so it's strategy to value it highly and make sea foods market in western
I'm not poor at all but I still hate wasting money. When I pay 10€, I expect a normal fucking meal but apparently these Japanese scammers really do think that their nigiris are worth that much.
That's because Hungarians are too hungry.
Sushi is not for fulfilling full of a stomach, if you wanna do that, then go eat some burgers, you 3rd world fucker.
>Fast food is luxury food now? Sushi is the hamburger of Asia.
Confirmed for retard
That still doesn't change the fact that I can buy like half a kilo of salmon fillet plus few kg of rice for that price. If those 8 nigiris costed like 2 or 3 euros, I wouldn't be complaining.
you can find better japanese food like gyoza, takiyaki or yakitori, but everyone is obsessed with sushi
Same thing when people eat pizza instead of calzone
Calling a restaurant that only serves sushi a Japanese restaurant is like calling Subway a French restaurant
this, western people are obsessed with only Sushi when it comes to Japanese foods. I'm not sure of how many things are recognized in there as Japanese foods except Sushi and practically served in restaurants.
would be good without the rice
I've never been to a Japanese restaurant without leaving hungry
You're just a pleb, Laszlo.
Sea urchin and eel sushi is good as fuck
I'll list some more pleb stuff we like
>miso soup
>edamame pods
It's because Asians consider obesity a bad thing. Being full is a sign of having eaten too much.
>300 euros? you just put fish on rice you slacker!
It is really an acquired taste if I am going to be straight forward with you sir.
I only ever eat sushi if it is made at an ''all you can eat'' type of place because then I can gorge upon 50 pieces if I would so chose for ONLY 9 euros.
that's weird
>The earliest form of sushi, a dish today known as narezushi, has its probable origin with paddy fields along the Mekong river in Southeast Asia. The prototypical narezushi is made by lacto-fermenting fish with salt and rice in order to control putrefaction.
Japan confirmed for your evolutionary cousin.
dinner yesterday. Not even to meme, it was 200 dollars per meal. Yes, this is not sushi, but it is the only picture I took. To be honest, it was worth the price
Negro behavior
By the way, I was almost TOO full after
mmm might open that 3 year old can of surströmming in my fridge.
not even joking, I have a can in my fridge and its bulging all around.
It looks like a half deflated american football
It looks good, but was it $200 good? I know you said it was worth it but geez. Surely there are diminishing returns once the price climbs.
hell yeah, I'd eat it
lmao faggot
gaijin ripoff restaurant
it's not worth
200 dollars isn't a lot of money unless you're a student. He probably doesn't eat that every day.
it is overrated as fuck but thank god for the chinkification of canada because I don't even have to think twice about choosing a place to go on a date because east asian cuisine is "in" these days
Nah senpai. Salmon and yellowtail never ever get old.
traditional italian pizza
I'm 6'4 and 210lbs so maybe I am obese to Japanese standards
tell me this isn't worth $200, you had course costing $200, didn't you?
It's pretty hard to eat Asian because they tend to avoid spices to not confuse the white man.
>It is really an acquired taste
it isn't, most people like it at first try
lmao look at the state of that
Я пpocтo бeйтyю япoшeк)) Этo oдин из тeх тpeдoв, кoтopыe вceгдa пoлyчaют Ю.
You need to remember that most Swedes eat food like meatballs and other things meant for children. To them, sushi is very exotic.
sure but I wouldn't splurge on something like that even if I was insanely rich. I might be jewish though.
>for that
I would believe you if you said you bought it in Tokyo
ok show me the proof
>200 dollars
hooooly shit you got scammed
yes idiot that is why i said so
restaurant has existed since edo period, you are fully wrong
please do not make assumptions.
yes the course, not JUST that sashimi
yes Tokyo
I disagree. you are a Broke Nigga, so I doubt you would know. I apologise for your situation
In summary: hoes mad
>imagine not running when they gave you the bill
mate you're a loser
Based yellow man destroying whitey poorfags
Exactly. It was my best friend's birthday
why are you defending paying 200 dollars for fish on rice
Haha.. niggeri sushi.
Ok I give you this but Hawaiians make the best version.
Well, let us take a step back. Look at my position:
I am defending a meal made by a chef who has been perfecting his craft over 36 years. Fresh fish, better than you have ever tasted. I am sure of it. Excellently made rice, each grain is separate and perfectly vinegary. Real fresh grated wasabi has a delightful scent to clear your sinus. The atmosphere is calm and delightful. Akin to art. Several courses, well paced - not too slow or rushed. The theme and music of the chef's course selection is clear.
OKAY. Let's see what you defend:
"Hurrrr I have no palate. Dum Jap BTFO BAHAHAH. I love eating triple my daily caloric intake. Life is totally void!"
Who here is more reasonable? Let's take a vote.
Holy fucking based
>b-b-but it's a SPECIAL ball of rice with a strip of fish
>totally worth 200$ hehe
Yeah, not falling for your scams, Jap. The American is right.
>several courses
was that part of the $200?
tempura is Portuguese in origin but in modern cuisine bears no resemblance
Thank you for your understanding, my cultured friend
Yesss it's 200 for the whole dinner. Not just for my picture
Get in here.
aw shit I had the 'tism
you did well then
I mean it's good but not as much as people crave for
Why are japs such good consumers?
That's an oof for me sir
absolutely disgusting
It has been hyped by the Whitoid liberal braindeads.
Nice. Would eat and drink kirin with.
Why is fish so expensive everywhere? Even in New England, fish is the same price as steak on menus
chinks and gooks are unironically subhuman tier when it comes to food
Seeing how it came from the Mekong, Laotians are just Swedes LARPing as Kra-Dai
It is, you ignorant mutt.
Kek. I don't like Japanese, Chinese or Korean food. I think anything made by Asians is disgusting and gag at just the thought of it. Of course, I think Chinese is the most disgusting of all.
Japanese food is great, especially after Westernization which made their cuisine truly excellent. I make Gyudon all the time.
full course meal from an experienced chef in Tokyo for 200$
Seems reasonable, can you give me the name of the restaurant, I would like to go there in the future.
not surprised a muttgarian posted this
I'm a pure Dravidian BVLL.
>*puts raw fish on rice*
>thatu wirru be 500 dorrarsu prusu tippu, baka gaijin
What does Brazilian food look like?
Literally this, I can't believe Westoids keep falling for this meme.
(Admittedly Japs did trick me once, but I've learned my lesson after I paid over 10€ for 8 tiny nigiri sushies).
Fuck I want sushi now, haven't had sushi in years
And pizza
>And pizza
"Brazilian food" is a term a bit broad, though here is a traditional fish dish from my city, plus it isn't overpriced like raw fish restaurants.