Aaaaand there it goes boys
Aaaaand there it goes boys
feels good to be a no coiner in 2018
I would love to force it in her brapper
>waited 3 days for this dump
>bought back in a few hours ago
>tfw going to die a poor virgin who has never touched a boob
Just sell now and buy back in lower. Cause it is going lower
>not consuming processed foods microwaved in plastic containers to give yourself tits that you can touch whenever you want
>tfw too afraid to take HRT and become my own girlfriend
Not necessarily. Get rich and you can buy the privilege of caressing a hookers supple bosom.
>shitposting on Jow Forums
>see this thread
>wow is it finally under $5800
>check coinbase to see how close it is to my buy order
Fuck you and your shit thread OP.
>Buy order
>Buy order reached
Shoulda waited Rajeet, it's going down to 6k
get out there and make it happen it user, i believe in you
Tits are great user, you're missing out.
s-sauce op? I need it.
OP was trying to tell you to specialize in gymnastics coaching, then you can touch all the boob you want
>tfw no jp kawaijuku manavis wasurenai qt to play ping pong against as you grow old
imagine sniffing a brapper like that
>being an illiterate faggot
I said I checked coinbase to see how close it was to being reached, it clearly hadn't because its not even under $5800 yet.