How much money do I need to get a girl like this?
How much
None, just force her to be your gf
she'd need to pay me
You need however much she sold her hair for.
Honest answer: just enough to pay your bills and buy her dinner occasionally.
Thats a wig
stop posting that pic you fucking retard
Thank you for your honest answer user.
She never sold her hair. I think she look lovely with short hair.
>Check IG
>"Body positive", ie. fat
>Half of the pictures she looks like a pig, the other like a mannish dyke
You can have her. Cost? Lots of grocery bills.
T. Low test faggot.
Never reproduce
Who is this woman?
Unironically get your testosterone checked and start lifting weights
Stephania Ferrairo
Thanks. All the beta fags be like she fat
The same beta fags unironically would rather see a 90lb toothpick with the body of a boy. Fucking pedos
She looks like the female version of me.
Old hags literally can't compete
I won't my head between her legs while she forcefully pisses into my mouth.
So you've never had a gf...
Kys pedo. This shit needs to be kicked off as well as you fucking ip. I hope you get ass cancer.
Clearly you haven’t. Girls are easy
Butthurt hag fucking nigger newfag detected.