red flags for women:
go on guys
red flags for women:
go on guys
Bantering you and not being submissive
Are you gonna marry her? No? Then why do you care?
Laughing my ass off
You're there to smash pussy
>not East Asian
>not East Asian
out of here, its men with experience that get to talk
Lurking on Jow Forums on a Saturday night.
>not East Asian
no university degree, another one means he wasnt good enough for it
single mom
' i only have guy friends '
' i hate drama '
' if you cant handle me at my worst then you dont deserve me at my best '
' im a princess '
' i love black guys '
forgets how many men she has dated
>non natural hair dye
Not being a man
>how is your boymode going?
>Any fun stuff happen recently?
>Have you been mistaken for a girl at all?
>Post pics and we can give constructive criticism!
Let's try to make a comfy thread!
doesnt have the same ethnicity as me
>she's trad (aka boring, backwards cunt whose only goal in life is shitting out children, being a housewife and wiping some kid's shitty asshole)
>she's religious (or "le spiritual but not religious")
>she' obsesses over dogs/cats/animals in general
>she's a virgin or a total slut
>she's part of a subculture
>she "expresses herself" through fashion
>she wears makeup all the time
>she isn't chill and cares what other people think
>she never drinks
>she's right-wing
>she's not curious and doesn't have any interesting hobbies
>she's monolingual
this is why you are alone magyartard
You are not cute
Nisam više :^)
A u svakom slučaju, znaš i sam da sam u pravu u vezi ovoga.
excess of make up, dying her hair pitch black, ugly tattos, only minimalistic ones allowed, lack of fashion sense
Incel: The Thread
Hair dyes
Body modifications
Not taking care of body
Stinky smell
Virgin: The post
drago mi je za tebe madjarko. Jel neka slovenka? I sam znas kolko mrzim dlakave dinaroide
obsessed with horses
Can you faggots please argue in english
>Doesn't exist
She looks down on manlets despite being 153cm
>listens to black music
Congrats retard, you only want the negatives of a woman
>Extremely proficient at navigating social media
I am talking about flipping through pages, looking at photos, and dropping likes at incomprehensible speeds.
That girl was such a ho. Good lord could she suck dick though.
Seethe: the reply
t. roastie
Dog eater: the canadian
Poor fag: the argenchino
Dyed hair
Does drugs
Worked as a waitress
Studied Psychology
Obsessed with social networks
She makes the first move
Does not read books
Wears make up even to just buy groceries
Is a chatterbox
Barely knows English
To se podrazumeva :)
>you only want the negatives of a woman
If what's supposed to be a woman is a boring, dumb creature with no ambition then I'll gladly accept that I'm gay.
>Mostly guy friends
>Incredibly active on Twitter
>A mom that lets her do whatever she wants
>Has opinions about anything (especially political ones) but never see her researching anything
>wears too much make up
>has a robotic personality and no interests (so no east asian women and most white women)
>identifies with a political party/obsessive about politics (i will not be friends with guys like this either)
>didnt beat odd world A.O when she was 10
You just described your president.