What's the most cuck nation?

What's the most cuck nation?

Attached: 827.png (680x638, 250K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=sweden destroying relics&oq=sweden destroying relics&aqs=chrome..69i57.3628j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

canada or sweden

ex-USSR republics


Non-meme answer: Kiribati. It’s literally being cucked by the ocean

my city

Central asians are getting cucked by Russians pretty badly.

The US easily
>highest amount of interracial couples in the world
>went from 90% white to 50% in 50 years
>huge debts to get an education
>slave for corporate America, gets at maximum of 10 paid vacation days

No they're not

I don't know about others but I heard a lot of Kazakh women marry Russians.


>In one eyebrow-raising episode, Varthema reports that a local merchant invited them to sleep with his new wife, explaining it was the "custom" of the land to invite strangers to deflower virgin brides. Cazazioner dutifully took up the request

Tatars are already completely mixed with Russians.


USA, no contest

Attached: Idiocracy.jpg (865x507, 52K)

Colonised and change the demographic and names with alien's

Liechtenstein is landlocked by two landlocked countries
that's pretty cucked if you ask me



Yes, keep coping burger. It is still true all the million times you go butthurt about it.

Attached: (((Western Civilization))).jpg (2348x2796, 1.95M)


Einfach nur geistig behindert, Junge...

>Andorra is ruled by France
>Bosnia is assigned a high representative in case retarded slavshits start chimping out against each other again
>Palestine is occupied by Israel
>Cyprus got significantly cucked by Turkey
>Moldova got cucked by Russia
>Ukraine got cucked by Russia
>Yemen is getting extremely cucked by the S**dis
>Iraq is cucked by various different countries and Hezbollah basically rules it
>Syria is syria

Ireland. They speak the language of the people they claim to hate the most (who literally forced that language on them with no resistance), while their native tongue is dying rapidly due to total disinterest from the public.

They do it to secure genetic diversity, same with the steppe people

So ist Amerika eben

I have nearly a month (28 days) of paid vacation a year. Not sure what you're going on about.

True I never understood why they didn't have a nationwide program to force their people to learn Gaelic.

They really speak gay language?

Ireland speaks English, not British.

Dunno if joke or serious

wasn't sweden destroying its nordic relics because they were "offensive" to refugees?

US: free pass to illegals, white population dwindling, money going to foreign countries instead of its citizens
Swedistan: literally a caliphate, not even reporting ethnicity of criminals anymore
Germany: always trying to hold dominion over Europe one way or another, even if it means taking 3rd world "refugees" in masse
UK: oi, you got a permit for that twitter post you're making there? That might be a hate crime you know!
Canada: bowing down to accommodate brown people and terrorists over their own citizens

Attached: 7ef.jpg (600x600, 32K)

USA, Greece and Sweden

You forgot Chile:
>Let a fuck ton of Haitians that aren't even from the continent come here

Attached: 1554504049940.png (327x316, 211K)

You believe everything you read on Jow Forums?

canada sweden


google.com/search?q=sweden destroying relics&oq=sweden destroying relics&aqs=chrome..69i57.3628j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>literally one minister for it and several hundreds against

>t.20 million illegals


did it happen?
were some nordic relics destroyed?

Of course not retard.

well, your feminist government ignored the no-go zones for so long i wouldn't doubt they would be destroying your past physically now

literally any ex-Spanish colony
y'all are literally their rape babies and base your entire society on worshiping whites

You have been way too much on Jow Forums reading garbage sources.

Pro tip: 99% the time some retarded proposition is done or anything along those lines it's one no name politicians with absolutely no power making them.

i don't even go to Jow Forums, but nice, but also one person having that kind of thought will enable more people to think like that in the future, so you're not that safe as you think you are


US is 76% white

