Black people moved into my same apartment building

>black people moved into my same apartment building

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Good, try to talk with them and your English might improve.

That's a sexy rabbit

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Are you white? You better not call the cops on them for some dumbass bullshit.


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Make sure you keep your parking spot reserved otherwise it'll always be occupied by one of the 400 people they'll have over every night.

That's a hare.



>black people moved into my same apartment building

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>black people
well, which one is it?

we're the only people

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I feel you man. Except I'm a white dude in a black neighborhood, there has never been peace here.

How do you sleep? Black people go to bed at 5 AM.

>black neighbourhood
oh yeah, i forgot that happens a lot in the US
you're there for actual money reasons or because it's simply cheaper to live there?

Can't you call the cops on them?

i d-don't want to get in trouble with them

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Most of the time they're up all night but quiet enough that I can sleep. The worst is weekends because they blast music and shout their coon jabber all night and there's people driving in and out of the neighborhood at all hours with their windows down and jungle music all the way up for whatever retarded reason.
I'm poor and need to live in an area with work opportunities.

Good, good. This life is for partying. You, beta virgin, should kill yourself if don't like to socialize.

>swedish rabbit

Do you ever walk by black girls and hear them whisper to each other "he cute"?


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>implying partying = socializing

I too have black neighbors. They seem to be from Africa and hardly speak German. They are unbelievable loud, it's like they never used such a thing as a simple door before and as such always close them with all their might.

There’s a pretty big difference between a rabbit and a hare though

I had one of my black female classmates who lives in the next hood flirt with me late one night when I was going to a hotbox with some friends who live there. I thought she was messing with me until we got in the car and all the dudes told me she likes me.

Now you must make friends with them or you are racist.

I'll be calling the cops on you very soon.

just call the cops on some really illegal shit like drugs or violence
faggot white person is self loathing
what assholes, some people have fuckig lives that don't involve decreasing their IQ.
Im a math major and I live with my mom (i know gay but I save fucking money) and the neighbors are fucking loud and partying all the time.
>mfw trying to study my maths but you hear people's shit music that is over powering your based erik satie and you can't concentrate because of all the screaming.
>zhang found out who drake was now wear durag
ima need you to turn yo durag back in nigga. who eva signed yo pass was a bitch ass canada nigga, not even a real nigga he was a nigglet.
>lmao I love seeing wiggas get beat then they turn into nazis
>you don;t go to sleep at 5am
lol faggot doesn't sleep throughout the morning and schedules his classes early
>call cops
>its an anglo cop
>they give cop a beer
>cop gives you a ticket for a false claim
i have familia in mexico and all they do is fucking party I hope trump builds that fucking wall
there letting the noise air out kek
kill yourself degenerate scum
did ya fuck tho? be honest she was cure huh?
if you didn't ur gay 1000000%
>never seen black people but advocates for them
lol swede white fag

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>107747188 (You)
a shiny (You) for you

you sound miserable af.

the fuq u say to me gringo?
oh a miserable life?
yes of fuckign course because of those faggots partying loud. I just want to be alone and study my maths dammit.
I once had a flesh light but I over used it and it was useless in a month
have fun being a faggot doing drug you whore
based cool guy brazilian better than average american mutt whore.

You gotta throw away the whole building now


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>white and black roommates hated each other
>white roommate was a terrifying alcoholic who marched into my room at night and demanded to see my ID to confirm I was who I said I was
>black roommate was chill but played music too loud, took advantage of my help too many times, and had a meltdown to end all meltdowns when he couldn't pay rent the third time in a row
>two Mexicans hid in their rooms and were never seen

Now I live alone and I only have a cat to torment me.

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Today I was sitting in my car shitposting from my phone when I heard a crazy homeless black man talking to himself very loudly. I looked in my side mirror to see what was up but he saw my face in the reflection and he said: "AW, I KNOW WHAT HE THINKIN: EEK! A NIGRA!"

I was very offended at first, but after a few moments of reflection I realized that the crazy homeless black man was exactly right: I had been thinking, word for word, what he had accused me of thinking.

So he won that round.

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Glad my nearest neighbor is a half mile away desu

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